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I Hate Federal Commissions, But Americans Need One To Look Into The 2020 Election

I Hate Federal Commissions, But Americans Need One To Look Into The 2020 Election

Below is my column in USA Today on the need for a federal commission on the 2020 election. While I opposed the challenge and the call for the ten-day commission, I do believe that a real commission is warranted. Indeed, the violence Wednesday only further shows the deep divisions in this country over these lingering questions. However, there must be the commitment to a real commission — not another placebo commission Here is the column: I hate federal commissions. I have always hated federal...

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The Capitol Riot Wasn’t a Coup. It Wasn’t Even Close.

The Capitol Riot Wasn’t a Coup. It Wasn’t Even Close.

On Wednesday, a mob apparently composed of Trump supporters forced its way past US Capitol security guards and briefly moved unrestrained through much of the Capitol building. They displayed virtually no organization and no clear goals. The only deaths were on the side of the mob, with one woman—apparently unarmed—shot dead by panicky and trigger-happy Capitol police, with three others suffering nonspecific “medical emergencies.” Yet, the media response has been to act as if the event...

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MSM Already Using Capitol Hill Riot To Call For More Internet Censorship

MSM Already Using Capitol Hill Riot To Call For More Internet Censorship

The United States received a very small taste of its own medicine today as rioting Trump fanatics temporarily forced their way into the nation’s Capitol building, and now the whole nation is freaking out. I am being generous when I say that America was given a very small taste of its own medicine; unlike the horrific coups and violent uprisings the US routinely orchestrates in noncompliant nations around the world, this one stood exactly zero chance of seizing control of the government, and...

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Whatever is Wrong with Mike Morell?

Whatever is Wrong with Mike Morell?

Obama – er, Biden - pushed hard for the removal of Syria’s Assad and engineered US destabilization of Syria partly at the behest of Israel in 2011 and 2014 , in part to allow Israel free reign to annex the Jordan Valley and West Bank, in tandem with Israel's long-standing annexation of the Golan. Yes, the Israeli Nile-to-Euphrates agenda is alive and quite well, not just among Israel’s 3rd templars, but within Biden’s proto-expansionist regime in the DC wings, too. Now, what's that again about...

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The Charge of Treason and the Danger to Democracy

The Charge of Treason and the Danger to Democracy

Historian Henry Adams observed a century ago that politics “has always been the systematic organization of hatreds.” Nowadays, politics seems hellbent on multiplying hatred. And few things spur hatred more effectively than tarring all political opponents as traitors. [Note: this article was submitted one day before protestors stormed the capitol building.] Having seen how the charge of treason had been horrendously abused in British history, the Founding Fathers crafted a narrow definition of...

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Biden Taps Architect of 2014 Ukraine Coup for State Department

Biden Taps Architect of 2014 Ukraine Coup for State Department

According to a report from Politico, Joe Biden’s transition team is expected to nominate Victoria Nuland to be the under secretary of state for political affairs for the incoming administration’s State Department. Nuland, who is married to neoconservative Robert Kagan, is known for her role in orchestrating the 2014 coup in Ukraine while she was the assistant secretary of state for Europe and Eurasian affairs in the Obama administration. A recording of a phone call between Nuland and then-US...

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Memorandum: How The 2020 Election Could Have Been Stolen

Memorandum: How The 2020 Election Could Have Been Stolen

As a citizen who is also a political scientist, I have tried to do due diligence to assess what happened in the recent election. Who won what and at what level and what does it mean? And what about the charges of vote fraud? People keep asking me what I think, and I decided to write down the conclusions I have reached to date and on what grounds. Because charges of vote fraud have called the outcome of the presidential election into question, I have paid particular attention to them. This...

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With no lockdown or mask mandate, Florida has roughly same hospitalization level as 2018 flu season

With no lockdown or mask mandate, Florida has roughly same hospitalization level as 2018 flu season

We are being told that our liberties must be suspended in order to keep hospitals from reaching apocalyptic levels. But what if those levels are just above normal and not anywhere near apocalyptic levels? And what if these lockdown measures do nothing to keep the levels down anyway? Well, if there is anywhere we can cross-check this hypothesis, it would be in Florida, where there is no lockdown or mask mandate. In fact, people are flocking there from out of state to enjoy vacations and host...

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The ‘Great Reset’ is about Expanding Government Power and Suppressing Liberty

The ‘Great Reset’ is about Expanding Government Power and Suppressing Liberty

World Economic Forum Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab has proposed using the overreaction to coronavirus to launch a worldwide “Great Reset.” This Great Reset is about expanding government power and suppressing liberty worldwide.Schwab envisions an authoritarian system where big business acts as a partner with government. Big business would exercise its government-granted monopoly powers to maximize value for “stakeholders,” instead of shareholders. Stakeholders include the...

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Pandemic Response Is Our Vietnam

Pandemic Response Is Our Vietnam

Most scholars agree that America’s involvement in Vietnam was an unmitigated public policy disaster. In 2020, a new standard for monumental government failure has been set: our public policy response to the coronavirus, which has resulted in the establishment of a state-run religion of mandatory social distancing, a tyrannical public health police state to enforce it, and a never-ending “state of emergency.” The similarities between our misguided responses to Vietnam and the coronavirus are...

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Cleaning Up The Leftovers From Biden’s Last Bout Of Leadership

Cleaning Up The Leftovers From Biden’s Last Bout Of Leadership

As Trump leaves office the only president to have not started a new war since WWII—and Joe Biden, who supported so many of America’s wars, including (vice-) presiding over the second and third Iraq Wars, heads into office—the talk is again what should be the most terrifying words anyone outside the US could hear: More American Leadership. Thing is, we haven’t cleaned up the leftovers from the last bout of leadership yet. President-Elect Biden pulls no punches about how he feels about Trump’s...

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2021: Welcome to Post-Persuasion America

2021: Welcome to Post-Persuasion America

I first heard this term used by Steve Bannon, architect of the surprising 2016 Trump campaign, in a PBS Frontline documentary titled "America's Great Divide." Speaking way back in the pre-Covid days of early 2020, Bannon asserted the information age makes us less curious and willing to consider worldviews unlike our own. We have access to virtually all of humanity's accumulated knowledge and history on devices in our pockets, but the sheer information overload causes us to dig in rather than...

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Lockdowns are Killing Young Adults

Lockdowns are Killing Young Adults

On Dec. 16 the top-ranked Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published a headline-grabbing article about the risks that Covid poses to young people. The article and an accompanying New York Times piece by its authors strongly implied that people under the age of 45 face a high risk from the disease and, furthermore, this risk is understated by official statistics. This claim runs counter to the CDC’s own estimated Infection Fatality Ratios by age group, which suggest that the...

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‘Treason Is A Matter Of Dates’: Democrats Denounce Republicans For The Same Challenge They Previously Made To Republican Presidents

‘Treason Is A Matter Of Dates’: Democrats Denounce Republicans For The Same Challenge They Previously Made To Republican Presidents

Napoleon once said “treason is a matter of dates.” The Democrats seem to have taken Napoleon’s words to heart in declaring Republicans traitors or anti-Democratic in their planned challenge the certification of electoral votes next week. Both the media and Democratic members have advanced this narrative despite Democratic members repeatedly raising such challenges in the past. In the few acknowledgments of that history, Democrats seem to be advancing a simple and familiar defense: Trump. Once...

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The Dark Past of Biden’s Nominee for National Intelligence Director

The Dark Past of Biden’s Nominee for National Intelligence Director

Former acting CIA Director Mike Morell, who has disingenuously argued for years that he had nothing to do with the agency’s torture program, but who continued to defend it, has taken himself out of the running to be President-elect Joe Biden’s new CIA director. The decision is a victory for the peace group Code Pink, which spearheaded the Stop Morell movement, and it’s a great thing for all Americans. Now, though, we have to turn our attention to Biden’s nominee to be director of national...

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Will relations between old adversaries the US & Russia improve under Biden? No, they’ll only get worse

Will relations between old adversaries the US & Russia improve under Biden? No, they’ll only get worse

As the incoming Democrat surrounds himself with hostile Russophobes, the frosty US-Russian relationship doesn’t look likely to thaw any time soon. In anticipation, Moscow is already shifting to a policy of deterrence.In comments made to the media on Christmas Eve, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov was critical of US policy toward Russia. Discussing the most recent round of economic sanctions levied by Washington against the country, Ryabkov accused the US of “accommodating the...

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