As I originally wrote in my July 10, 2022 article Wunderwaffe Du Jour: “The US military is not built nor equipped for protracted high-intensity conflict. Nor can it supply a depleted proxy army with the means to prosecute a protracted high-intensity conflict.” The incontrovertible reality is that the US and its NATO allies are presently incapable of supplying the massive material demands of modern industrial warfare, as Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Alex Vershinin articulated so well in this...
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Coronavirus Over-Reaction
Throughout my 30 years in Congress, I noticed that very few of the Democrats in the House had ever run or even worked in a small or medium-sized business. In fact, while I got...
NYC Mayor: Here is How You Can Inform on Your Neighbors
What a power freak creep!What is the next office he is running for, a new emergent Soviet politburo? I found the worst person in America. — Christina...
Ron Paul: People ‘Should Be Leery About’ a Coronavirus Vaccine
Ron Paul, in a Monday interview with host Dan Dicks at Press for Truth, warns that people “should be leery about” coronavirus vaccines that may come out. Further, says Paul, a...
John Wiley Price’s Lone Opposition to the Coronavirus Crackdown
Some people will be heralding Texas Governor Greg Abbott for his announcement today that he will be taking yet-to-be-explained steps to allow the reopening sometime of some...
The State of Kentucky Will Be Recording the License Plates of Anyone Going to Church on Easter Sunday
The power freak governor of Kentucky has really lost his mind.Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear said he is ordering State Police to record the license plate numbers of any vehicle seen...
Here Come the Protests Against the Coronavirus Crackdown
After weeks of the coronavirus crackdown’s extreme interference with the ability of Americans to exercise their individual rights and support themselves financially, more people...
Look at How Ridiculously Wrong All the Covid-19 Models Were
The dotted line on the above map indicates the current trend of beds needed for COVID-19 in New York.At present, only 18,279 are in use.The professional forecasters all projected...
Some People’s Haircuts Are ‘Essential’
Politicians and the people charged with enforcing politicians’ directives really can be like the pigs in George Orwell’s book Animal Farm. The pigs’ express commandment for...
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