Featured Articles

Black Hole: as billions in American arms and aid enter Ukraine, US officials receive hand written receipts

Black Hole: as billions in American arms and aid enter Ukraine, US officials receive hand written receipts

Ukraine is consistently ranked as one of the most corrupt governments in all of Europe. Given that reality, it might not come as much of a surprise that Kiev has no functioning mechanism to track the massive amount of inflows of American weapons and aid into the country. With tens of billions of dollars aid money allocated to Ukraine, and untold billions in military equipment shipped across the border, when US arms and aid enter Ukraine, it enters into a black hole. Given the notorious...

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The Emperor has no Clothes: US Strategy for Africa

The Emperor has no Clothes: US Strategy for Africa

The US government recently disclosed its latest strategy toward Sub-Saharan Africa. The document, while not showing surprises or changes from previous policy permutations, is eloquent on the US real priorities in the continent. For the US, its geopolitical agenda based on unipolar world hegemony is far more important that the issues that really matter Africa and that would allow a viable strategic partnership, namely economic prosperity and political stability. The pecking order of US goals is...

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Biden’s Student Debt Forgiveness Scheme is Unforgivable

Biden’s Student Debt Forgiveness Scheme is Unforgivable

Last week, President Biden announced he is creating a new program forgiving 10,000 dollars of student loan debt for those with income under 125,000 dollars a year. The amount rises to 20,000 dollars for borrowers who are Pell Grant recipients. Biden flip-flopped on the issue as he previously denied that the president has the authority to create a new student loan debt forgiveness program. He now claims a 2003 law allowing the Education Department to waive or modify provisions of federal...

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Keeping Out the Jacobins

Keeping Out the Jacobins

I’ve been reading The New Jacobinism: America as Revolutionary State by Claes G. Ryn, first published in 1991. It’s a short but insightful polemic about the pernicious influence of neoconservatism—the “New Jacobinism”—on American affairs. Here is a brief overview: This strongly and lucidly argued book gave early warning of a political-intellectual movement that was spreading in the universities, media, think-tanks, and foreign-policy and national security establishment of the United...

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Falling Military Recruitment Is Another Sign of Waning Faith in the Regime

Falling Military Recruitment Is Another Sign of Waning Faith in the Regime

The US Army reports it is having some serious problems when it comes to recruiting new soldiers. Last month, according to the AP: “Army officials … said the service will fall about 10,000 soldiers short of its planned end strength for this fiscal year, and prospects for next year are grimmer.” The army is not alone in missing recruitment goals: Senior Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps leaders have said they are hopeful they will meet or just slightly miss their recruiting goals for this year....

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How Did America Survive Without an Espionage Act?

How Did America Survive Without an Espionage Act?

(See Jacob Hornberger speak live at the Ron Paul Institute's Sept. 3rd Washington Conference!)For some 140 years, the United States did not have an Espionage Act. It didn’t come into existence until 1917, when US officials used it to punish Americans who had the audacity to question the US intervention into World War I, an intervention that ultimately led to the rise of the Hitler regime in the 1930s.  No one can deny that the United States did not fall into the ocean during those 140 years...

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Is ‘Autocracy’ America’s Mortal Enemy?

Is ‘Autocracy’ America’s Mortal Enemy?

In the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, President Joe Biden declared to the nation and world: "We are engaged anew in a great battle for freedom. A battle between democracy and autocracy." On her trip to Taiwan, Speaker Nancy Pelosi echoed Biden: "Today, the world faces a choice between democracy and autocracy. America’s determination to preserve democracy here in Taiwan and in the world remains iron-clad." But is this truly the world struggle America is in today? Is this the great...

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Jared Kushner and the Mystery of the First US Lockdown

Jared Kushner and the Mystery of the First US Lockdown

[Kushner: On March 11, 2020, Vice President Mike Pence asked for my help with the COVID response. I called my friend Nat Turner (left) and Adam Boehler (far right), successful healthcare entrepreneurs who helped me procure lifesaving supplies and equipment from around the world. Avi Berkowitz (center) was a critical source of counsel throughout our government service. (Courtesy of the White House Photo Office)]The possibility of US lockdowns – never attempted on this scale in the history of...

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Twitter’s 'Tricky' Timing Problem: Lawsuit Reveals Back Channel with CDC to Coordinate Censorship

Twitter’s 'Tricky' Timing Problem: Lawsuit Reveals Back Channel with CDC to Coordinate Censorship

“Tricky.” Over the course of 110 pages in a federal complaint, that one descriptive word seemed to stand out among the exchanges between social media executives and public health officials on censoring public viewpoints. The exchange reveals long-suspected coordination between the government and these social media companies to manage a burgeoning censorship system. Twitter just reportedly suspended another doctor who sought to raise concerns over Pfizer Covid records. Former New York Times...

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Reinforcing Failure in Ukraine

Reinforcing Failure in Ukraine

US Military loading HIMARS rockets for UkraineIn an open letter entitled “US must arm Ukraine now, before it’s too late” 20 notable American advocates for the war against Russia in Ukraine argue that the conflict has reached a decisive moment. To win, the authors insist, Ukrainian forces need an abundance of new equipment, including the constant resupply of ammunition and spare parts for artillery platforms, short- and medium-range air defense systems to counter Russian air and missile...

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America’s Perpetual Foreign-Policy Crises

America’s Perpetual Foreign-Policy Crises

Ever since the federal government was converted from a limited-government republic to a national-security state after World War II, America has lived under a system of ongoing, never-ending, perpetual foreign-policy crises. That’s not a coincidence. The national-security establishment — i.e. the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA — need such crises to justify their continued existence and their ever-growing taxpayer-funded largess.  An interesting aspect of this phenomenon is that oftentimes the...

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Biden’s Student Debt Forgiveness Scheme is Unforgivable

More Billions to Ukraine as America Falls Apart

There is a video clip making the rounds showing President Biden speaking at a recent NATO summit about the seven billion dollars the US government had - at that time - provided to Ukraine. Attached to that is another clip showing the horrific state of several US major cities, including in Pennsylvania, California, and Ohio. The video of American cities is shocking: endless landscapes of filth, trash, homelessness, open fires on the street, drug-addicted zombies. It doesn’t look like the...

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US Taunts Russia to Escalate in Ukraine

US Taunts Russia to Escalate in Ukraine

An UAV hit the roof of the headquarters of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, Sevastopol, Crimea, August 20, 2022 In military terms, the crude, locally assembled drone dropping a country-made bomb or two on unguarded sites in Crimea are at best pin pricks in the big picture of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine. But it can be profoundly consequential in certain other ways.  For a start, this escalation has Washington’s approval. A senior Biden administration official told NatSec Daily the...

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Corporate Media Mostly Mum as US Strikes Kill at Least 20 in Somalia

Corporate Media Mostly Mum as US Strikes Kill at Least 20 in Somalia

Conflict monitors on Friday drew attention to a series of US airstrikes in Somalia in recent months, attacks that have received relatively little attention in the American corporate media despite having reportedly killed more than 20 people. "If you were unaware that we were bombing Somalia, don't feel bad, this is a completely under-the-radar news story, one that was curiously absent from the headlines in all of the major newspapers this morning," wrote Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, a senior adviser...

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Biden Admin Officials Scramble to Escape Blame for Unlawful Pentagon Order Mandating mRNA for Troops

Biden Admin Officials Scramble to Escape Blame for Unlawful Pentagon Order Mandating mRNA for Troops

Lawyers representing America’s service members are beginning to produce victories defending the US Armed Forces against forced compliance with biomedical gene therapy experiments, and suddenly, nobody in the Pentagon wants to take accountability for their legally dubious mRNA injection order. It all began on August 24, 2021, when Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin issued a memo mandating mRNA “vaccination” for the active military, but with the stipulation that this mandate only applied to fully...

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Biden Admin Officials Scramble to Escape Blame for Unlawful Pentagon Order Mandating mRNA for Troops

Lawyers representing America’s service members are beginning to produce victories defending the US Armed Forces against forced compliance with biomedical gene therapy experiments, and suddenly, nobody in the Pentagon wants to take accountability for their legally dubious mRNA injection order. It all began on August 24, 2021, when Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin issued a memo mandating mRNA “vaccination” for the active military, but with the stipulation that this mandate only applied to fully...

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