In an ideal nation, the most important duty of an elected politician involves ensuring the protection of their constituents’ individual rights. During COVID Mania, the political forces for tyranny in America have attempted to contaminate this sacred ideal — under the...
Jordan Schachtel
Politics over science: Biden Admin signals intent to force FDA approval of COVID vaccines
by Jordan Schachtel | Jul 26, 2021 | Featured Articles
The Biden Administration has signaled its next move as part of the White House’s full court press to pressure Americans into taking COVID-19 vaccines. It seems the White House intends to strongarm the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) into fully approving COVID...
The COVID-19 era taught us: Don’t trust, verify
by Jordan Schachtel | Jul 7, 2021 | Featured Articles
The past year and a half has acted as a consistent test of our ability to process fact from fiction. Turn on the TV and you’ll surely run into a CDC or Big Pharma sponsored commercial demanding the population-wide embrace of the latest radical “solution” to the “scary...
Fauci and the Biden Admin are Purposely Deceiving us About the ‘Delta Variant’ Threat
by Jordan Schachtel | Jun 24, 2021 | Featured Articles
Prominent actors within the US government have been lying to the American people about COVID-19 for 18 months and counting, and their latest behavior shows that the individuals in charge of US Government Science have no intention of stopping the charade anytime soon....
Papers, please! Oregon now requires ‘proof of vaccination’
by Jordan Schachtel | May 21, 2021 | Featured Articles
If you want to participate in Oregon society without being forced to wear a mask, you better have your paperwork in order. The state is now requiring individuals to display “proof of vaccination” if they’d like to take their masks off indoors, Oregon’s Health...
How Team Biden ended COVID Mania overnight
by Jordan Schachtel | May 19, 2021 | Featured Articles
How was the Biden Administration able to flip the switch on COVID Mania and turn off the Safety Regime virtually overnight, after 15 months of a ruthless propaganda and fear campaign claiming that America was in the midst of a perpetual pandemic of endless death and...
The Free World Died of COVID-19
by Jordan Schachtel | Apr 12, 2021 | Featured Articles
As someone with a background in foreign policy and international affairs, I am often asked to discuss the ramifications of having Joe Biden as the so-called leader of the Free World. While it is easy to get carried away debating the merits of a heavily compromised man...
New York’s Vaccine Passport Program is Already Failing
by Jordan Schachtel | Apr 7, 2021 | Featured Articles
Liberty advocates, rejoice! The idiocracy is going to save us from another form of COVID tyranny. Thanks to a combination of bungling authoritarians and decaying legacy corporations, these entities are simply too incompetent to pull off a functioning vaccine passport...
Show Me Your Papers: New York Rolls Out Vaccine Passport Program
by Jordan Schachtel | Mar 28, 2021 | Featured Articles
What was labeled an unhinged conspiracy theory just last year has become a reality today. Unindicted human rights criminal Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced this week that New York has rolled out the nation’s first COVID vaccine passport program with the introduction of the...
Welcome to the COVID Testing Industrial Complex, which is fast becoming a $100 billion a year industry
by Jordan Schachtel | Mar 25, 2021 | Featured Articles
The COVID-19 Testing Industrial Complex in the United States is completely out of control, and the American taxpayer has been drafted into churning out hundreds of millions of dollars per day to keep it afloat. This continually growing behemoth, which was spawned in...
There is No Such Thing as a Public Health Expert
by Jordan Schachtel | Mar 24, 2021 | Featured Articles
Since the beginning of COVID Mania, we’ve been told to “listen to the public health experts.” Governments and the corporate media has identified this category to us as individuals (Dr. Fauci, Rachel Levine, Tedros Adhanom, Bill Gates) and groups (CDC, WHO, Gates...
The Chicken Little Act Isn’t Working – COVID Mania is Wearing Off
by Jordan Schachtel | Mar 19, 2021 | Featured Articles
The “public health experts” are scrambling to remain in the spotlight, and even their most reliable scare tactics are failing to keep the masses compliant, paranoid, and afraid. For the “public health” cartel, 2020 was the best year of their lives, and it seems that...
Abandon ship! Governors Scramble to End Lockdowns, Mask Mandates
by Jordan Schachtel | Mar 3, 2021 | Featured Articles
It took an entire year, but lockdowns and mask mandates are officially incredibly unpopular with half of the country, to the point that governors are rapidly making sweeping changes to their year-long COVID-19 policies.Jumping onto the coattails of pro-individual...
Flashback: Fauci Describes Ebola Quarantines as ‘Draconian,’ Warns of ‘Unintended Consequences’
by Jordan Schachtel | Feb 20, 2021 | Featured Articles
When it came to a proposed mandatory quarantine for his colleagues, and not the American general public, Dr. Fauci was singing a very different tune on quarantines, which the government health bureaucrat has now been championing in the United States for the better...
How the Gates Foundation seeded America’s COVID-19 policy catastrophes
by Jordan Schachtel | Feb 17, 2021 | Featured Articles
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is finally facing the heat for his botched and criminally negligent coronavirus response policies, yet no one seems to be asking why Cuomo and select governors made the fateful decisions that led to the excess deaths — and the coverup...
Out: 100 Day Reopening Plan – In: Indefinite COVID Regime
by Jordan Schachtel | Feb 14, 2021 | Featured Articles
The Biden White House has seemingly disappeared its “100 days” back to normal COVID-19 plan, substituting its highly-publicized pledge for a more permanent safety regime, at the request of power-drunk officials and “public health experts” who continue their reign over...
How the White House COVID Task Force Sunk the Trump Presidency
by Jordan Schachtel | Jan 9, 2021 | Featured Articles
President Trump took in the early days of 2020 from a position of incredible strength. At the beginning of the year, no serious analyst would have told you that he was in major jeopardy of losing the 2020 election. The American economy was booming, we had solid...
The ‘New Strain’ of COVID Propaganda
by Jordan Schachtel | Dec 28, 2020 | Featured Articles
Politicians and “public health experts” around the world are using faulty models on a new variant of the novel coronavirus in order to cover for their failures in stopping its spread, while simultaneously leveraging the issue to demand renewed lockdowns and other...
Just Say No To COVID Travel Bans
by Jordan Schachtel | Dec 23, 2020 | Featured Articles
We’ve seen this movie before, and it ended with the largest power grab in world history. “It’s just a travel ban.” “It’s just two weeks to stop the spread.” “It’s just for non-essential workers.” “Just wear a mask. It will allow for society to reopen.” “It’s just a...
Everyone is already wearing a mask. They just don’t work.
by Jordan Schachtel | Dec 7, 2020 | Featured Articles
One of the most common pro-mask arguments I’ve heard over the course of the past year, both from “public health experts” and your average citizen, sounds similar to the following statement: “If only everyone would just wear a mask, we would be able to crush the virus...
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