Not surprisingly, right-wingers are celebrating the Supreme Court’s decision to declare affirmative-action policies at American universities to be unconstitutional. In the process, conservatives fail to recognize that they are, at the same time, celebrating the further destruction of American liberty and private-property rights. After all, why shouldn’t a private university, like Harvard, be free to establish any policy it wants for admitting students? It’s their university, isn’t it? Why...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
Gov. Ron DeSantis Opposes Vaccine Passports in Florida
Good for Governor Ron DeSantis. In sharp contrast with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo who recently imposed “vaccine passport” requirements for people in New York to attend...
No, President Biden, We Are Not the Government
People who desire the protection of freedom from overreaching government have much to be concerned about in President Joe Biden’s Thursday speech focused on coronavirus and...
Coronavirus Crackdown Madness at the Alaska State Senate
Over the last few weeks, coronavirus crackdown mandates, including mask wearing requirements, have been rolled back in several states. But, in Alaska, the state Senate is...
Oh Well, I May Not Watch a Texas Rangers Game This Year Either
I’ve enjoyed watching the occasional Texas Rangers game at the team’s Arlington, Texas, stadium over the last few years — until Major League Baseball, along with much of the rest...
RPI’s Daniel McAdams: ‘No one wants to be the last person on the sinking ship of lockdowns and mask mandates’
RPI Director Daniel McAdams joins RT America's In Question program to discuss today's lifting of the Texas mask mandate and all occupancy restrictions on Texas businesses. Is it...
Lew Rockwell: Stop the US Government’s Murders
Lew Rockwell does not hold back in his recent interview at RT. Rockwell, who founded the Ludwig von Mises Institute and runs the website, calls out the United...
Governor Andrew Cuomo Imposes Vaccination Passports in New York
Some politicians can’t stop coming up with new ways of bossing people around and preventing the return of normal life, all in the name of countering coronavirus. A prime example...
Reports of Deaths and Injuries After Taking Experimental Coronavirus Vaccines Keep Coming In
Government and big money media continue trumpeting the message that everyone should take experimental coronavirus vaccines. They also continue downplaying or not mentioning even...
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