The past year has been a tough one for the Brussels’ EU political correctness Supremos. First Mr Orbán insisted on going through with a national referendum. How anti-European! Letting citizens vote on issues affecting their lives in their own countries! What a...
Featured Articles
Why Imperial Washington Should Cool it On North Korea
by David Stockman | Jul 8, 2017 | Featured Articles
The threat of nuclear war has again sharply escalated owing to North Korea’s apparent successful test of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), albeit one that traveled only 600 miles, not the 6,000 miles needed to reach California. Likewise, it was only a...
New Syria Ceasefire Deal May Be US Attempt to Save Rebels From Defeat
by Sputnik News | Jul 7, 2017 | Featured Articles
A newly announced deal on a ceasefire in southwestern Syria may be an attempt by the United States to save the Syrian rebels from defeat, Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity Executive Director Daniel McAdams told Sputnik. 'On the Syria "ceasefire" agreement,...
Don’t Be Surprised to See Trump Bomb North Korea
by Jacob G. Hornberger | Jul 7, 2017 | Featured Articles
After the in-your-face Fourth of July “gift” that North Korea delivered to President Trump in the form of an intercontinental ballistic missile test, I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see President Trump and the Pentagon retaliate by bombing North Korea. The reason...
Trump Sends in the Gun Confiscation Cops
by Adam Dick | Jul 6, 2017 | Featured Articles
Chicago police are keeping busy confiscating “illegal guns.” Last year through the summer, the confiscations were occurring at a rate of one every 59 minutes according to Chicago Police Department figures related by Mark Berman in an October 2016 Washington Post...
‘Russiagate’: The Stink Without a Secret
by Craig Murray | Jul 6, 2017 | Featured Articles
After six solid months of co-ordinated allegation from the mainstream media allied to the leadership of state security institutions, not one single scrap of solid evidence for Trump/Russia election hacking has emerged.I do not support Donald Trump. I do support truth....
Anti-Interventionist Voters Elected Trump
by Justin Raimondo | Jul 5, 2017 | Featured Articles
How did Donald Trump defy all the pollsters, the pundits, and the Twitterverse “experts” and take the White House? According to the Democrats, it was all a Russian plot – Kremlin-directed Twitter “bots” spread “misinformation” and “fake news,” Russian hackers stole...
Time to End Our 14 Year Middle East Misadventure
by James W. McConnell | Jul 5, 2017 | Featured Articles
The United States invaded Iraq in March, 2003. Over the ensuing fourteen years we’ve done nothing of significance that hasn’t proven counterproductive. None of this should have been a surprise. Prior to invading Iraq, Lieutenant General Bill Odom, the Director of the...
The Fraud of the White Helmets
by Philip Giraldi | Jul 4, 2017 | Featured Articles
I actually forced myself to watch the documentary The White Helmets, which is available on Netflix. It is 40 minutes long, is of high quality cinematographically speaking, and tells a very convincing tale that was promoted as “the story of real-life heroes and...
You Want a Picture of the Future? Imagine a Boot Stamping on Your Face
by John W. Whitehead | Jul 3, 2017 | Featured Articles
“The Internet is watching us now. If they want to. They can see what sites you visit. In the future, television will be watching us, and customizing itself to what it knows about us. The thrilling thing is, that will make us feel we’re part of the medium. The scary...
![We Must Declare Independence](
We Must Declare Independence
by Ron Paul | Jul 3, 2017 | Featured Articles
As Independence Day comes around again we should spend a few moments between barbecue and fireworks to think about the meaning of independence. The colonists who rebelled against the British Crown were, among other things, unhappy about taxation. Yet, as economist...
Trump Appoints Himself Chicago Police Chief
by Daniel McAdams | Jul 3, 2017 | Featured Articles
Will 40 more armed federal agents working in Chicago be able to stop the bloodbath in the streets? That is what President Trump has sent in, calling it an anti-gun violence "strike force." We're not sure more police and more agents are the solution. Maybe there is...
How Accidental are America’s Accidental Civilian Killings Across the Middle East?
by Peter van Buren | Jul 1, 2017 | Featured Articles
US Secretary of Defense James Mattis has said “civilian casualties are a fact of life in this sort of situation,” referring to America’s war against Islamic State. How can America in clear conscience continue to kill civilians across the Middle East? It’s easy; ask...
NYT Finally Retracts Russia-gate Canard
by Robert Parry | Jun 30, 2017 | Featured Articles
The New York Times has finally admitted that one of the favorite Russia-gate canards – that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies concurred on the assessment of Russian hacking of Democratic emails – is false.On Thursday, the Times appended a correction to a June 25...
Mad Dog’s Pathetic Syrian Chemical Attack Propaganda
by Kurt Nimmo | Jun 30, 2017 | Featured Articles
It’s obvious Mad Dog and the war-makers take us for complete idiots.On Wednesday Trump’s Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, otherwise fondly known as Mad Dog, said Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian government backed down on a chemical attack after a stern warning from the...
Fake News Media Suppress Two Blockbuster Stories on Syria
by James George Jatras | Jun 29, 2017 | Featured Articles
It has become the conventional wisdom that the information world has been forever changed by the advent of the Internet Age. Whereas in the past the established media were the only source of news and opinion, we are led to believe that now, with a virtually unlimited...
Peace Is Popular
by Jeff Deist | Jun 29, 2017 | Featured Articles
Capitalism is essentially a scheme for peaceful nations. What the incompatibility of war and capitalism really means is that war and high civilization are incompatible. — Ludwig von MisesPeace is popular.That was Ron Paul’s message to our audience in Texas earlier...
Trump’s Reckless Syria Folly
by James Bovard | Jun 27, 2017 | Featured Articles
Last year on the campaign trail, crowds roared when Donald Trump denounced his opponent as "trigger-happy" Hillary. But President Trump is rapidly incarnating the vice he condemned. Nowhere is this more evident than in Syria, where Trump’s recklessness risks dragging...
Intel Behind Trump’s Syria Attack Questioned
by Ray McGovern | Jun 26, 2017 | Featured Articles
Legendary investigative reporter Seymour Hersh is challenging the Trump administration’s version of events surrounding the April 4 “chemical weapons attack” on the northern Syrian town of Khan Sheikhoun – though Hersh had to find a publisher in Germany to get his...
The Age of No Privacy: The Surveillance State Shifts Into High Gear
by John W. Whitehead | Jun 26, 2017 | Featured Articles
“We are rapidly entering the age of no privacy, where everyone is open to surveillance at all times; where there are no secrets from government.” ― William O. Douglas, Supreme Court Justice (1966) The government has become an expert in finding ways to sidestep what it...
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- Why Did Republicans Fund ‘Transgender Dance’ in Bangladesh?by Wyatt Reed
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- Why the Mainstream Media Is in Troubleby Jacob G. Hornberger
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