An effort is being undertaken in America to broaden the definition of antisemitism from its commonly understood meaning to include criticism of the government of Israel. The absurdity of this effort is demonstrated by the fact that there are many Jewish people in...
Adam Dick
Jonathan Turley’s New Book on Free Speech
by Adam Dick | Jun 19, 2024 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
You may have read at the Ron Paul Institute website and elsewhere some of Jonathan Turley’s many insightful editorials dealing with current events and the right to free speech. As have many other readers, you likely wanted more — an examination by Turley of free...
School Board Sued for Reinstating Politically Incorrect School Names
by Adam Dick | Jun 15, 2024 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
In May, I wrote about the school district of Shenandoah County, Virginia that month becoming the first school district in America to reinstate school names associated with the Confederate States of America (CSA) that had been dropped as part of a trend across the...
Gov. Ron DeSantis’s Misnamed Florida Freedom Fund
by Adam Dick | Jun 11, 2024 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Politico reported Monday that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has started the Florida Freedom Fund. That news by itself sounds promising considering DeSantis has taken significant action in the state to advance freedom, including resisting the imposing of coronavirus...
Use the Libertarian Presidential Campaign to Elect Donald Trump, Says the Libertarian Party Chairman
by Adam Dick | Jun 7, 2024 | Featured Articles
In a video monologue released this week, Libertarian Party Chairman Angela McArdle, framed by rainbows, announced her intention to use the campaign of the newly nominated Libertarian Party presidential ticket of Chase Oliver and Mike ter Maat to ensure that...
Deborah Birx Is Back: Humans and Cows Be Warned
by Adam Dick | Jun 5, 2024 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Remember Deborah Birx, the “scarf lady” United States bureaucrat who joined President Donald Trump and chief coronavirus fearmonger Anthony Fauci for regular televised briefings to whip up fear of coronavirus and support for crackdowns and new health practices...
The Bogus Rise in Antisemitic Incidents on College Campuses Statistic in a US House Resolution Being Voted On This Week
by Adam Dick | Jun 3, 2024 | Congress Alert
This week, the members of the United States House of Representatives are scheduled to vote on H.Res. 1215, a resolution “Calling on elected officials and civil society leaders to join in efforts to educate the public on the contributions of the Jewish-American...
Chase Oliver’s War and Peace Platform Plank
by Adam Dick | May 30, 2024 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
On Sunday, delegates at the Libertarian Party National Convention by majority vote selected Chase Oliver to be the party’s presidential nominee. Individuals seeking an anti-war candidate to support in the United States presidential race will be looking into Oliver’s...
Ron Paul’s Speech at the Libertarian Party National Convention
by Adam Dick | May 28, 2024 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
On Sunday, Ron Paul spoke to the delegates assembled at the Libertarian Party National Convention. It is something Paul has done periodically — including while he was a Republican member of the United States House of Representatives — in the years since he was the...
Students for Liberty Is Aiding Georgia Protests
by Adam Dick | May 24, 2024 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Don’t be fooled, college students. While Students for Liberty describes itself as a “classical liberal” organization with libertarian members, it is not an organization that promotes nonintervention abroad. In December of 2021, I wrote about leaders of Students for...
President Joe Biden’s Underwhelming Marijuana Reform Accomplishments
by Adam Dick | May 22, 2024 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
In October of 2022, I wrote about the underwhelming nature of President Joe Biden’s pardons for some people convicted of marijuana offenses. What Biden proclaimed was a big rollback in the war on marijuana was really much less. The same goes for the new effort by the...
Ron Paul Rewind: 1988 Libertarian Presidential Nominee Ron Paul Interviewed at William F. Buckley Jr.’s Firing Line
by Adam Dick | May 21, 2024 | Featured Articles
This weekend, delegates at the Libertarian Party national convention will be selecting a presidential nominee. For the 1988 election, the party’s nominee was Ron Paul, who had previously served several terms in the United States House of Representatives as a...
Bring Back Constitutional Money
by Adam Dick | May 17, 2024 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
The United States Constitution specifies that gold and silver are money. “No State shall … make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts,” declares the Constitution. Further, one of the enumerated powers the Constitution lists for the US...
The Libertarian Nonparty
by Adam Dick | May 15, 2024 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Check out the United States Libertarian Party’s website for its national convention later this month at which a major focus will be the choosing of the party’s presidential nominee. You see something very peculiar. Up top at the home page is a picture of a portion of...
The Republican US House Leadership Loves the Nanny State
by Adam Dick | May 14, 2024 | Congress Alert
Republicans have developed a reputation for ridiculing nanny state policies of the United States government that regulate an array of activities and products as if Americans are all infants or toddlers unable to look out for their own best interests. Nonetheless, the...
Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and Turner Ashby Ride Again
by Adam Dick | May 10, 2024 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Over the last few years there has been a movement to rid America of the sight of anything having to do with the former Confederate States of America (CSA), such as the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia and statues of CSA military leaders. The movement has...
No Part of the Constitution is Safe from the US Congress
by Adam Dick | May 7, 2024 | Congress Alert
Most members of the United Sates Congress repeatedly and, it seems, without a second thought vote for legislation that violates the restraints imposed by the US Constitution. It has been this way for many years. That situation has helped a government of limited,...
The New ‘Texas Antisemitism Lottery’ Should Pay Out Big in Lawsuit Awards and Settlements
by Adam Dick | Apr 26, 2024 | Featured Articles
The Texas Lottery has paid out many millions of dollars to winners of its games of chance since voters in the state approved its creation in 1991. This week, Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced a new lottery of sorts — the “Texas Antisemitism Lottery” — that could...
That Time Scott Horton Proposed Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich Run Together on a Presidential Ticket
by Adam Dick | Apr 25, 2024 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Earlier this week, I wrote about a “what if” election scenario: What if Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich, who had competed at the same time for, respectively, the Republican and Democratic presidential nomination, had instead run together on a presidential ticket? After...
The Kucinich/Paul Presidential Ticket that Never Was
by Adam Dick | Apr 23, 2024 | Featured Articles
In the United States House of Representatives, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) was known for his progressive views, while Ron Paul (R-TX) was known for his libertarian views. There were many times when the two representatives disagreed about American policy and...
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