The Liberty Report

G’Night, Nikki!

Uber warhawk Nikki is out of the race for the Republican nomination, after a dismal performance that saw wins in only DC and Vermont. We’ll tell you why this is good news for the antiwar movement. Also today: new poll shows American support for Israel is plummeting among the youth. Finally…more bad news for Biden.

‘Cookie Monster’ Out! Nuland Retires From State Department!

The neocon behind the 10 year war in Ukraine, State Department #3 “diplomat” Victoria Nuland, suddenly announced her retirement from the US diplomatic corps. What does she know that we don’t know? Also today, Marco Rubio’s bloody cynicism on Ukraine war. Finally – will “Super Tuesday” finally nudge Neocon Nikki to pull out of the race?

What? German Top Brass Discusses Bombing Russia. With Guest Jim Jatras.

The recent intercepted conversation between senior German military officials, discussing Taurus missile strikes inside of Russia and including the Kerch bridge, has exposed NATO’s central role in the Ukraine conflict. And it has taken us further toward WWII. Also today: Why are we airdropping meals in Gaze while airdropping weapons to Israel to kill the people eating the meals? And a word on the Supremes’ ruling on Trump.

Are All The Foreign Policy ‘Experts’ Secretly Putin Puppets?

What do the foreign policy “experts” do when their policies aren’t working? They demand MOAR! of the same, of course. So it is that two failed years of Western sanctions are met with demands to do more of what is not working. Also today, Rep. Massie warns us about the upcoming stopgap budget deal. Finally…let’s check in on how that war on the Houthis is going…

‘Napoleon’ Macron: ‘Let’s Send NATO Into Ukraine!’

French President Emmanuel Macron surprised European NATO members earlier this week by stating that it may be necessary to send NATO troops into Ukraine to fight Russia on a “bipartisan” basis. His European counterparts for the most part recoiled at the suggestion, with speculation about WWIII. Also today: Surprising poll on Gaza.

The CIA’s Secret Ten Year War On Russia…From Within Ukraine!

The New York Times came out with a bombshell article on Sunday detailing the past ten years of CIA active warfare from within Ukraine against Russia. From building 12 CIA bases within the country, to instructing on sabotage inside Russia to providing targeting intelligence BEFORE the 2022 Russian military operation in Ukraine. And…much of the operation was kept secret from then-President Trump!

NYC To Illegals: ‘Want Some Money?’

: In the latest illegal immigration boondoggle, the mayor of New York City adopted a program to give each illegal immigrant family a debit card worth $10,000. Refillable. And he awarded a “minority-owned” company a no-bid contract worth $53 million to carry out the policy… Also today: Neocons bust Ukraine “myths.”

Navalny Death A ‘False Flag’?

Who benefits from the death of Russian politician Alexei Navalny? Could he have been “pushed” by western intelligence services? Also today: Stung by losses in Ukraine, the EU declares war on…the Houthis! Finally – Pelosi in a time warp.

Last Chance For Assange?

As Wikileaks founder and publisher Julian Assange makes one final appeal before UK judges to avoid being extradited to the US to face 175 years in prison, press freedom advocates worldwide call on the governments of the US and UK to cease the years-long persecution. Journalism itself is on trial. What to expect? Also today: Trump 2.0 a “Christian nationalist” Administration? Also – Is it really “white supremacism” to like reading”

Crying Crocodile Tears Over Navalny

The usual suspects have decided that Russian president Putin had “dissident” Alexei Navalny killed in prison. Neocons in the US are demanding money for Ukraine because of it. But who is he? Also today: New poll shows most Americans want Ukraine war to be over.

Australian Parliament To US: ‘Free Assange!’

An overwhelming majority in the Australian parliament has voted to request that charges against Julian Assange be dropped and that he be allowed to return to his native country. The UK high court will hold hearings next week on whether Assange can continue to argue his case against extradition to the US, where he faces 175 years in prison. Also today: the pro-war faction of Congress is maneuvering to get the military aid supplemental to the floor. Finally, House Intel Committee Chairman rolls out very suspicious “national security warning” regarding Russia.

Coup! Obama’s Spooks Outsourced Spying On Trump To FOREIGN Services!

A new bombshell report by Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger shows that the Obama Administration intelligence agencies used their foreign counterparts to spy on the Trump campaign and its personnel. Why? They wanted the dirt on Trump but it would have been illegal for the CIA to do the spying. Also today: Biden DHS head Mayorkis impeached in the House. FInally: DEI in the sky should make you afraid to fly!

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