The NSA sits at the nexus of violations of both the Fourth and Fifth Amendments with a legal dodge called Parallel Construction. Parallel Construction is a technique used by law enforcement to hide the fact that evidence in a criminal case originated with the NSA. In...
Featured Articles
On Malaysian Crash, Obama’s Case Against Russia Disintegrates
by Daniel McAdams | Jul 23, 2014 | Featured Articles
Tuesday the US government admitted it had been bluffing about its certainty that Russia was behind the downing of Malaysian Air Flight MH-17 over Ukraine. This dramatic turn of events started with State Department Spokeswoman Marie Harf claiming Monday that the State...
Kerry’s Latest Reckless Rush to Judgment
by Robert Parry | Jul 22, 2014 | Featured Articles
Secretary of State John Kerry boasts that as a former prosecutor he knows he has a strong case against the eastern Ukrainian rebels and their backers in Russia in pinning last Thursday’s shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 on them, even without the benefit of a...
The Stealing of America by the Cops, the Courts, the Corporations and Congress
by John W. Whitehead | Jul 21, 2014 | Featured Articles
“What the government is good at is collecting taxes, taking away your freedoms and killing people. It’s not good at much else.” —Author Tom Clancy Call it what you will—taxes, penalties, fees, fines, regulations, tariffs, tickets, permits, surcharges, tolls, asset...
What the Media Won’t Report About Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17
by Ron Paul | Jul 20, 2014 | Featured Articles
Just days after the tragic crash of a Malaysian Airlines flight over eastern Ukraine, Western politicians and media joined together to gain the maximum propaganda value from the disaster. It had to be Russia; it had to be Putin, they said. President Obama held a press...
What Happened to the Malaysian Airliner?
by Paul Craig Roberts | Jul 20, 2014 | Featured Articles
Washington’s propaganda machine is in such high gear that we are in danger of losing the facts that we do have. One fact is that the separatists do not have the expensive Buk anti-aircraft missile system or the trained personnel to operate it. Another fact is that the...
What Gaza’s Crisis Shows About Israel’s Ambitions and America’s Decline
by flynt leverett and hillary mann leverett | Jul 19, 2014 | Featured Articles
As Israel’s military kills and injures hundreds of civilians in Gaza—whose population Israel is legally obligated to protect as an occupying power—people around the world, including in the United States, wonder why official Washington appears so indifferent to even...
David Versus Goliath in Gaza
by Eric Margolis | Jul 19, 2014 | Featured Articles
Israel is clearly winning the David v. Goliath struggle with Palestinians in Gaza. Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, seized on the murder in June of three Jewish teenagers from a West Bank settlement to launch Israel’s third war against Gaza in six years....
Blood, Treasure and Soul: The Exorbitant Price of the American Empire
by Mike Marion | Jul 19, 2014 | Featured Articles
(click to enlarge) It is difficult to pinpoint exactly when it happened, but clear evidence can be seen at least in the aftermath of World War II. Some trace the origins back to 1898 and the Spanish-American War, or even earlier to the War of 1812. And still others...
US Foreign Food Aid Hurts the Poor
by James Bovard | Jul 17, 2014 | Featured Articles
The U.S. government loves to preen about its generosity to the world’s downtrodden. However, a long series of presidents and their tools have scorned the evidence that their aid programs perennially clobber recipients. Nowhere is this clearer than in the sordid...
Neocons Go Undercover
by Justin Raimondo | Jul 16, 2014 | Featured Articles
Ben SmithFox News reports it’s entirely legal in many jurisdictions for criminals to change their names, citing the case of an Oklahoma man convicted of impersonating a police officer – as well as a would-be school bus driver who is a convicted sex offender. It’s a...
West’s Confusing Foreign Policy Contradictions
by Neil Clark | Jul 15, 2014 | Featured Articles
I'm confused. Jen Psaki, US State Department spokesperson, says that the Ukrainian government has "every right" to use air strikes against its opponents in Ukraine on the grounds that it "is defending the country." Yet in 2011, alleged air strikes by Libyan government...
Ron Paul Institute Now in Texas!
by Daniel McAdams | Jul 13, 2014 | Featured Articles
Great news! The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity has moved from its former location in Washington, D.C.'s Virginia suburbs down to its new headquarters in Clute, Texas. The Institute is setting up its office next door to Ron Paul's FREE Foundation and not...
What’s Missing in the Current Immigration ‘Crisis’ Debate
by Ron Paul | Jul 13, 2014 | Featured Articles
Over the past several weeks we have seen a significant increase in illegal immigration, as thousands of unaccompanied minors pour across what seems an invisible southern border into the United States. The mass immigration has, as to be expected, put an enormous strain...
How to Lose Friends and Make People Hate You
by Paul-Martin Foss | Jul 12, 2014 | Featured Articles
The New York Times reports that American prosecutors, in the wake of the decision against French bank BNP Paribas, have shifted their attention now towards German banks. Just as in its conduct of foreign policy, the US government fails to appreciate the concept of...
In Washington’s View, It’s Still 1945 in Europe
by Eric Margolis | Jul 12, 2014 | Featured Articles
Just how independent is the European Union? Given recent events involving the United States and its European allies, one really must wonder.First, there was the US National Security Agency brazenly tapping German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s private cellphone and, very...
Ron Paul Rewind: Israel Encouraged Growth of Hamas
by Adam Dick | Jul 11, 2014 | Featured Articles
As the death toll from the Israel government’s air strikes increases and its military prepares for a ground invasion of Gaza that the Israeli government justifies as a response to Hamas hostilities, consider former Rep. Ron Paul’s January 9, 2009 speech on the US...
Inside the Strange Mind of NATO’s Anders Fogh Rasmussen
by Robert Wenzel | Jul 11, 2014 | Featured Articles
This week, I attended a talk here in San Francisco by NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, sponsored jointly by The World Affairs Council and The Commonwealth Club.I have never heard remarks before quite like those made by Rasmussen, the former Prime Minister...
Don’t Cry For Me, Shevardnadze…
by Christine Stone | Jul 10, 2014 | Featured Articles
When Eduard Shevardnadze died on 7th July the tectonic plates barely moved in the international media. That evening, the anchor on the BBC News 24 network fumbled with his notes — and, obviously his memory — to say something of interest. In the end it all boiled down...
Fox News and Terrorist Propaganda
by Dan Sanchez | Jul 9, 2014 | Featured Articles
Comedian and movie star Russell Brand recently posted a video in which he played a segment by Fox News host Jeanine Pirro about the rise in Iraq of the terrorist group ISIS, and periodically interrupted the segment to respond to her remarks.Pirro’s segment was a...
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- DEA Agent Kiki Camarena Died for Nothingby Jacob G. Hornberger
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- The Press Falls to Another Record Low in Public Trustby Jonathan Turley
- NATO Is the Big Obstacle to Peace in Ukraineby Jacob G. Hornberger
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