Month: April 2015

Venezuela: An 'Extraordinary Threat'?

President Obama recently issued an executive order declaring Venezuela an "extraordinary" threat to the United States. Both he and his officials knew this was not true, but the determination had to be made so that he could impose sanctions on the country. At almost...

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The New Militarism: Who Profits?

The New Militarism: Who Profits?

Militarism and military spending are everywhere on the rise, as the new Cold War propaganda seems to be paying off. The new “threats” that are being hyped bring big profits to military contractors and the network of think tanks they pay to produce pro-war propaganda....

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More Weapons for the Yemen War

Washington announced this week that it is getting much more involved in the Saudi bombing of Yemen. The Saudis want to re-install ousted Yemeni president Hadi, who himself had taken power in a coup. US Deputy Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announced yesterday that...

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Mysterious Deaths in Ukraine

Mysterious Deaths in Ukraine

Following the murder of Russian opposition leader, and former Deputy Prime Minister, Boris Nemtsov in Moscow on Feb. 27, the West had a field day. Ranging from strong innuendo to outright accusation of a Kremlin-directed political murder, the Western media and...

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Reality Check: America Needs Iran

Reality Check: America Needs Iran

Since the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was announced last week, the Obama administration—echoing previous pledges that nuclear talks with Tehran do not presage a US-Iranian “grand bargain”—has assiduously reaffirmed that progress on the nuclear issue...

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