Month: June 2013

Who is Ben Rhodes?

Who is Ben Rhodes?

photo: U.S. Embassy Jakarta, IndonesiaEveryone is wondering who is Ben Rhodes, a 30-something who ascended from literally nowhere to be what seems a main driving force behind Obama's foreign policy. He is credited with convincing the president to embrace the Arab...

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Bill Kristol’s Cato Crush

William Kristol is promoting at the Weekly Standard an article by "two of America’s leading libertarian legal thinkers, "no friends to intrusive government," to support Kristol's assertion that the National Security Agency mass secret spying program is a "legitimate...

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Obama Signals Start of US War in Syria

The Obama Administration’s sudden announcement last night that it has discovered the Syrian government used chemical weapons and thus crossed the “red line” is pretty unconvincing. The Administration provided no evidence, no new information, and no explanation of why...

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Are Internal Passports Next?

J.D. Tuccille relates at the sad history of dramatic deterioration in the United States government's respect for the freedom to travel. Tucille begins: Last week, my vacationing family was stopped at not one, but two, internal checkpoints along Interstate 8...

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Turkey: Another Egypt?

On many occasions the “Turkish-style” political system has been viewed as an example for Egypt to follow after the “Jasmine Revolution”. Visiting Cairo in 2011, Prime Minister Recap Tayyip Erdoğan, who is also the chairman of the ruling Justice and Development Party...

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