RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

US Looks to Israel to Justify Torture

US Looks to Israel to Justify Torture

Footnotes in government reports are often the place where disgruntled bureaucrats leave clues. It is where bits of information that lead elsewhere are suggestively placed. Senior officials might not allow potentially controversial information into the body of a report. In the Senate report on CIA torture there is such a footnote. Early in the report’s more than five hundred pages, footnote 51 concerns the November 26, 2001 Draft of Legal Appendix, Hostile Interrogations: Legal Consideration...

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Should You Condemn the CIA for Torture If You Don’t Condemn the Iraq War?

For Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, an RPI academic board member, the CIA has botched its mission, post 9/11, and has reached what he called "the pinnacle of incompetence," to where it has become a detriment to the United States. In a recent interview on the Real News Network, Wilkerson advised that this incompetence was not only about the recent Senate torture report. The Senate report, according to Wilkerson, gives us only a very limited view of how the CIA botched its mission, but even that...

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Why Millions of Christians Will Mourn This Christmas

Why Millions of Christians Will Mourn This Christmas

It will be a miserable Christmas for the overseas victims of US interventions this year. Though "regime change" proponents talk of bringing freedom and democracy to the countries they target, the end result is quite the opposite: the rise of extremism, famine, ethnic cleansing, and economic destruction are what the US government has left behind in places like Iraq, Syria, and Ukraine.The neoconservatives who pushed for war in Iraq are incapable of self-reflection, but the numbers do not lie....

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Janet Yellen’s Christmas Gift to Wall Street

Janet Yellen’s Christmas Gift to Wall Street

Last week we learned that the key to a strong economy is not increased production, lower unemployment, or a sound monetary unit. Rather, economic prosperity depends on the type of language used by the central bank in its monetary policy statements. All it took was one word in the Federal Reserve Bank's press release -- that the Fed would be “patient” in raising interest rates to normal levels -- and stock markets went wild. The S&P 500 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average had their best...

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Cold War Spy Games Show the Moral Bankruptcy of the US National Security State

Cold War Spy Games Show the Moral Bankruptcy of the US National Security State

Rolando Sarraff Trujillo, the Cuban government official who was released from prison as part of a spy trade between the US government and Cuba, is being hailed by US officials as a hero. Of course, that’s not the view of the Cuban government, which considers Sarraff a traitor. At the same time, former US officials Walter Kendall Myers and his spouse Gwendolyn Myers, who spied for Cuba, are considered bad people by the US government. US officials say that by sending classified information to...

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US Overlooks Russia Sanctions Backlash on Own Economy

While the US pursues the "nuclear" option of a first strike on the Russian economy -- seeking to depress the price of oil while denying Russia access to international financial markets -- the economic backlash of such a move could well be as dangerous for the US economy. Already the US oil industry is feeling the pain of the price drop that many believe is the result of a US/Saudi deal to put the squeeze on the Russian economy. RPI's Daniel McAdams is on RT today to discuss the implications of...

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Regime Change in Cuba

Regime Change in Cuba

Normalization of relations with Cuba is not the result of a diplomatic breakthrough or a change of heart on the part of Washington. Normalization is a result of US corporations seeking profit opportunities in Cuba, such as developing broadband Internet markets in Cuba. Before the American left and the Cuban government find happiness in the normalization, they should consider that with normalization comes American money and a US Embassy. The American money will take over the Cuban economy. The...

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Bombs Away! Obama Signs Lethal Aid to Ukraine Bill

Bombs Away! Obama Signs Lethal Aid to Ukraine Bill

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair, Ed Royce (R-CA)President Obama made good today on his promise to sign the Ukraine Freedom Support Act of 2014, which had passed Congress last week. Dubbed by former Rep. Dennis Kucinich the bill that "reignited the Cold War while no one was looking," the Act imposes new sanctions on the Russian defense and energy industries, authorizes $350 million in lethal military assistance to the US-backed government in Kiev, urges that government to resume its...

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Torture and the Destruction of the Human Being Shaker Aamer by the United States

Torture and the Destruction of the Human Being Shaker Aamer by the United States

click photo to enlargeThe Bush and Obama administrations have gone to extraordinary lengths to hide America’s archipelago of secret prisons and systems of torture. For all the empty talk of “transparency” being high-fived around following the Senate Report, they at first denied any of that nasty stuff even existed, then used an ever-so-compliant media to call it all necessary for our security and very survival, then shaping dumb-cow public opinion with ersatz terms like enhanced interrogation...

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For Truly Better Relations with Cuba, Open the Door and Get Out of the Way!

For Truly Better Relations with Cuba, Open the Door and Get Out of the Way!

President Obama today took a bold and surprising step toward ending the futile 50 year US embargo of Cuba. The president announced he would begin normalizing relations, including upgrading the diplomatic mission in Havana to embassy status. The president also said he was taking steps to increase travel, commerce, and the flow of information between the US and Cuba. President Obama said that the half-century US embargo of Cuba was an “outdated approach” that “failed to advance our interests.”...

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The Cold War Has Never Ended for the CIA

The Cold War Has Never Ended for the CIA

(Note: Today's announced swap of three members of the "Cuba 5" for jailed US operative Alan Gross, who is mentioned in the below article, makes this article all the more relevant and prescient. Strong forces in the US -- including in the CIA -- will continue to vigorously resist any thaw in US-Cuba relations. -editor)In the midst of the CIA’s torture scandal, continues its obsessive Cold War activity against Cuba, in a desperate attempt to finally, once and for all, oust the Castro regime from...

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Three Members of Congress Just Reignited the Cold War While No One Was Looking

Three Members of Congress Just Reignited the Cold War While No One Was Looking

House passes Russia sanctions bill in one second. Click to enlarge. Photo via Truthdig.Late Thursday night, the House of Representatives unanimously passed a far-reaching Russia sanctions bill, a hydra-headed incubator of poisonous conflict. The second provocative anti-Russian legislation in a week, it further polarizes our relations with Russia, helping to cement a Russia-China alliance against Western hegemony, and undermines long-term America’s financial and physical security by handing the...

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BBC US Editor Parrots CIA, Republican Talking Points on Senate Torture Report

BBC US Editor Parrots CIA, Republican Talking Points on Senate Torture Report

The BBC is supposed to be an "impartial", "honest" and "independent" news outlet, but today its US Editor, Jon Sopel, showed very clearly whose side he is on. In a short post, "A whiff of hypocrisy about CIA report?", he regurgitates some staple Republican talking-points and makes arguments eerily similar to those presented by former CIA and Bush officials in their various self-exculpatory media appearances this past week. His piece bears the revealingly Cheney-esque tagline: “America has not...

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After Ukraine: Are the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary Veering Off The NATO/EU Reservation?

Prague "red card" protest, Nov. 2014.Despite the firmness shown by the EU’sbiggest players when it comes to sanctioning Putin’s Russia, lower down the pecking order some member states are not happy. Unlike the most craven and obedient puppets — the Baltic States and Poland — it took some arm twisting to get the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary to agree to punish Moscow for annexing Crimea. Each country is dependent for much of its energy on Russia with which there are also valued economic...

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Michele Bachmann Wants An Attack On Iran For Christmas

Michele Bachmann Wants An Attack On Iran For Christmas

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) is retiring from Congress at the end of this year, and she wants to go out with a bang. A very specific kind of bang, in fact: the type you get when you drop a US bomb on an Iranian nuclear facility, which experts believe could upend months of delicate negotiations and spark even more conflict in the Middle East. At the White House holiday party for members of Congress on Monday, Bachmann had her final interaction with President Barack Obama as a member of...

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Janet Yellen’s Christmas Gift to Wall Street

All I Want for Christmas is a (Real) Government Shutdown

The political class breathed a sigh of relief Saturday when the US Senate averted a government shutdown by passing the $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill. This year’s omnibus resembles omnibuses of Christmas past in that it was drafted in secret, was full of special interest deals and disguised spending increases, and was voted on before most members could read it. The debate over the omnibus may have made for entertaining political theater, but the outcome was never in doubt. Most House and...

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