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Western Imperialism’s Creative Destruction in Syria

Western Imperialism’s Creative Destruction in Syria

US-led Western regime change in Syria might be described as a process of creative destruction. Like Schumpeter’s economic concept of cyclical creative destruction, so too Washington’s political machinations in Syria seem to be playing out likewise. We begin with the premise that the humanitarian crisis in Syria over the past nearly three years is largely as a result of a Western covert proxy war inflicted on that country. The objective is to destabilize, terrorize and eventuate regime change...

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Rudy Giuliani: Who Needs Congress?

Rudy Giuliani: Who Needs Congress?

Who needs congressional approval to start wars? No one, according to Rudy Giuliani. Washington Examiner reports: On CNN Tuesday morning, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani suggested that President Obama should have bombed Syria without congressional authorization. Giuliani said Obama "mishandled" the situation in Syria, calling it the greatest mishandling of foreign policy by a president in his lifetime. CNN host Chris Cuomo pushed back against Giuliani's statement, pointing out that...

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Paranoia, Surveillance and Military Tactics: Have We Become Enemies of the Government?

Paranoia, Surveillance and Military Tactics: Have We Become Enemies of the Government?

“Totalitarian paranoia runs deep in American society, and it now inhabits the highest levels of government… Since the terrorist attacks of 9/11, America has succumbed to a form of historical amnesia fed by a culture of fear, militarization and precarity. Relegated to the dustbin of organized forgetting were the long-standing abuses carried out by America’s intelligence agencies and the public’s long-standing distrust of the FBI, government wiretaps and police actions that threatened privacy...

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At the Fed, The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same

At the Fed, The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same

Last week, Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen testified before Congress for the first time since replacing Ben Bernanke at the beginning of the month. Her testimony confirmed what many of us suspected, that interventionist Keynesian policies at the Federal Reserve are well-entrenched and far from over. Mrs. Yellen practically bent over backwards to reassure Wall Street that the Fed would continue its accommodative monetary policy well into any new economic recovery. The same monetary policy...

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The US Government Makes a Mockery of the Principal-Agent Relationship

The US Government Makes a Mockery of the Principal-Agent Relationship

The philosophical and legal foundation of the US government (and some other governments) is that government officials are the agents of the citizens—in the familiar phrase, those who govern have the “consent of the governed.” An agent, of course, is someone I authorize to act on my behalf. For a host of reasons, this doctrine has always been more or less absurd, but its absurdity has been placed in stark relief recently by the government’s mass spying, which violates the Constitution, various...

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On Cuba, The Times Just Might Be A’Changin’

On Cuba, The Times Just Might Be A’Changin’

The New York Times is reporting that most Americans, including a majority in Florida, favor normalizing relations with Cuba, which would mean a lifting of cruel and brutal economic embargo that the U.S. government has been enforcing against the Cuban people for more than 50 years. It’s about time. Maybe Americans are finally figuring out that the embargo is an infringement on the rights and freedoms of the American people, including freedom of travel, freedom of association, and economic...

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Russia’s Right Turn

Russia’s Right Turn

An unfortunate legacy of the Cold War is the negative attitude some American conservatives yet harbor toward Russia. Conditioned for decades to see Russia and the Soviet Union as synonymous, they still view post-communist Russia as a threat. They forget that Tsarist Russia was the most conservative great power, a bastion of Christian monarchy loathed by revolutionaries, Jacobins, and democrats. Joseph de Maistre was not alone among 19th-century conservatives in finding refuge and hope in...

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Washington Orchestrated Protests Are Destabilizing Ukraine

Washington Orchestrated Protests Are Destabilizing Ukraine

The protests in the western Ukraine are organized by the CIA, the US State Department, and by Washington — and EU-financed Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that work in conjunction with the CIA and State Department. The purpose of the protests is to overturn the decision by the independent government of Ukraine not to join the EU. The US and EU were initially cooperating in the effort to destroy the independence of Ukraine and make it a subservient entity to the EU government in Brussels....

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America and the Arab Awakening: Déjà Vu?

America and the Arab Awakening: Déjà Vu?

Three years ago, Washington experienced its own dose of “shock and awe” — the PR phrase used to sanitise its brutal invasion of Iraq — when hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of ordinary Arabs took to the streets to demand the overthrow of leaders more interested in Washington’s approval than that of their own peoples. But American policy elites’ professed surprise was primarily a function of their own self-imposed amnesia and delusion. No one in Washington seemed to realise or care that...

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Congress Votes to Bring Ukraine to Heel

Congress Votes to Bring Ukraine to Heel

Not to be outdone by the hyper-interventionist State Department of John Kerry, Victoria Nuland, and US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, the US House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly yesterday to jump head first into the Ukraine crisis. By an overwhelming vote of 381-2 the House went on record demanding that the democratically-elected government of Ukraine bow to the demands of protestors in the streets and accede to "the...European aspirations of the people of Ukraine, and their...

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Victoria Nuland Comes Clean with Dirty Language

Victoria Nuland Comes Clean with Dirty Language

The leaked private phone conversation between senior US State Department official Victoria Nuland and the American ambassador to Ukraine – in which Nuland is heard to disparage the European Union with a vulgar expletive – comes as a welcome relief. It is a moment of clarity, in which the US government inadvertently comes clean on its hidden agenda. All the elusive speculation about what Washington’s agenda in Ukraine is now laid to rest. Nuland’s own words make it clear that the US agenda is...

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Diagnosing Sochi Media Coverage: Virulent Russophobia

Diagnosing Sochi Media Coverage: Virulent Russophobia

Any illusions some naïve soul may have had about the objectivity of the US media has been dispelled by their embarrassing performance at the Sochi Olympics: the chorus of whining complaints might as well have been written for them by the US State Department – which, come to think of it, is entirely within the realm of the possible given the imperious tone. The water, the toilets, the hotels – nothing pleases our pampered media divas, whose hatred of all things Russian oozes from between the...

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At the Fed, The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same

Will No One Challenge Obama’s Executive Orders?

President Obama’s state of the union pledge to “act with or without Congress” marks a milestone in presidential usurpation of Congressional authority. Most modern presidents have used executive orders to change and even create laws without Congressional approval. However President Obama is unusually brazen, in that most presidents do not brag about their plans to rule by executive order in state of the union speeches. Sadly, his pledge to use his pen to implement laws and policies without the...

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Victoria Nuland’s ‘Ukraine-gate’ Deceptions

Victoria Nuland’s ‘Ukraine-gate’ Deceptions

"That's some pretty impressive tradecraft," said Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland of the interception and leak of her now-infamous call to US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoff Pyatt. The call consisted of the two plotting to install a US puppet government in Ukraine after overthrowing the current, democratically elected government. Tradecraft means "spycraft." In other words, Nuland was crediting a foreign intelligence service with impressive use of technology to be able to hack into her...

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‘F**k the EU’: Tape Reveals US Runs Ukraine Opposition

‘F**k the EU’: Tape Reveals US Runs Ukraine Opposition

In the latest debacle for the US State Department and the Obama Administration, US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland was caught on tape micro-managing Ukraine opposition party strategies with US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt. That the Ukraine regime-change operation is to some degree being directed from Washington can no longer be denied.The tape (listen below) was released today, on the eve of Nuland's second trip to meet with Ukrainian protestors and opposition leaders in...

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Sanity Emerges: US to Legalize Some Hemp Growing

Sanity Emerges: US to Legalize Some Hemp Growing

Researchers in several states soon should be able to legally grow hemp for the first time in decades because of legislation approved today in the US Senate. While the new exception to the US law prohibiting growing hemp will be limited and will not affect US government prohibitions related to other substances under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), the exception is significant as a rare instance where a prohibition under the CSA — a statute at the core of the US drug war — is limited...

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