Kurt Nimmo

The War Tweets

The War Tweets

It looks like Trump will get his “Jolly Little War” (as Eric Margolis pegged it) against Iran or Venezuela, although the newsfeeds say today it will be Iran. It might change tomorrow. Who knows? Trump might have himself a two-front war against the Oil Evildoers. I...

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Bolton: I’ll Send Maduro to Gitmo

Bolton: I’ll Send Maduro to Gitmo

On Friday, the neocon running Trump’s foreign policy, John Bolton, threatened to send the elected president of Venezuela to the indefinite torture camp at Guantanamo.Maduro should be relieved. The previous neoliberal regime in DC had the disfavored leader of Libya...

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Digital Book Burners

Digital Book Burners

Jamie Fly, a former high-ranking Bush era neocon, believes you shouldn’t have the right to post on social media. “Fly went on to complain that ‘all you need is an email’ to set up a Facebook or Twitter account, lamenting the sites’ accessibility to members of the...

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Michael Moore’s Dumbed-Down America

Michael Moore’s Dumbed-Down America

Michael Moore had epiphany while on the road to Rome. The filmmaker lambasted corporate media for placing more emphasis on frivolous entertainment than hard-hitting objective news. “If you allow rich corporations to buy up and control most of the media, and then put...

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The Gamification of Tyranny

The Gamification of Tyranny

It looks like we’re headed for a brave new world where all citizens are rated on their loyalty to the state and are punished for wandering from its narrative. Call it the gamification of repression. In China, the supposedly communist state—in fact, it is an advanced...

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