RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

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UN Investigation Finds US Soleimani Killing 'Unlawful' As There Was 'No Evidence' Of Imminent Threat

UN Investigation Finds US Soleimani Killing 'Unlawful' As There Was 'No Evidence' Of Imminent Threat

The United Nations released the results of an investigation into the January 3rd US drone strike on Iran's top IRGC general Qasem Soleimani calling the killing "unlawful" on Tuesday. The report by Agnes Callamard, UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, further concluded it violated the UN charter and deemed it an "arbitrary killing" — especially given, according to her findings, there exists no evidence that Soleimani was planning an imminent attack on the...

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UN Investigation Finds US Soleimani Killing 'Unlawful' As There Was 'No Evidence' Of Imminent Threat

Remember The Red Guards Before You Cheer The Woke Mobs

I’m ambivalent about statues and J.K. Rowling being torn down, but terrified of the thought process behind the destruction. Decisions should never be made by mobs.  Is America on the edge of a cultural revolution? The historical namesake and obvious parallel is the Cultural Revolution in China, which lasted from 1966 to 1976. Its stated goal was to purge capitalist and traditional elements from society, and to substitute a new way of thinking based on Mao’s own beliefs. The epic struggle for...

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UN Investigation Finds US Soleimani Killing 'Unlawful' As There Was 'No Evidence' Of Imminent Threat

Refusal to Talk with Contact Tracers a Crime?

Prior to arrest of a suspect of a crime, “The officer is free to ask questions before an arrest, but must inform the suspect that the questioning is voluntary and that he or she is free to leave at any time.” “After placing the suspect under arrest, the officer will say something similar to, ‘You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for...

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UN Investigation Finds US Soleimani Killing 'Unlawful' As There Was 'No Evidence' Of Imminent Threat

Is the Texas Covid ‘Spike’ Fake News?

On July 2nd, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order mandating the wearing of face masks across the state, whether indoors or outdoors, when six feet cannot be maintained between people. In the governor’s decree, he cited a rise in Covid cases, a rise in test positivity, and a rise in hospitalizations as justification to force people to cover their faces in public.The move is not only a violation of the civil liberties of all Texans. Abbott may have based his executive order on...

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UN Investigation Finds US Soleimani Killing 'Unlawful' As There Was 'No Evidence' Of Imminent Threat

The Prosecution of Washington’s Kosovo Clients for War Crimes

The United States and its NATO allies launched a military intervention in 1999 that helped the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) win its secessionist campaign against Serbia. US officials justified that intervention on the grounds that Serbian security forces were committing pervasive war crimes against the Kosovar insurgents. American supporters of the KLA also asserted that the secessionists were staunch Western‐​style democrats mounting a noble resistance against Slobodan Milosevic’s corrupt,...

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UN Investigation Finds US Soleimani Killing 'Unlawful' As There Was 'No Evidence' Of Imminent Threat

House Democrats, Working With Liz Cheney, Restrict Trump’s Planned Withdrawal of Troops From Afghanistan and Germany

The US military has been fighting in Afghanistan for almost nineteen years. House Democrats, working in tandem with key pro-war GOP lawmakers such as Rep. Liz Cheney, are ensuring that continues. Last night, the House Armed Services Committee voted overwhelmingly in favor of an amendment — jointly sponsored by Democratic Congressman Jason Crow of Colorado and Congresswoman Cheney of Wyoming — prohibiting the expenditure of monies to reduce the number of US troops deployed in Afghanistan below...

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Independence Day in the Midst of Dictatorship

Independence Day in the Midst of Dictatorship

How many Americans will greet July 4th Day with gratitude that their governor is no longer compelling them to “shelter in place” or “stay at home” so they can celebrate their freedom? Most of the media is ignoring the fact that this Independence Day is occurring under the most dictatorial restrictions of the modern era. But anyone who values their liberty must recognize the Great Political Unleashing that has occurred this year makes a mockery of the Founding Fathers’ intentions. Earlier this...

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Independence Day in the Midst of Dictatorship

When Spouting Coronavirus Idiocy Helps the Bottom Line

Here we are months into the coronavirus scare when it has become obvious that coronavirus for most people poses little to no threat. Yet, we see businesses and other entities repeatedly trumpeting the danger of coronavirus as if each and every person should view the disease as the Grim Reaper hovering over one’s shoulder. Of course, these entities will also trumpet their responses to coronavirus, including in many instances requiring people to wear masks that have no clear net benefit in...

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UN Investigation Finds US Soleimani Killing 'Unlawful' As There Was 'No Evidence' Of Imminent Threat

Orange Man Bad

As the Impeachment Farce neared its pathetic denouement, an optimist might have expected that the virulent Trump Derangement Syndrome infecting the MSM, the Dems and the Washington ruling class would finally die out. Not at all. It’s back with a vengeance, lurking in the subtext and sotto voce of virtually every headline and utterance from the above precincts with respect to the Covid-19. Indeed, the entire Covid narrative is so hideously distorted, exaggerated, mendacious and risible as to...

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Independence Day in the Midst of Dictatorship

Russiagate’s Last Gasp

On Friday The New York Times featured a report based on anonymous intelligence officials that the Russians were paying bounties to have US troops killed in Afghanistan with President Donald Trump refusing to do anything about it. The flurry of Establishment media reporting that ensued provides further proof, if such were needed, that the erstwhile “paper of record” has earned a new moniker — Gray Lady of easy virtue. Over the weekend, the Times’ dubious allegations grabbed headlines across all...

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Stumbling Towards Catastrophe: The New Cold War With China

Stumbling Towards Catastrophe: The New Cold War With China

With tensions between the US and China at an all-time high, experts warn the two powers are closer to a military confrontation than ever before. A war with China should be unthinkable in Washington since the conflict could be catastrophic to the entire world as the threat of it erupting into a full-blown nuclear war is very real. But with a deteriorating trade relationship, tension over the Covid-19 pandemic, increased US Navy activity in the Pacific, new sanctions aimed at Chinese officials,...

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UN Investigation Finds US Soleimani Killing 'Unlawful' As There Was 'No Evidence' Of Imminent Threat

Impeachment Reminder of Our Toxic Foreign Aid

Foreign aid to Ukraine helped spur the Democrats’ effort to impeach and remove President Trump earlier this year. Ukraine was supposed to be on the verge of great progress until Trump pulled the rug out from under the heroic salvation effort by US government bureaucrats. Unfortunately, Congress has devoted a hundred times more attention to the timing of aid to Ukraine than to its effectiveness. And most of the media coverage pretended that US handouts abroad are as generous and uplifting as...

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UN Investigation Finds US Soleimani Killing 'Unlawful' As There Was 'No Evidence' Of Imminent Threat

Lockdown Hypocrisy: Why Are BLM And 'Pride' Exempt?

Tens of thousands marched in a joint BLM/'Pride' rally over the weekend in Chicago (and elsewhere) with the blessing of the same officials who are threatening churches, forcing face masks, and ripping liquor licenses from bars that won't shut their doors (again). Claiming that "cases" are skyrocketing, officials from Texas and across the country are trying to return us to devastating lockdown. But why aren't they talking about the falling death rate? Watch today's Liberty Report:

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UN Investigation Finds US Soleimani Killing 'Unlawful' As There Was 'No Evidence' Of Imminent Threat

New York Times takes anti-Russian hysteria to new level with report on Russian ‘bounty’ for US troops in Afghanistan

The New York Times published an article claiming that Russia was paying out monetary bounties to the Taliban to kill US troops in Afghanistan. There’s just one problem — none of what they reported was true. As news reporting goes, the New York Times article alleging that a top-secret unit within Russian military intelligence, or GRU, had offered a bounty to the Taliban for every US soldier killed in Afghanistan, was dynamite. The story was quickly “confirmed” by the Washington Post, the Wall...

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UN Investigation Finds US Soleimani Killing 'Unlawful' As There Was 'No Evidence' Of Imminent Threat

The Media is Lying About the ‘Second Wave’

For months, the Washington Post and the rest of the mainstream media kept a morbid Covid-19 “death count” on their front pages and at the top of their news broadcasts. The coronavirus outbreak was all about the number of dead. The narrative was intended to boost governors like Cuomo in New York and Whitmer in Michigan, who turned their states authoritarian under the false notion that destroying people’s jobs, freedom, and lives would somehow keep a virus from doing what viruses always do:...

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Dick Cheney and the Neocon ‘Resistance’

Dick Cheney and the Neocon ‘Resistance’

Establishment Republicans are on the war path. They are determined, in unison with “woke” Democrats, to get rid of Donald Trump come November. In 2019, a number of these Republicans formed the so-called “Lincoln Project,” an organized effort to trash Trump and throw support behind Joe Biden, thus once again demonstrating there is very little difference between establishment Republicans and Democrats. On June 27, Darth Vader of the neocons, former vice president and war criminal Dick Cheney,...

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