There are two general theories about the protests that are taking place in Iran. One, unfavorable to the Iranian government and establishment, is that the widespread discontent and rioting is over mismanagement of the economy that has particularly hurt poorer...
Philip Giraldi
Surrounded by Neocons
by Philip Giraldi | Jan 9, 2018 | Neocon Watch
Award winning journalist James Risen has recently described in some detail his sometimes painful relationship with The New York Times. His lengthy account is well worth reading as it demonstrates how successive editors of the paper frequently cooperated with the...
Expect Even Less Freedom of Internet in 2018
by Philip Giraldi | Jan 4, 2018 | Featured Articles
Users of social media have been increasingly reporting that their accounts have been either censored, blocked or suspended during the past year. Initially, some believed that the incidents might be technical in nature, with overloaded servers struggling to keep up...
Who Are the Leading State Sponsors of Terrorism?
by Philip Giraldi | Dec 28, 2017 | Featured Articles
As 2017 draws to a close, it is difficult to be optimistic about what will be coming in the new year. The American President, whose margin of victory was certainly based on his pledge to avoid unnecessary wars, has doubled down on Afghanistan, refuses to leave Syria...
Iraq Redux in the Making? US Rhetoric on Iran Brings Back Memories of 2003
by Philip Giraldi | Dec 22, 2017 | Featured Articles
Sometimes you wake up in the morning and it’s 2003 all over again. That was the year when the United States embarked on its catastrophic course of intervention in Asia. It was at least somewhat justified in invading Afghanistan to eliminate al-Qaeda but then made the...
Why America’s Law Enforcement Empire Resembles Secret Police in a Dictatorship
by Philip Giraldi | Dec 14, 2017 | Featured Articles
Secret police are characteristic of dictatorships, or so goes the conventional thinking on the subject. Police in democracies operate for the most part transparently and within a set of rules and guidelines that limits their ability to gratuitously punish citizens who...
How Hitler Analogies Obscure Understanding of Mideast Power Struggle
by Philip Giraldi | Nov 30, 2017 | Featured Articles
While growing up in America during the 1950’s, one would sometimes encounter supermarket tabloid headlines asserting that Adolph Hitler had not died in May 1945 in the ruins of the Reich’s Chancellery. It was claimed that he had somehow escaped and was living under a...
Did the US Allow ISIS to Escape to Keep the Fighting Going?
by Philip Giraldi | Nov 21, 2017 | Featured Articles
Americans have been living in a country that has not known peace since 9/11, when President George W. Bush and his posse of neoconservatives delivered the message to the world that “you are either with us or against us.” The threat was coupled with flurry of hastily...
How America’s Deep State Operates to Control the Message
by Philip Giraldi | Nov 17, 2017 | Featured Articles
It is not possible to overstate the power of certain constituencies and corporate lobbies in the United States. These pressure groups, joined by powerful government agencies, many of which have secret agendas that focus on national security, constitute what is...
Saudi Arabia and Israel Know They Cannot Defeat Iran, Want to Drag the US into an Uncontainable War
by Philip Giraldi | Nov 13, 2017 | Featured Articles
There is considerable confusion about what is occurring in the Middle East, to include much discussion of whether Israel and Saudi Arabia have formally agreed to combine forces to increase both military and economic pressure on Iran, which both of them see as their...
America’s ‘Allies’ Are Setting Up Another Trap for US in the Middle East
by Philip Giraldi | Nov 10, 2017 | Featured Articles
Whatever their plans, the stakeholders in the Middle East must remember that clever plans to remake the Middle East have hitherto been remarkable for their inability to anticipate countermoves by opposing forces.Tension is increasing all across the Middle East and the...
The Rise of MEK/NCRI in Washington: Pay Off The Right People and You Are No Longer A Terrorist
by Philip Giraldi | Oct 30, 2017 | Featured Articles
If you want to change a group of terrorists who have killed American overseas into something that appears to be much more benign, all you have to do is pay off the right people in Washington. With enough money, you can even open a nice plush lobbying office on...
Mutual Assured Destruction: Missile Defense Might be a Lie
by Philip Giraldi | Oct 24, 2017 | Featured Articles
Sometimes it is possible to read or view something that completely changes the way one looks at things. I had that experience last week when I read an article at Lobelog entitled “A Plea for Common Sense on Missile Defense,” written by Joe Cirincione, a former staffer...
Sputnik and RT Under Investigation
by Philip Giraldi | Oct 10, 2017 | Featured Articles
Somehow everything keeps coming back around to Russia. In one of its recent initiatives, the Justice Department (DOJ) appears to be attacking the First Amendment as part of the apparent bipartisan program to make Vladimir Putin the fall guy for everything that goes...
More on Imran Awan – Where Are All Those Congressional Emails?
by Philip Giraldi | Sep 26, 2017 | Featured Articles
I wrote an article on the strange case of Imran Awan about two months ago. To summarize it briefly, Awan, his two brothers and wife, naturalized U.S. citizens born in Pakistan living in the Washington DC area, found employment as IT administrators in the House of...
The USS Liberty Wins One!
by Philip Giraldi | Sep 7, 2017 | Featured Articles
On June 8th 1967 the United States Navy intelligence ship the U.S.S. Liberty was attacked in international waters by aircraft and vessels belonging to Israel. Thirty-four sailors, Marines and civilians were killed in the attack. The deliberate Israeli air and sea...
Iran, Again…Will Israel Start a New War?
by Philip Giraldi | Aug 29, 2017 | Featured Articles
When politicians are feeling the heat, they start a war and their popularity goes up even if the war is unnecessary or completely ridiculous. Donald Trump, the presidential candidate who promised that he would not take the nation into another Middle Eastern war, did...
The Tale of the Brothers Awan
by Philip Giraldi | Aug 8, 2017 | Featured Articles
There has been surprisingly little media follow-up on the story about the July 25th Dulles Airport arrest of House of Representatives’ employed Pakistani-American IT specialist Imran Awan, who was detained for bank fraud while he was allegedly fleeing to Pakistan. The...
Groupthink at the CIA
by Philip Giraldi | Aug 1, 2017 | Featured Articles
Long ago, when I was a spear carrying middle ranker at CIA, a colleague took me aside and said that he had something to tell me “as a friend,” that was very important. He told me that his wife had worked for years in the Agency’s Administrative Directorate, as it was...
Who Is the Real Enemy?
by Philip Giraldi | Jul 11, 2017 | Featured Articles
It is one of the great ironies that the United States, a land mass protected by two broad oceans while also benefitting from the world’s largest economy and most powerful military, persists in viewing itself as a potential victim, vulnerable and surrounded by enemies....
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