Remember General David Petraeus? The guy who claimed that as soon as his brilliant comprehensive counterinsurgency strategy (COIN) was implemented in Afghanistan the US would emerge victorious? The "maverick savior of Iraq" as he was christened by neocon historian Viktor David Hanson? Anyone notice how Iraq and Afghanistan are doing these days? As TAC's Kelley Vlahos noticed recently, the once feverish pro-COIN blogs -- then giddy with the discovery of new ways to remake the world -- are...
Featured Articles
The Wishful Thinking Left: Unwitting Agents of the Imperial Order
by Jean Bricmont | Sep 8, 2013 | Featured Articles
Once upon a time, in the early 1970′s, many people, including myself, thought that all the “struggles” of that period were linked: the Cultural Revolution in China, the guerillas in Latin America, the Prague Spring and the East European “dissidents”, May 68, the civil rights movement, the opposition to the Vietnam war, and the nominally socialist anti-colonial movements in Africa and Asia. We also thought that the “fascist” regimes in Spain, Portugal and Greece, by analogy with WWII, could...
Michael Gerson Wants War and an Imperial President
by Chris Rossini | Sep 6, 2013 | Neocon Watch
Neocon Michael Gerson, the guy who is credited with penning the "smoking gun/mushroom cloud" lie line that helped enable the Iraq war, is afraid that Congress might strike down Obama’s despicable rush to war in Syria: A limited military strike may be symbolic. But for Congress to block that strike would be more than symbolic. It would undermine a tangible element of American influence: the perception that the commander in chief is fully in command. Separation of powers? Gerson either never...
Syria and Lessons Unlearned from The Bombing of Kosovo
by Jeremy R. Hammond | Sep 6, 2013 | Featured Articles
One theme we repeatedly hear about the Obama administration’s plan to bomb Syria is that the U.S./NATO bombing of Kosovo serves as a model. An examination of the reason for this is instructive.It is well understood that the U.N. Security Council (UNSC) will not authorize this use of force against Syria, particularly given Russian opposition to such action. And short of using force in self-defense against armed aggression or with authorization from the UNSC for a specific mandate, such as to...
US/Russia Summit Urgently Needed
by Martin Sieff | Sep 6, 2013 | Featured Articles
Now that Russia and China have warned the United States against militarily intervening on behalf of the Syrian rebels, the need for a separate superpower summit between Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin is more urgent than ever. The dangers of a super-collision over a Middle East crisis are greater than they have been in exactly 40 years since U.S. President Richard Nixon ordered all global U.S. military forces moved to an alert status of DefCon One to deter Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev from...
Syria: The Iron in Obama's Soul
by Melkulangara Bhadrakumar | Sep 5, 2013 | Featured Articles
For the first time through the two-year old Syrian conflict, the United States has mentioned the sacred cow – "boots on the ground". The Secretary of State John Kerry has pleaded that the US Congress should approve the use of American ground troops although the Obama administration may not intend to take recourse to such action. This is a hugely significant turning point in the fast-developing scenario of US military intervention in Syria. There was added poignancy that Kerry was speaking at...
Libya Has Moved On…Into Lawlessness and Ruin
by Patrick Cockburn | Sep 4, 2013 | Featured Articles
A little under two years ago, Philip Hammond, the Defence Secretary, urged British businessmen to begin “packing their suitcases” and to fly to Libya to share in the reconstruction of the country and exploit an anticipated boom in natural resources. Yet now Libya has almost entirely stopped producing oil as the government loses control of much of the country to militia fighters. Mutinying security men have taken over oil ports on the Mediterranean and are seeking to sell crude oil on the black...
Iraq: A Seething Boiler About to Explode
by Anton Veselov | Sep 4, 2013 | Featured Articles
The pressure in the boiler which Western officials affectedly call "the new democratic Iraq" is building steadily and, figuratively speaking, the needle has entered the red zone. The deepening crisis is systemic in nature, encompasses the most important areas of life and undermines the foundations of statehood. A significant part, if not most, of the responsibility for what is happening lies with the government, headed by the founder and leader of the Islamic Call Party, Nouri Kamil...
Joe Lieberman: The US Constitution ‘Aids our Enemies’
by Daniel Spaulding | Sep 3, 2013 | Neocon Watch
Former Senator Joseph Lieberman has decided to add his valued commentary to President Obama's handling of Syria. According to the former Senator, "our enemies are cheering" because Obama decided to seek congressional approval rather just go ahead and bomb Syria. Like Peter King, John McCain, and Jennifer Rubin before him, Lieberman has utter contempt for the Constitution, the rule of law, and the separation of power. But Lieberman goes even further than the others, in suggesting that adhering...
John ‘Torture Memo’ Yoo is Sick of Laws That Limit War
by Chris Rossini | Sep 3, 2013 | Neocon Watch
Neocon John Yoo -- you know, the guy who tortured the English language to pave the way for Bush to continue torturing people -- has had enough of messing around with laws and constitutions: It is time for the United States to stop hiding behind such obsolete, formalistic views of the laws of war and embrace a pragmatic approach in keeping with long American practice. Such is the mentality of unlimited power. If the war machine wants something, the war machine gets it! Now is not the time to...
No War for Bernard Henri Lévy
by Diana Johnstone | Sep 3, 2013 | Featured Articles
The American people do not want US armed forces to get involved in the civil war in Syria. The United Nations will not back US bombing of Syria. The British Parliament does not want to get involved in bombing Syria. World public opinion is opposed to US bombing Syria. Not even NATO wants to take part in bombing Syria. So who wants the United States to bomb Syria?The same people who brought us the war in Iraq, that’s who.On August 27, the Foreign Policy Initiative, a reincarnation of the...
Call It War, Not a Shot Across the Bow
by Louis Fisher | Sep 3, 2013 | Featured Articles
Advocates of military action against Syria describe the use of force wholly unrealistically, relying on such terms as narrow, proportional, and surgical. President Obama says he is considering a “limited, tailored” operation to send “a shot across the bow.” His analogy fails. A shot across the bow is deliberately designed to miss an adversary, intending to send a clear and threatening warning. In contrast, Obama and his advisers plan to hit and destroy specific military targets in Syria to...
Obama Nearing Point of No Return
by Melkulangara Bhadrakumar | Sep 3, 2013 | Featured Articles
President Vladimir Putin’s remarks on the Syrian crisis, while on a visit to Vladivostok over the weekend, were his first ones since the crisis began snowballing over the United States’ moves to launch a militarily attack against the Middle Eastern country.What is striking from the Kremlin’s transcript is that Putin spoke far more extensively than what the media reports suggested, and, second, he spoke on virtually every aspect of the explosive situation.The timing is very important, too, as...
Congressional Danse Macabre Has Begun
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 2, 2013 | Featured Articles
The first draft of the White House's war authorization legislation was leaked today, signaling the opening round of the danse macabre, in which the bargaining and maneuvering over what Congress and the president both want -- war on Syria -- begins its public journey from conception to law.As according to past practice, the first draft is considered "too broad" for some Members and Senators. Senator Patrick Leahy opened the bidding, emerging from a closed-door classified intelligence briefing...
Surveillance State: We Are One Step Away from Glass Houses
by Adam Dick | Sep 2, 2013 | Featured Articles
In Yevgeny Zamyatin's dystopian novel We, the people of One State live in transparent apartments with curtains required to be open nearly all the time so police and informants may view the residents' every action. Listening to George Washington University Law School Professor Jeffrey Rosen's interview last week on The Take Away, it becomes disturbingly clear that Americans are one step away from this level of government snooping on our activities. Rosen details how police can use facial...
Will Congress Endorse Obama's War Plans? Does it Matter?
by Ron Paul | Sep 1, 2013 | Featured Articles
President Obama announced this weekend that he has decided to use military force against Syria and would seek authorization from Congress when it returned from its August break. Every Member ought to vote against this reckless and immoral use of the US military. But even if every single Member and Senator votes for another war, it will not make this terrible idea any better because some sort of nod is given to the Constitution along the way. Besides, the president made it clear that...
A New ‘Giuliani Moment’? With Guest, Rep. Anthony Sabatini
Florida State Rep. Anthony Sabatini, in a recent candidate forum, dared to make a stand for non-interventionism in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. He was interrogated by neocon...
A New ‘Giuliani Moment’? With Guest, Rep. Anthony Sabatini
Aug 4, 2022
Florida State Rep. Anthony Sabatini, in a recent candidate forum, dared to make a stand for non-interventionism in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. He was interrogated by neocon...
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