Progressives have saddled themselves with a theory of history that sees the "march of progress" as an ever upwardly-bound journey to political perfection: thus the appellation "progressive," as in "things are getting progressively better." Yet history – real history,...
Featured Articles
After The ‘Syriza Shock’ – Now Comes The Hard Choice Of Escape Or Merely Re-setting The Terms of Greece’s EU Servitude
by David Stockman | Jan 26, 2015 | Featured Articles
We can heartily praise Alexis Tsirpras for calling bull on the destructive puzzle palace economics thrust on his country by the hypocrites and liars who rule from Brussels. And his finance minister designate, economist Yanis Varoufakis, is surely on the right track...

Education is Too Important Not to Leave to the Marketplace
by Ron Paul | Jan 25, 2015 | Featured Articles
This week, events around the country will highlight the importance of parental control of education as part of National School Choice Week. This year’s events should attract more attention than prior years because of the growing rebellion against centralized education...
Adios Cuba!
by Eric Margolis | Jan 25, 2015 | Featured Articles
It’s taken over half a century for the US to finally figure out how to neutralize pesky Communist Cuba. Invasions, air raids, crushing sanctions, attempts to murder the Castro leadership by exploding cigars and poisons, diplomatic isolation, poisoning crops – all...
Beware a New Cold War
by Charles Knight | Jan 23, 2015 | Featured Articles
The notion of a New Cold War with Russia first arrived in 2008 with the publication of Edward Lucas' book The New Cold War: The Future of Russia and the Threat to the West. It received some attention at the time, but the cold war construct in its title gained little...
A Second Even More Unjustifiable Episode of Government Collection of Phone Records
by Ivan Eland | Jan 23, 2015 | Featured Articles
In the rush to sensationalize the Paris terrorist attacks and minimize all other news (for example, even more horrendous terrorist attacks in Nigeria), the American media has conveniently overlooked one major ill effect of the public hysteria it is helping to foment....
The Ambiguity of Charlie Hebdo: France Under the Influence
by Diana Johnstone | Jan 21, 2015 | Featured Articles
The Charlie Hebdo terrorist assassinations struck France at a moment when it has an unpopular government and a weak President, when factories are closing and jobs are being lost, when French economic policy is determined by Germany via the European Union and its...
The Danger of an MH-17 ‘Cold Case’
by Robert Parry | Jan 20, 2015 | Featured Articles
Now more than six months after the shoot-down of a Malaysia Airlines plane over Ukraine, the refusal of the Obama administration to make public what intelligence evidence it has about who was responsible has created fertile ground for conspiracy theories to take root...
Why Should Charlie Hebdo Deaths Mean More Than Those in E.Ukraine?
by Nebojsa Malic | Jan 19, 2015 | Featured Articles
The Western public justly condemns the murders at Charlie Hebdo, but continues to behave as if Kiev's terror victims in Donetsk are “subhuman.” On January 7, masked terrorists massacred the staff of the French magazine Charlie Hebdo in downtown Paris, killing ten. Two...

If the Fed Has Nothing to Hide, It Has Nothing to Fear
by Ron Paul | Jan 19, 2015 | Featured Articles
Since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, the dollar has lost over 97 percent of its purchasing power, the US economy has been subjected to a series of painful Federal Reserve-created recessions and depressions, and government has grown to dangerous levels...
Fed Asset Seizures Rollback Less Than Advertised
by Adam Dick | Jan 18, 2015 | Featured Articles
While headlines in Yahoo News and Raw Story blare, respectively, “U.S. attorney general bans asset seizure by local police” and “No more asset seizure: Eric Holder bans controversial ‘war on drugs’ tactic,” the truth is that United States Attorney General Eric Holder...
Will New US Training Program Produce More ISIS Fighters in Syria?
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 17, 2015 | Featured Articles
US involvement in Iraq War 3.0 was initially sold as a limited, humanitarian rescue operation to save members of a religious minority the administration claimed were threatened by ISIS's long march through northern Iraq. Who could object to rescuing a poor religious...
‘Do You Believe it Was a False Flag?’ Ron Paul on Paul Craig Roberts’ Controversial Article
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 16, 2015 | Featured Articles
RPI Chairman Ron Paul was on NewsMax's "Midpoint" program today to discuss how blowback should be considered a big factor in the recent attacks in Paris. French and US foreign policy has been very aggressive in the Middle East and the idea that there are no...
The Open Society and its Worst Enemies
by Sheldon Richman | Jan 16, 2015 | Featured Articles
Last week’s bloody events in Paris demonstrate yet again that a noninterventionist foreign policy, far from being a luxury, is an urgent necessity — literally a matter of life and death. A government that repeatedly wages wars of aggression — the most extreme form of...
America Is Open for Business in Iraq (Psst… Wanna Buy an M1 Tank?)
by Peter van Buren | Jan 15, 2015 | Featured Articles
The current American war in Iraq is a struggle in search of a goal. It began in August as a humanitarian intervention, morphed into a campaign to protect Americans in-country, became a plan to defend the Kurds, followed by a full-on crusade to defeat the new Islamic...
‘US Incapable of Backing Down on Russia Over Ukraine’
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 15, 2015 | Featured Articles
RPI Director Daniel McAdams was interviewed yesterday on the deteriorating situation in Ukraine. Following is the interview in its entirety: Making quick judgments over the situation in Ukraine, including the latest bus tragedy, suits Washington’s political goals as,...
CIA on Trial in Virginia for Planting Nuke Evidence in Iran
by David Swanson | Jan 15, 2015 | Featured Articles
Since Tuesday and continuing for the coming three weeks, an amazing trial is happening in U.S. District Court at 401 Courthouse Square in Alexandria, Va. The trial is open to the public, and among the upcoming witnesses is Condoleezza Rice, but -- unlike the Chelsea...
From Neighborhood Cops to Robocops: The Changing Face of American Police
by John W. Whitehead | Jan 14, 2015 | Featured Articles
“Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.” ― Aldous Huxley, Ends and Means If 2014 was the year of militarized police, armored tanks, and stop-and-frisk searches, 2015 may well be the year of technologized police,...
Charlie Hebdo Shootings: False Flag?
by Paul Craig Roberts | Jan 14, 2015 | Featured Articles
The Charlie Hebdo affair has many of the characteristics of a false flag operation. The attack on the cartoonists’ office was a disciplined professional attack of the kind associated with highly trained special forces; yet the suspects who were later corralled and...

Lessons from Paris
by Ron Paul | Jan 13, 2015 | Featured Articles
After the tragic shooting at a provocative magazine in Paris last week, I pointed out that given the foreign policy positions of France we must consider blowback as a factor. Those who do not understand blowback made the ridiculous claim that I was excusing the attack...
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- It’s Rescission Timeby David Stockman
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