Month: November 2020

Will Biden Listen to the Science?

Will Biden Listen to the Science?

Former Vice President Joe Biden has not been officially declared the winner of the 2020 presidential election, but that has not stopped him from forming a coronavirus task force. The task force is composed of supporters of increased government control.One idea Biden...

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NFL Mask Rules Absurdity

NFL Mask Rules Absurdity

The National Football League (NFL) has jumped with fervor into establishing and enforcing mandates that players and coaches wear masks in the name of countering coronavirus. The NFL is taking this action despite it not being demonstrated that masks provide any net...

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How Russiagate Ruined Everything

How did the Russiagate hoax feed into the Covid hoax and then feed into the Election hoax? RPI Director Daniel McAdams ties them all together in this speech to the Mises Institute's recent Lake Jackson Seminar with Ron Paul. "All of a sudden the tweets are gone, the...

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Trump (Finally) Hires Neocon Slayer

Trump (Finally) Hires Neocon Slayer

In what may go down in history as a tragic example of "a day late and a dollar short," President Trump today named US combat veteran Col. Douglas Macgregor to be senior advisor to acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller. Trump's recently-fired Defense Secretary...

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Elections and Legitimacy

Elections and Legitimacy

This year’s presidential election is the fourth since 2000 to be marred by either widespread allegations of voter fraud or of foreign interference. Politicians and pundits have long counted on elections to wave a magic wand of legitimacy over the reign of whoever is...

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