Featured Articles

We Need a Peace President

We Need a Peace President

Most people agree that we are closer to nuclear war than at any time since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. Some would even argue that we are closer now than we were in those fateful days, when Soviet missiles in Cuba almost triggered a nuclear war between the US and...

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It really was just the flu, bro

It really was just the flu, bro

Occam's razor is not a one-size-fits-all problem-solving principle, but it’s often times the most helpful philosophical approach to tuning out the noise and focusing on the most important facts to reconstruct what actually happened. And if we engage the Occam’s razor...

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The Trump 'Gotcha' Indictment

The Trump 'Gotcha' Indictment

We have minimum low regard for Donald Trump, and not merely because he is a bombastic lout and world historic megalomaniac. His policies were terrible, too. The Federal budget and debt exploded on his watch; the Fed printed money recklessly even as he demanded more;...

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