Tick tock, tick tock. The clock is ticking on the investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for illegal handling of United States government secrets. It is three weeks until the first-in-the-nation New Hampshire presidential primary on February 9....
Adam Dick
A Video Introduction to Police Militarization
by Adam Dick | Jan 18, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Would you like to share with someone a short video that provides a basic introduction to police militarization in America? A new video at Learn Liberty, featuring Independent Institute Research Fellow Abigail R. Hall, may be just what you are seeking. The video...
FBI Now Investigating Hillary Clinton for Using State Department to Benefit Clinton Foundation?
by Adam Dick | Jan 16, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
In a new video at Fox News, Judge Andrew Napolitano suggests that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has begun a new investigation of Hillary Clinton, in addition to the ongoing investigation of if she as secretary of state in the Obama administration failed to...
Sen. Ted Cruz Muddies Constitution to Push Treason Charge for Ed Snowden
by Adam Dick | Jan 15, 2016 | Congress Alert
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), quoted in the New York Times on Wednesday, says that whistle-blower Edward Snowden, who revealed the extraordinary scope of the United States government’s mass surveillance program, is a traitor who should be tried in court for the treasonous act...
Ron Paul on MSNBC: Talking Presidential Race and Rise of Libertarian Ideas
by Adam Dick | Jan 15, 2016 | Featured Articles
Speaking Thursday with host Chuck Todd on MSNBC before the latest Republican presidential debate, former US House of Representatives member from Texas and three-time presidential candidate Ron Paul gave his assessment of the 2016 presidential race. Paul also commented...
A Tribute to Ron Paul’s Work for Austrian Economics and against the Federal Reserve
by Adam Dick | Jan 11, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Over at FreedomWorks, Alex Bales’ new article “Profiles in Liberty: Dr. Ron Paul” presents a tribute to Ron Paul’s decades of work promoting Austrian economics and opposing the Federal Reserve. While Bales’ article focuses on Paul’s past accomplishments in the United...
Challenging Obama’s Gun Control Executive Action
by Adam Dick | Jan 8, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
This month, President Barack Obama has announced gun control executive action that seeks to roll back the Bill of Rights — not just the Second Amendment. He has followed up on this unilateral action with a public relations campaign. Last month, I challenged the...
Judge Napolitano: Unconstitutional for Obama to Create a New Gun Transfer Crime
by Adam Dick | Jan 6, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Judge Andrew Napolitano, interviewed by Gretchen Carlson on Fox News regarding President Barack Obama’s Tuesday gun control executive order announcement, explained that Obama is exceeding his presidential authority in creating a new crime related to gun transfers....
Killer Cops: Dialing 911 May Be Hazardous to Your Health
by Adam Dick | Jan 2, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
If you call the cops on someone whose behavior is worrying you, just know that your call may lead to the cops killing or seriously injuring that person. Sitharath Sam learned this lesson Sunday after she called the police on her boyfriend of ten years. Sam is reported...
Ron Paul Rewind: Real ID is National ID
by Adam Dick | Dec 31, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Pursuant to the 2005 Real ID Act, the United States government is on schedule to prohibit many Americans from domestic flights unless they present US passports or other approved US government IDs in 2016. Expect the sweep of the prohibition to be vast given the US...
Is There a War on Police or a War on Us?
by Adam Dick | Dec 29, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
There has been much talk about a “war on police” in 2015. The story goes that police in America are in great danger from a rise in violent attacks against them. It is suggested that the attacks are stirred up by criticisms and protests of police misconduct. As the end...
The FBI’s 1,800-Page Obsession With Peace Activist Pete Seeger
by Adam Dick | Dec 27, 2015 | Featured Articles
It may not be surprising that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) snooped on renowned singer-songwriter Pete Seeger for decades and even that the bureau’s file on Seeger runs to nearly 1,800 pages. After all, Seeger was a high-profile opponent of the Vietnam...
Will Marijuana Be Rescheduled in 2016?
by Adam Dick | Dec 23, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
In January, President Barack Obama stated that rescheduling marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act’s Schedule 1 is “a job for Congress.” At the time, prominent advocates of liberalization of United States marijuana laws countered that the executive branch has...
‘Leaders’ McConnell and Ryan Support Unlimited War Power for Obama and Next President
by Adam Dick | Dec 18, 2015 | Congress Alert
US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) like to portray themselves as strong leaders who act to protect congressional authority against Obama Administration power grabs. But, in regard to the ISIS War, both congressional...
Obama Wants to Take Away Santa’s Guns
by Adam Dick | Dec 18, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Lauren Davis of WVLT-TV reported on Thursday about the predicament of Patrick Hackett, a Knoxville, Tennessee veterinarian who found out in 2004 that he is on the United States government’s No Fly List. Hackett has a long white beard and dresses up as Santa Claus for...
Ron Paul: Save Trillions of Dollars and Millions of Lives by Replacing Militarism with Defense
by Adam Dick | Dec 16, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
In a new interview with host Deirdre Bolton at Fox Business, Ron Paul explains that most United States Department of Defense spending is on militarism rather than defense. This spending on militarism, Paul continues, is “a negative,” wasting trillions of dollars on...
Ron Paul Rewind: Smacking Down Militarism and Liberty Abuses in 2011 CNN Debate
by Adam Dick | Dec 15, 2015 | Featured Articles
Tonight, Republican presidential candidates will participate in a CNN debate moderated by Wolf Blitzer. On November 22, 2011, Ron Paul, in another Blitzer-moderated CNN presidential debate, boldly proposed ending US militarism abroad and liberty abuses at home. Paul...
US Foreign Policy of Interminable War to Support the National Security State
by Adam Dick | Dec 14, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Continuing his insightful analysis offered in October RT and November Real News Network interviews, Lawrence Wilkerson, a former United States Army colonel and chief of staff for Secretary of State Colin Powel, expands this month on his exploration of the US national...
How About Perjury Prosecutions for Cops Who Lie About Other Cops’ Killings?
by Adam Dick | Dec 12, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
It is disheartening to see police unjustifiably abuse, injure, or kill people and then just return to their jobs after perfunctory investigations. In the instances when a cop is charged with a crime, so often the grand jury does not indict or the trial jury does not...
RPI’s Adam Dick on the San Bernardino Killings, Mass Murders, Gun Control, Killer Cops, and US Militarism
by Adam Dick | Dec 10, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Ron Paul Institute Senior Fellow Adam Dick was a guest this week of hosts Jason Burack and Eric Dubin on the always interesting Welcome to Dystopia podcast. The conversation begins with a discussion of the killings in San Bernardino, California last week and Dick’s...
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