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Licensed to Kill: The Growing Phenomenon of Police Shooting Unarmed Citizens

Holding Assad Accountable

President Obama has encountered a series of roadblocks after deciding to use military force against Bashar Assad’s Syria for its use of chemical weapons against civilians.  Many of those obstacles resulted from statements made by the President and prominent...

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Licensed to Kill: The Growing Phenomenon of Police Shooting Unarmed Citizens

US/Russia Summit Urgently Needed

Now that Russia and China have warned the United States against militarily intervening on behalf of the Syrian rebels, the need for a separate superpower summit between Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin is more urgent than ever. The dangers of a super-collision over a...

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Licensed to Kill: The Growing Phenomenon of Police Shooting Unarmed Citizens

No War for Bernard Henri Lévy

The American people do not want US armed forces to get involved in the civil war in Syria. The United Nations will not back US bombing of Syria. The British Parliament does not want to get involved in bombing Syria. World public opinion is opposed to US bombing Syria....

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