Month: June 2023

The Trump 'Gotcha' Indictment

The Trump 'Gotcha' Indictment

We have minimum low regard for Donald Trump, and not merely because he is a bombastic lout and world historic megalomaniac. His policies were terrible, too. The Federal budget and debt exploded on his watch; the Fed printed money recklessly even as he demanded more;...

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Did Ukraine Attack NATO?

According to a new Wall Street Journal report, the Central Intelligence Agency warned Ukraine early last summer not to blow up the Nord Stream pipeline and Ukraine did it anyway. Instead of punishing Ukraine, however, Biden keeps sending billions. Is the story true?...

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Watching The Wall

Watching The Wall

As has happened with other individuals who have prominently challenged pro-authoritarian and pro-war narratives pushed by major politicians and media figures, marquee musician Roger Waters has ended up the target of a campaign to tar him as antisemitic. The campaign...

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