The forthcoming first visit by Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi to Saudi Arabia on November 13 marks a milestone in the rapprochement between the two countries mediated by China in March. The relationship is fast acquiring a qualitatively new level of solidarity in the context of the Palestine-Israel conflict. This marks a shift in the tectonic plates in regional politics, which has long been dominated by the United States but no longer so. The latest China-UAE initiative on Monday to promote a...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
The Tyrant Says He Means Well
Tyrants just about always say they mean well in imposing tyranny. Sweeping prohibitions, coupled with harsh enforcement, the tyrants say, are necessary to advance important...
Andrew Napolitano: Liability Shield for Experimental Coronavirus Vaccine Companies is ‘Morally Wrong’ and ‘Corporatism’
Government has been paying for purchasing, promoting, and distributing experimental coronavirus “vaccines” to Americans. Government has even been mandating many people take the...
Some Sanity in a Covid Con World
Here’s a timely story of freedom winning out over Covid tyranny. I was scheduled to have a dental cleaning and called the dentist’s office to let them know I could not wear a...
President Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Is Back In Force for Employees at Companies with 100 or More Employees
Over this and last month, there was good news for Americans seeking to exercise their right to refuse to take experimental coronavirus “vaccine” shots. Decisions of several...
Propaganda Master Anthony Fauci
The United States government’s lead coronavirus fearmonger and experimental coronavirus “vaccine” shots pusher Anthony Fauci was in his usual throw the facts overboard...
Wanted: Marijuana Freedom
In my May article “A Pantry Full of Marijuana,” I pined for the day when “governments across America will consider it none of their business how much marijuana people have in...
Students for Liberty Director of Alumni Programs: Just Ending Sanctions on Venezuela ‘Would Be Foolish’
On Saturday, I wrote about Students for Liberty Chief Executive Officer Wolf von Laer and Director of Alumni Programs Jorge Jraissati’s Foreign Policy article focused on...
Leaders of ‘Largest Libertarian Student Organization in the World’ Say Sanction Venezuela
You would likely expect leaders of Students for Liberty to oppose the imposing of sanctions on Venezuela. After all, the organization claims at its website that it is the...
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