Ukraine is consistently ranked as one of the most corrupt governments in all of Europe. Given that reality, it might not come as much of a surprise that Kiev has no functioning mechanism to track the massive amount of inflows of American weapons and aid into the country. With tens of billions of dollars aid money allocated to Ukraine, and untold billions in military equipment shipped across the border, when US arms and aid enter Ukraine, it enters into a black hole. Given the notorious...
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McAdams: Senate Finds ‘No Collusion’ Between Trump and Russia – Now What?
RPI Director Daniel McAdams joined RT America's "Watching the Hawks" program today to discuss yesterday's bombshell report that the Senate Intelligence Committee has nearly...
Venezuela: Politics of Regime Change ‘Dangerous & Inhumane’ – Daniel McAdams
RPI's Daniel McAdams joins RT America to discuss Marco Rubio's crocodile tears over suffering in Venezuela. After supporting the sanctions that contributed to Venezuela's...
Where Greens and Libertarians Can Agree
On Saturday, officers of the Maine state Green Independent and Libertarian parties held a press conference announcing the parties’ ten areas of agreement. The two parties note in...
Five Minutes Five Issues: Staying in Syria, Tulsi Gabbard, Acres of Hemp, Marianne Williamson, Mushroom Decrim
A new episode of Five Minutes Five Issues posted on Saturday. You can listen to it, and read a transcript, below. You can also find previous episodes of the show at Stitcher,...
‘US Has a Military Junta’ – Lew Rockwell
Commander of US Central Command, Gen. Joseph Votel, who oversees military operations in the Middle East, told the Senate Armed Services Committee this week that he "was not...
US plan for Latin America: ‘Venezuela is just the beginning’ – Daniel McAdams
The real "Troika of Tyranny" is not Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua, as the neocons claim, but rather Pompeo, Bolton, and Abrams, RPI's Daniel McAdams tells RT America today. As...
Five Minutes Five Issues: Pence Video, YouTube Suppression, Stone Raid, DNA Databases, Diplomatic Relations
A new episode of Five Minutes Five Issues is out. You can listen to it, and read a transcript, below. You can also find previous episodes of the show at Stitcher, iTunes,...
Venezuela President Urges Americans to Seek Peace with His Country
American politicians and media commentators left and right are playing up a supposed urgent need to overthrow the Venezuela government. Americans would do well to take a...
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