RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

The Real Scandal of the Spending Bill

The Real Scandal of the Spending Bill

Last week Congress passed a massive coronavirus relief and omnibus spending bill. President Trump threatened to veto the bill, saying he wants an increase in the amount for “stimulus” checks authorized by the bill from 600 dollars to 2,000 dollars. The checks are designed to help those harmed by the lockdowns. President Trump also demanded a cut in some of the wasteful spending contained in the bill, such as the ten million dollars for gender programs in Pakistan.At the 11th hour, however,...

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Twelve Times the Lockdowners Were Wrong

Twelve Times the Lockdowners Were Wrong

This has been a year of astonishing policy failure. We are surrounded by devastation conceived and cheered by intellectuals and their political handmaidens. The errors number in the thousands, so please consider the following little more than a first draft, a mere guide to what will surely be unearthed in the coming months and years. We trusted these people with our lives and liberties and here is what they did with that trust. Anthony Fauci says lockdowns are not possible in the United States...

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‘It Doesn’t Look Pretty’: COVID’s Harsh Financial Reality Continues Across The US

‘It Doesn’t Look Pretty’: COVID’s Harsh Financial Reality Continues Across The US

While government officials think people should be sitting around worshipping them for throwing the peons $600 in stimulus (which hasn't even arrived yet), the reality on the ground in the United States is that the government's decision making, as it relates to Covid, has simply crippled many people's finances. Never was this more evident than in a recent WSJ piece that profiled several people the paper had checked in with during the year to see if their finances had recovered. A couple named...

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Welcome to RussiaGate 2.0, Right on Schedule

Welcome to RussiaGate 2.0, Right on Schedule

Now that a majority of the country believes the election was fraudulent and the Supreme Court has completely abdicated its authority the next obstacle in front of President Trump is here.And, as always, it comes from his complicit Secretary of State who undermines Trump with his every move to turn the State, Defense and Intelligence apparatuses of the US against Russia.Pompeo goes on Mark Levin’s show, whose ratings are through the roof right now, to tell all the slavering normie-conservatives...

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11th-hour COVID-19 relief deal proves again that Congress is unfit to govern

11th-hour COVID-19 relief deal proves again that Congress is unfit to govern

“In politics, stupidity is not a handicap,” Napoleon reputedly said more than two centuries ago. Boundless ignorance is also not a handicap, as Congress demonstrated Monday night by approving a 5,593-page bill with no time to read it. The usual suspects are indignant at the sloppy procedures propelling $2.3 trillion in federal spending, including a last-minute $900 billion deal for COVID-19 relief. But reckless legislating has been standard procedure on Capitol Hill for almost three decades....

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With Biden’s New Threats, the Russia Discourse is More Reckless and Dangerous Than Ever

With Biden’s New Threats, the Russia Discourse is More Reckless and Dangerous Than Ever

To justify Hillary Clinton’s 2016 loss to Donald Trump, leading Democrats and their key media allies for years competed with one another to depict what they called “Russia’s interference in our elections” in the most apocalyptic terms possible. They fanatically rejected the view of the Russian Federation repeatedly expressed by President Obama — that it is a weak regional power with an economy smaller than Italy’s capable of only threatening its neighbors but not the US — and instead cast...

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Just Say No To COVID Travel Bans

Just Say No To COVID Travel Bans

We’ve seen this movie before, and it ended with the largest power grab in world history. “It’s just a travel ban.” “It’s just two weeks to stop the spread.” “It’s just for non-essential workers.” “Just wear a mask. It will allow for society to reopen.” “It’s just a ‘pause’ on non-essential activities and businesses.” 2020, the year that will be defined by corona hysteria and unprecedented global power grabs, is coming to an end, and the simulation is apparently resetting. The conversation...

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US Announces Sanctions On Assad’s Wife & Even Her British Family Members

US Announces Sanctions On Assad’s Wife & Even Her British Family Members

With apparently little else left to sanction in Syria, the United States is now going after Bashar al-Assad's wife and even extended family members which have long resided in London. A Tuesday statement from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo indicated the US is imposing sanctions on Syrian first lady Asma al-Assad, blaming her in part for prolonging the war and blocking a peaceful political settlement through her charities and civil society organizations. Of course, in Washington-speak...

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How Belarus Exposes the Lockdown Lie

How Belarus Exposes the Lockdown Lie

Most European governments instituted the shutdown of economies, restrictions on freedom of movement and other policies known as lockdown. This was allegedly in response to the spread of Sars-Cov-2, a dangerous respiratory virus that originated in Wuhan, China. Few countries rejected this approach; Sweden is the most well known of these. However, a more interesting case of dissent from the official narrative is Belarus and its leader Aleksandr Lukashenka. This article will outline Lukashenka’s...

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Snow job! SolarWinds ‘Russian hack’ story proves the media writes US foreign policy, not the White House

Snow job! SolarWinds ‘Russian hack’ story proves the media writes US foreign policy, not the White House

As incoming nominees of a future Biden administration have stopped short in naming a culprit in the SolarWinds hack, the media – playing judge, jury and executioner – has levelled blame on the usual suspect. Did anyone actually believe that Russia would escape a major US election season without a ceremonial tarring and feathering by the media? It’s almost as though frantic journalists, unable to sell the ‘Trump Beats Biden with Kremlin Collusion’ narrative, have dreamt up this latest work of...

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Comprehensive analysis of 50 states shows greater spread with mask mandates

Comprehensive analysis of 50 states shows greater spread with mask mandates

For months, we've been lectured to by the political elites that cases of coronavirus are spreading too quickly and that we must wear masks to stop the spread. The obvious fault with their act of desperation is that they can no longer mask the fact that most parts of the country have already been fully masked for months — long before the ubiquitous spread this fall. Researchers at RationalGround.com, a clearinghouse of COVID-19 data trends run by a grassroots group of data analysts, computer...

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The Washington Post Can’t Stop Babbling About Russians ‘Hacking Our Minds’

The Washington Post Can’t Stop Babbling About Russians ‘Hacking Our Minds’

The Washington Post has published another article warning its readers that the Russians are “hacking our minds”, this one authored by CNN’s Fareed Zakaria. “Russia hasn’t just hacked our computer systems. It’s hacked our minds.” blares the ridiculous, propagandistic headline for an article about “the Russian model” of propaganda which “rests on the principle that people get convinced when they hear the same message many times from a variety of sources, no matter how biased.” Which is funny,...

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The Real Scandal of the Spending Bill

Government, Not Coronavirus, Is Killing Small Businesses

A video of a confrontation between Ventura County, California health officials and restaurant owner Anton Van Happen has gone viral. The health officials were ordering Mr. Van Happen to close his business because he allegedly violated California’s ban on outdoor dining. Mr. Van Happen asked the health officials if the government will pay his employees and his rent while his business is indefinitely closed.Mr. Van Happen is hardly the only small business owner worried about how to pay bills...

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Doctors, Normal and Abnormal

Doctors, Normal and Abnormal

There seem to be few normal doctors around anymore. Try to have an appointment with many doctors over the last few months and they will demand that you put a mask over your nose and mouth — supposedly to block coronavirus transmission. You’d think, given they are doctors, they would know that there are health risks from you doing so and that it is not established that you doing so provides any net protection against coronavirus. Yet, they demand away. This is abnormal behavior. Then, check out...

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Senators Liken Hack to Russian Invasion Despite Lack of Proof Moscow Was Involved

Senators Liken Hack to Russian Invasion Despite Lack of Proof Moscow Was Involved

Despite the lack of evidence that Russia was behind a massive hack that appears to have targeted several US government agencies, US senators are calling for retaliation against Moscow, even likening the cyberattack to an invasion. “This is virtually a declaration of war by Russia on the United States and we should take that seriously,” Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) said in an interview with CNN on Wednesday. On Thursday, Durbin called for a response against Moscow on the Senate floor, describing...

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How Much Does the Pfizer Vaccine Actually Reduce Risk of Hospitalization?

How Much Does the Pfizer Vaccine Actually Reduce Risk of Hospitalization?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) confirmed that the Pfizer covid vaccine is 95 percent effective, but what does that statement mean? The details of the Pfizer covid vaccine trial can be found here. As was the case in the previous announcement about the vaccine, this “efficacy” figure is misleading. The incidence of covid “cases” in the placebo group was 162 out of 18,325 subjects, or less than 1 percent. The incidence of “cases” in the vaccine group was 8 out of 18,198, or about...

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