Last week, President Biden announced he is creating a new program forgiving 10,000 dollars of student loan debt for those with income under 125,000 dollars a year. The amount rises to 20,000 dollars for borrowers who are Pell Grant recipients. Biden flip-flopped on the issue as he previously denied that the president has the authority to create a new student loan debt forgiveness program. He now claims a 2003 law allowing the Education Department to waive or modify provisions of federal...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
US Government’s Top Pharmaceutical Official Promoting Eliminating Vaccination Exemptions
With the expansion of state governments’ crackdown on vaccination exemptions facing significant obstacles after, in 2015, California eliminated nearly all vaccination exemptions...
US Has Foreign Policy of ‘World Domination’ – Daniel McAdams
Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree to make Russia’s withdrawal from the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty official. Russia continues to insist that...
Making Marijuana Legalization More Freedom-Friendly
It took 45 years after the 1933 termination of the United States government’s alcohol prohibition for the US government to legalize beer home brewing and, then, another 35 years...
Senators to Reintroduce Bill to End US Involvement in Yemen War Next Week
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Lawrence Wilkerson: US Intervention in Venezuela is About Profits for the Rich, not Democracy and Freedom
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Five Minutes Five Issues: Syria Troops, Licensed Rights, Bossy US, Wisconsin Marijuana, Political Parties
A new episode of Five Minutes Five Issues is available. You can listen to it, and read a transcript, below. You can also find previous episodes of the show at Stitcher, iTunes,...
Congratulations Women, Judge Rules the US Military Should Draft You Too
Over the last few years, there has been action in the United States Congress regarding whether or not to expand Selective Service registration requirements and any potential...
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