
Searching for Monsters

Searching for Monsters

“America goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy …She might become the dictatress of the world,But she would no longer be the ruler of her own spirit.”-- John Quincy Adams (1767-1848) In the middle of his term as Secretary of State, the future president John...

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America’s Search for New Enemies

America’s Search for New Enemies

Does anyone really think that Iran threatens the United States? It’s only plausible if you can be convinced by a congenital liar and war criminal like Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or by a buffoon like Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. My head was...

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The 1948 Irgun Re-born?

The 1948 Irgun Re-born?

The signposts are there for all to read: The West – in deliberately overlooking such explicit markers – cannot then complain, or escape, the ensuing consequences. No, the “tin ear” is not some new western derangement – a unique mass collapse of sanity – that we are...

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The Sanctions Explosion

The Sanctions Explosion

In his effort to promote the United States government pursuing a noninterventionist foreign policy, Ron Paul has often commented that sanctions are an act of war. Like other acts of war, Paul argues, the right course is to avoid sanctioning unless actually necessary...

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Folly of Escalation

As Western leaders recklessly talk of escalating the conflict in Ukraine, European voters have sent the exact opposite message. The pro-war elites are clearly out of step with voters, and they have been punished for it. CrossTalking with Daniel McAdams, Richard Cook,...

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