On his weekly podcast with Charles Goyette, Ron Paul explains the Congressional trick that actually opens the door to far more aid to Ukraine than is reported in the media. He also points out that the IMF money going to Ukraine in great part comes from the US as well....
Month: April 2014
Afghan Elections for Another Fake Regime
by Eric Margolis | Apr 5, 2014 | Featured Articles
Afghanistan’s national election held this week is a sham. A group of candidates, handpicked by the US, will pretend to compete in an election whose outcome has already been determined – by Washington.The candidates include US groomed politicians, and drug-dealing...
For America, Perhaps Now is The Time For Neutrality
by Michael Scheuer | Apr 5, 2014 | Featured Articles
Among the most striking aspects of the current debate over U.S. foreign policy is the almost complete lack of perception among Americans about their country’s actual economic and military capabilities and its international influence. Whether it is Ukraine and Russia,...
US Government’s Regime Change Obsession Rears Its Ugly Head Again
by Jacob G. Hornberger | Apr 5, 2014 | Featured Articles
The US government’s 116-year-old obsession with controlling Cuba has suddenly manifested itself again. Yesterday, the Associated Press, based on secret records that it obtained, reported that USAID, the federal agency that distributes billions of dollars in...
Zombie NATO
by Daniel McAdams | Apr 4, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Where is NATO in 2014? The debate continues on just why, more than 20 years after the communist threat it was created to defend against has disappeared, NATO continues to nudge its way into smaller conflicts and end up making them bigger ones. RPI academic advisor,...
Ron Paul: What the Media Won’t Say About the Latest Ft. Hood Tragedy
by Daniel McAdams | Apr 4, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
On his Ron Paul Channel, RPI Chairman Ron Paul comments on the latest tragedy at Ft. Hood military base, where a soldier killed three people before taking his own life. What Ron Paul will tell us that the mainstream media will not, is that the shooter had been treated...
The Theory Behind USAID Is Wrong…And in Practice It’s Worse!
by Michael S. Rozeff | Apr 4, 2014 | Featured Articles
USAID (United States Agency for International Development) announces its theory as follows: “USAID says that its work helps ensure American security and prosperity – arguing that the world is more stable if there is less poverty and strife.”If the U.S. government...
NATO Exploits Ukraine Crisis to Demonstrate Its Relevance
by Daniel McAdams | Apr 4, 2014 | The Liberty Report
NATO's bureaucrats — and the military-industrial complex that supplies them — are thrilled with the new lease on life given them by the Ukraine crisis. That is why NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen keeps telling anyone who will listen, that NATO is needed...
Rep. Thomas Massie Bills Would Legalize Raw Milk Sales
by Adam Dick | Apr 3, 2014 | Congress Alert
Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY), who introduced legislation last year to eliminate the US government’s ban on growing hemp in accordance with state laws, last week introduced two bills that would remove US government restrictions on the sale of raw milk and raw milk...
The US Government Should Butt Out of Venezuela
by Jacob G. Hornberger | Apr 3, 2014 | Featured Articles
In an op-ed in the New York Times this week , Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro calls for peace in Venezuela. The socialist president has been besieged by demonstrations in which several protestors have been killed. The protesters focus on horrendous economic...
Origins of NATO Expansion — Daniel McAdams on Jay Taylor Show
by Daniel McAdams | Apr 3, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
RPI Director Daniel McAdams speaks with Jay Taylor of "Turning Hard Times Into Good Times" this week on the origins of NATO expansion in central Europe, the ongoing Ukraine crisis, the still-unresolved implications of the break-up of the USSR, and more:
Ron Paul: US and IMF Bailout of Ukraine is a Bankers Bailout
by Adam Dick | Apr 3, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Speaking Wednesday on the Ron Paul Channel, RPI Chairman and Founder Ron Paul challenges the United States and International Monetary Fund bailout of Ukraine, calling the bailout “criminal.” Paul explains: All this nonsense we hear now of bailing out Ukraine -- it’s...
Daddy Warbucks Seeks President
by Daniel McAdams | Apr 2, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Much is made of money in politics and how the process is shaped by big donors. While RPI does not concern itself with politics or elections, there is a disturbing related phenomenon that does indeed concern our mission: big money purchasing war. Take casino magnate...
Targeting Iran
by Philip Giraldi | Apr 2, 2014 | Featured Articles
I am going to explain why Gareth Porter’s new book Manufactured Crisis: the Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare is possibly the most important expose of political corruption and government malfeasance to appear in the past ten years. Investigative reporter Porter’s...
Senate Report Exposes Torture and Misrepresentations By CIA Officials . . . But Recommends No Prosecution
by Jonathan Turley | Apr 2, 2014 | Featured Articles
We previously discussed how CIA officials were accused of trying to intimidate Senate staffers working on an investigation into allegations of torture and lies by the agency officials. Now the details of that still classified report have been leaked to the media. For...
Infantile Diplomacy and Double Standards
by Daniel McAdams | Apr 1, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Frank Furedi at Spiked Online has published one of the best pieces we have seen on the remarkable inability of American and Western diplomats, NGO employees, and others to see US foreign policy as those on the receiving end might see it. In the toxic religion of...
‘Just Salute and Follow Orders’: When Secrecy and Surveillance Trump the Rule of Law
by John W. Whitehead | Apr 1, 2014 | Featured Articles
“The Secret Government is an interlocking network of official functionaries, spies, mercenaries, ex-generals, profiteers and superpatriots, who, for a variety of motives, operate outside the legitimate institutions of government. Presidents have turned to them when...
Is Helsinki Burning?
by Daniel McAdams | Apr 1, 2014 | Neocon Watch
It is not always necessary to click on the latest press release from the neocon dynamic duo, McCain and Graham, to get a sample of the most outré pronouncements. Sometimes the most outlandish and warmongering "analyses" can be found in the strangest places.Take the...
Recent Posts
- President Trump, Where Are Those Long-Secret JFK Records?by Jacob G. Hornberger
- It’s Rescission Timeby David Stockman
- Tariffs are Theftby Ron Paul
- DEA Agent Kiki Camarena Died for Nothingby Jacob G. Hornberger
- Trump May Succeed Where Others Failed in Personnel Cuttingby Peter van Buren
- Taking Rights Seriouslyby Andrew P. Napolitano
- NATO: The Case To Get Out Nowby David Stockman
- Starmer’s Summit Gives Birth To A Mouse – It’s Stillborn.by Moon of Alabama
- Suddenly, Leaving NATO is on the Table!by Ron Paul
- Who Really Provoked the Ukraine War? Was It Russia?by David Rehak
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