We gathered last weekend at Dr. Paul's house in Texas to hand over the keys to the famous 1979 Chevette "green pea" to generous Ron Paul Institute donors Jonathan and Nita Cole. Readers will recall that this is the car that made then-Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill...
Featured Articles
What Is The Real Agenda Of The American Police State?
by Paul Craig Roberts | Nov 14, 2013 | Featured Articles
In my last column I emphasized that it was important for American citizens to demand to know what the real agendas are behind the wars of choice by the Bush and Obama regimes. These are major long term wars each lasting two to three times as long as World War II....
Obama’s Refusal to Respect Iran’s Sovereignty and Treaty Rights is Leaving America on the Self-Defeating Path to War
by harley | Nov 14, 2013 | Featured Articles
Notwithstanding France’s simultaneously arrogant and craven grandstanding over Iran’s Arak heavy water reactor, the main reason for the failure of last week’s nuclear talks between the Islamic Republic and the P5+1 was the Obama administration’s imperious refusal to...
FBI v. The First Amendment: The US Government's Investigation of Antiwar.com
by Adam Dick | Nov 13, 2013 | Featured Articles
Federal Bureau of Investigation documents released last week reveal the FBI investigated Antiwar.com, a website regularly publishing content critical of US foreign policy, for at least six years based on the content and audience of the antiwar.com website, as well as...
Thoughts on Veterans Day
by Matthew Hoh | Nov 11, 2013 | Featured Articles
Of course I have a lot of thoughts on Veterans Day. It’s kind of hard not too, as you are basically hit with a torrent of gratitude, most of it applied with the same amount of care and specificity of a fire hose.I wrote this last year, but it still encapsulates much...
US Expands Missile Defense Plans in Romania
by Andrei Akulov | Nov 9, 2013 | Featured Articles
On October 28 Romanian President Traian Basesku, Romania's Minister of Defense Mircea Dusa, US Under-Secretary of Defense for Policy James Miller, James Syring, director of the US Missile Defence Agency, and NATO Deputy Secretary-General Alexander Vershbow attended...
Welcome to Deming, New Mexico — Where Police Rape is a Matter of 'Protocol'
by William Norman Grigg | Nov 8, 2013 | Featured Articles
David Eckert was stopped by police in Deming, New Mexico without cause, subjected to an illegal search of his vehicle and person, and eventually forced to undergo what amounts to object rape in the form of multiple rectal probes, forced enemas, and a colonoscopy. The...
How America Was Lost
by Paul Craig Roberts | Nov 8, 2013 | Featured Articles
“No legal issue arises when the United States responds to a challenge to its power, position, and prestige.” - Dean Acheson , 1962, speaking to the American Society of International Law. Dean Acheson declared 51 years ago that power, position, and prestige are the...
What I Told The Homeland Security Committee
by Michael Scheuer | Nov 7, 2013 | Featured Articles
The material below the dotted line is the written version of my part in a six-member panel’s presentation to the House’s Homeland Security Committee on 9 October 2013. I ran late on 8 October 2013 and so failed to provide the committee’s members with a typed-up...
America’s Moment of Truth About Iran
by harley | Nov 7, 2013 | Featured Articles
America’s Iran policy is at a crossroads. Washington can abandon its counterproductive insistence on Middle Eastern hegemony, negotiate a nuclear deal grounded in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), and get serious about working with Tehran to broker a...
Syria Analysts, Impartial? Not likely!
by Phil Greaves | Nov 6, 2013 | Featured Articles
As is evident with the vast majority of coverage on the Middle East, the analysis used to bolster media narratives on Syria is predominantly derived from paid “think-tank” commentators posing as objective scholars. To the discerning reader, this dynamic of the mass...
America’s Lead Iran Negotiator Misrepresents U.S. Policy (and International Law) to Congress
by harley | Nov 5, 2013 | Featured Articles
Last month, while testifying to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Wendy Sherman — Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs and the senior U.S. representative in the P5+1 nuclear talks with Iran — said, with reference to Iranians, “We know that deception is...
Welcome to the United Police States of America, Where Police Shoot First & Ask Questions Later
by John W. Whitehead | Nov 4, 2013 | Featured Articles
“There are always risks in challenging excessive police power, but the risks of not challenging it are more dangerous, even fatal.”—Hunter S. Thompson, Kingdom of Fear: Loathsome Secrets of a Star-Crossed Child in the Final Days of the American Century No longer is it...
Ramblin’ Man: John Kerry is a Figure of His Times (and That’s Not a Good Thing)
by harley | Nov 4, 2013 | Featured Articles
In the 1960s, John Kerry was distinctly a man of his times. Kennedy-esque, he went from Yale to Vietnam to fight in a lost war. When popular sentiments on that war shifted, he became one of the more poignant voices raised in protest by antiwar veterans. Now, skip past...
What Was Not Said About Iraq
by Ron Paul | Nov 3, 2013 | Featured Articles
October was Iraq’s deadliest month since April, 2008. In those five and a half years, not only has there been no improvement in Iraq’s security situation, but things have gotten much worse. More than 1,000 people were killed in Iraq last month, the vast majority of...
Ben Franklin Was Right About the NSA
by Eric Margolis | Nov 2, 2013 | Featured Articles
In 1975, I was invited to join the US Senate’s Church Committee that was formed after the Watergate scandals. Its goal was to investigate massive illegalities committed by the CIA, National Security Agency and FBI. As a then staunch Republican, and having worked on...
Overreach: MN Judge Puts Crimp in MDA’s 10-Year Pursuit of Raw Dairy Farmer Hartmann
by harley | Oct 31, 2013 | Featured Articles
Minnesota’s relentless decade-long pursuit of dairy farmer Michael Hartmann finally ran off the road, when a state judge ruled earlier this month that the state conducted an illegal search of the farmer’s truck. In a strongly worded 30-page opinion, Minnesota Judge...
Obama, NSA Spying and the Dangers of Secretive, Authoritarian Government
by John W. Whitehead | Oct 30, 2013 | Featured Articles
“The perception here is of a United States where security has trumped liberty, intelligence agencies run amok (vacuuming up data of friend and foe alike), and the once-admired “checks and balances” built into American governance and studied by European schoolchildren...
Israel and the NSA: Partners in Crime
by Justin Raimondo | Oct 29, 2013 | Featured Articles
It wasn’t the US government breaking into the private communications of former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, according to top secret documents unearthed by Edward Snowden and published in Le Monde – it was the Israelis. A four-page internal précis regarding a...
Rep. Rogers To The French: You’re Welcome
by Jonathan Turley | Oct 28, 2013 | Featured Articles
Europeans are upset after learning that, in addition to capturing the email and phone records of Americans, the NSA has been doing the same to them in a global assault on privacy. This includes leaders of allied nations. The United States is now viewed as an...
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