
What an Awful Choice!

What an Awful Choice!

This week’s presidential debate made me both horrified and dismayed. Here was the world’s most powerful nation trying to decide which elderly candidate to select as its presidential candidate. Maybe the best expression is ‘cringe-worthy.’ Joe Biden was left looking...

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The Trouble with Biden

The Trouble with Biden

In January I wrote that Donald Trump would likely jump at the opportunity of playing to his strength in debating Joe Biden, but that Biden, relentlessly shielded from reporters’ questioning and notorious for his “incoherence and apparent confusion in speaking...

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War and Indifference

War and Indifference

Which is more destructive to personal liberty, a government that engages in secret wars or a public and news media that are indifferent to it? In the current American toxic stew of anti-Russian hatred and beating of war drums -- in President Joe Biden’s America -- we...

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Students Go After the Hypocrites

Students Go After the Hypocrites

New York – I was kicked out of New York’s prestigious Collegiate private school many moons ago for "revolutionary and disruptive activities." Thank goodness my wise parents sent me to the International School of Geneva, Switzerland where I thrived. The underground...

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Will Zionism Self-Destruct?

Will Zionism Self-Destruct?

(This paper is the basis of a talk to be given at the 25th Yasin (April) International Academic Event on Economic and Social Development, HSE University, Moscow, April 2024) In the summer following Israel’s 2006 (unsuccessful) war on Hizbullah, Dick Cheney sat in his...

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