At 5:58 pm on December 18, 2022, the Twitter account, @blackintheempir (“Black in the Empire”, belonging to an “Anti Establishment Vet w/ commentary from experience inside the war machine and life in the civilian world as a Black man”) posted the following tweet: If Russia's military is so pitiful, why hasn't NATO beat them yet? — Black in the Empire (@blackintheempir) December 19, 2022 A fair question, given the reality that the 10-month-old war raging in Ukraine has, from its very inception,...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
Not All States Have Imposed ‘Stay-at-Home’ Orders
Governors across America have been flying their tyrant flag high in the name of fighting coronavirus, imposing a multitude of orders, including orders mandating that so-called...
In-depth Ron Paul Interview Regarding Coronavirus and Related Government Actions
What does former United States House of Representatives member and three-time presidential candidate Ron Paul think about the coronavirus and actions governments have taken in...
Jimmy Dore Challenges Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Regarding Her Praising the Virtue of US Military Service
In August and November I wrote about the strangeness of United States House of Representatives member and then 2020 Democratic presidential nomination candidate Tulsi Gabbard...
Coronavirus Fear and Government Crackdowns Mean Less Drug War Rollback Ballot Measures This Year
Traveling freely, visiting friends and family, and continuing operating a business or working at a job are all being prevented by coronavirus fear and the government crackdowns...
Rhode Island Governor Repeals Order Directing Police to Stop Cars With New York Plates, Replaces It with More Extreme Order
On Saturday, I wrote about Rhode Island Governor Gina M. Raimondo adopting a set of draconian orders in the name of countering coronavirus. In particular, I wrote about her...
Coronavirus: Ten Things to Think About
1. All of this can be solved by following the voluntary principle: If you are worried then stay home. If you are willing to assume the risk then go to work. Going to work means...
Rhode Island Governor Using Coronavirus Fear to Justify Sending the Military House-to-House
Rhode Island Governor Gina M. RaimondoMilitary abuses, including house-to-house searches, were among the primary reasons Americans offered to explain why they sought to secede...
Los Angeles County Backtracks on Teen’s Possible COVID-19 Death
Drama queens and authoritarians everywhere must be disappointed.It turns out a California teen who was supposed to be "the first teenager in the United States to die from...
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