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Repeal, Don’t Reform the IMF!

Repeal, Don’t Reform the IMF!

A responsible financial institution would not extend a new loan of between 17 and 40 billion dollars to a borrower already struggling to pay back an existing multi-billion dollar loan. Yet that is just what the International Monetary Fund (IMF) did last month when it...

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Leave the Houthis Alone!

Leave the Houthis Alone!

Saudi Arabia‘s US-backed aggression against the sovereignty of Yemen is a textbook example of how local conflicts are internationalized – and become tripwires for regional wars and even global conflagrations. Like Libya, Yemen is yet another Middle Eastern country...

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How Will The Yemeni Civil War End?

How Will The Yemeni Civil War End?

The Civil War in Yemen is rapidly expanding. We have been forced to close our embassy and military base located there. It is now clear that Obama’s optimism for fighting terrorism in Yemen was misplaced. It hardly sets a standard for dealing with constant conflict and...

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Congress Demands War in Ukraine!

Congress Demands War in Ukraine!

US military vehicles in military exercises near Russia's border this week.Just weeks after a European-brokered ceasefire greatly reduced the violence in Ukraine, the US House of Representatives today takes a big step toward re-igniting -- and expanding -- the bloody...

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A Family Business of Perpetual War

A Family Business of Perpetual War

Neoconservative pundit Robert Kagan and his wife, Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, run a remarkable family business: she has sparked a hot war in Ukraine and helped launch Cold War II with Russia – and he steps in to demand that Congress jack up military...

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