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The Military Situation In The Ukraine

The Military Situation In The Ukraine

Part One: The Road To WarFor years, from Mali to Afghanistan, I have worked for peace and risked my life for it. It is therefore not a question of justifying war, but of understanding what led us to it. I notice that the “experts” who take turns on television analyze the situation on the basis of dubious information, most often hypotheses erected as facts—and then we no longer manage to understand what is happening. This is how panics are created.The problem is not so much to know who is right...

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Ukraine War Frenzy Proves: It’s Still John McCain’s GOP

Ukraine War Frenzy Proves: It’s Still John McCain’s GOP

“The senator from Kentucky is now working for Vladimir Putin,” fumed John McCain back in March 2017. His target: Rand Paul, who had committed the unforgivable offense of momentarily delaying the latest round of NATO expansion. Montenegro, a tiny country in southeastern Europe that most Americans have never heard of, was about to join the sprawling military alliance — and McCain was determined to see the final ratification ritual proceed with as little debate as possible. So he hurled the...

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US Officials Admit They're Literally Just Lying To The Public About Russia

US Officials Admit They're Literally Just Lying To The Public About Russia

NBC News has a new report out citing multiple anonymous US officials, humorously titled "In a break with the past, U.S. is using intel to fight an info war with Russia, even when the intel isn't rock solid". The officials say the Biden administration has been rapidly pushing out "intelligence" about Russia's plans in Ukraine that is "low-confidence" or "based more on analysis than hard evidence", or even just plain false, in order to fight an information war against Putin.The report says that...

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The Wrong Elites

The Wrong Elites

"To mount an effective response to the reigning egalitarianism of our age, therefore, it is necessary but scarcely sufficient to demonstrate the absurdity, the anti-scientific nature, the self-contradictory nature, of the egalitarian doctrine, as well as the disastrous consequences of the egalitarian program. All this is well and good. But it misses the essential nature of, as well as the most effective rebuttal to, the egalitarian program: to expose it as a mask for the drive to power of the...

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Will the Populist Right Change Foreign Policy Discussions in America?

Will the Populist Right Change Foreign Policy Discussions in America?

Since Donald Trump was elected in 2016, populist currents have swept across the American Right. The failed nation-building enterprises launched by the Bush administration and continued by the succeeding Obama administration sowed the seeds for a non-interventionist reaction on the Right. Throughout modern American political history there has existed a significant anti-interventionist bloc within the Right. From the Old Right to the presidential campaigns of former Congressman Ron Paul,...

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Biden Wants All the Points Due a Wartime President without Actually Going to War

Biden Wants All the Points Due a Wartime President without Actually Going to War

The view that war is politics by other means, the realist idea nations pursue strategic goals with some sort of calculation behind them, is not for us. Americans must reduce everything to good versus evil, democracy versus autocracy, light versus dark. Leaders throughout history have sold wars with this B.S.; America’s problem is we seem to actually believe it’s true. Let’s see how it plays out in the real world. Imagine facing an enemy who refuses to surrender despite overwhelming odds,...

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The Warfare State’s Infinitely Mendacious Echo Chamber

The Warfare State’s Infinitely Mendacious Echo Chamber

It all starts with the number $813 billion, the Biden national defense budget for FY 2023. That number is so hideously—nay, grotesquely—large that it is the inherent fount of the war fevers, Russophobia and sweeping disinformation that now gushes from the Washington war machine and its auxiliaries in the mainstream media. The fact is, never before in the history of mankind have economic resources of this gigantic magnitude been showered upon the blob-like...

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Top US General: Build More Permanent Bases In Europe!

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Gen. Milley, told Congress that NATO needs to build more permanent bases on Russia's border in response to the Ukraine conflict and that the conflict will last years. More US troops on Russia's borders will act as a "deterrent." The military-industrial-Congressional complex is no-doubt thrilled. Also today - New York City mom fired from city job after asking the mayor about his new toddler mask mandate. Watch today's Liberty Report:

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Is Global ‘Democracy’ America’s Mission?

Is Global ‘Democracy’ America’s Mission?

"In the battle between democracy and autocracy, democracies are rising to the moment, and the world is clearly choosing the side of peace and security," said President Joe Biden in his State of the Union address. "This is a real test. It’s going to take time." Thus did Biden frame the struggle of our time as the US leading the world’s democracies, the camp of the saints, against the world’s autocrats, the forces of darkness. But is "democracy" really America’s cause? Is "autocracy" really...

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Biden, Zelensky and the Neocons

Biden, Zelensky and the Neocons

There are many backstories surfacing from what is going on in Ukraine and Washington that have been largely ignored amid the drumbeat of casualty counts combined with claims and counter-claims from the two sides. Two stories that I believe have received insufficient attention are the US government’s three decades long obsession with weakening and de facto destroying the Russian state and the dominant neocon plus associate liberal democracy promoter role in what has become American foreign...

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Biden’s Big Government Centrism

Biden’s Big Government Centrism

President Biden’s 5.8 trillion dollars fiscal year 2023 budget increases “discretionary” spending to 1.6 trillion dollars. The remaining 4.2 trillion dollars of spending consists of “mandatory” spending, including on Social Security, Medicare, and interest on the national debt. The discretionary spending is divided between 813 billion dollars for “defense” and 769 billion dollars for the rest.Since Biden’s budget increases military spending and does not call for major new government programs,...

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Biden Wants All the Points Due a Wartime President without Actually Going to War

Will Biden Blow Up the World?

If you thought that the neocon-controlled US plan to isolate and destroy Russia couldn’t get any worse, you were wrong. In a speech in Poland, brain-dead Biden said that Putin could not stay in power. This was not a slip. As Dr. Ron Paul points out with characteristic insight: Previewing President Biden’s trip to Europe last week, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said that, ‘the president is traveling to Europe to make sure we stay united.’ That sure didn’t go as planned. This may...

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Russiagate: The Smoking Gun, Part II

Russiagate: The Smoking Gun, Part II

Part I of this article showed a conspiracy to smear Donald Trump with false allegations of collusion with Russia took place, with Hillary Clinton at its head. Part II today will show the FBI was an active participant in the conspiracy to destroy Trump. The facts are not in dispute. We are left only to decide if the FBI acted incompetently and unprofessionally, or as part of a conspiracy. The first part of the smoking gun may have been hiding in plain sight for some time now. In June 2018...

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Legalizing Marijuana Is Not So Much the Goal of the US Congress Leadership’s Legalization Bills

Legalizing Marijuana Is Not So Much the Goal of the US Congress Leadership’s Legalization Bills

Why hasn’t the United States Congress sent to President Joe Biden legislation to end the US government’s war on marijuana already? We are over four years into about two-thirds of Americans supporting marijuana legalization and majority support being reached among Republicans. Yet, the Democratic leadership in the House of Representatives and Senate keeps failing to take the steps needed for Congress to deliver legalization legislation to the president. Why? The answer, Jacob Sullum...

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Biden’s Regime-Change Lie

Biden’s Regime-Change Lie

President Biden’s denial that the US government is committed to regime-change in Russia is a lie. Ever since its inception, the core mission of the US national-security establishment, specifically the Pentagon and the CIA, has been regime change. The goal has always been to oust from power political leaders who operate independently of the Pentagon and the CIA and replace them with local stooges who obey the orders of the US national-security establishment, oftentimes on payment of large sums...

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Russiagate: The Smoking Gun, Part I

Russiagate: The Smoking Gun, Part I

We are looking for two smoking guns now in connection with Russiagate. Today’s Part I will show Hillary Clinton herself sat atop a large-scale conspiracy to use the tools of modern espionage to create and disseminate false information about Trump. Part II to follow will show the FBI was an active participant in that conspiracy. In summer 2016 Hillary Clinton’s private email server and her improper handling of classified information was the political story. Consensus was the election was...

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