Featured Articles

The Big Snub in Paris

The Big Snub in Paris

Presidents Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin were ships passing in the night while in Paris for the G-7 meeting. The American president reportedly refused to dine with Putin, who was being hosted by France’s president Francois Hollande as part of the D-Day...

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Why War Is Inevitable

Why War Is Inevitable

Memorial Day is when we commemorate our war dead. Like the Fourth of July, Memorial Day is being turned into a celebration of war.Those who lose family members and dear friends to war don’t want the deaths to have been in vain. Consequently, wars become glorious deeds...

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The Great Western Gas Fiasco

The Great Western Gas Fiasco

Russia’s leader Vladimir Putin usually wears a perfect poker face. But last week in Shangahi, the icy-cold Russian president came awfully close to bursting into a big grin.And why not? Putin had just stolen a march on his western rivals. The US-British attempt to...

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