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No Doubt: US Taxpayers Will be Robbed to Arm Poroshenko

No Doubt: US Taxpayers Will be Robbed to Arm Poroshenko

President Petro Poroshenko, who the US, along with the Europeans and NATO, helped place in power after last year’s coup, has declared that he has “no doubt” America's taxpayers will provide the lethal weapons he desires to fight the separatists in eastern Ukraine. I never had any doubt, either. Of course it's all to stop "Russian aggression." NATO's expansionism is never considered an important issue in the very dangerous war.Our policy in Ukraine is a far cry from "neutrality," staying out of...

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America’s James Bond Complex

America’s James Bond Complex

Today, American politicians of both major parties — conservatives, “moderates,” and so-called liberals alike — insist that the United States is an “exceptional,” even “indispensable” nation. In practice, this means that for the United States alone the rules are different. Particularly in international affairs, it — the government and its personnel — can do whatever deemed necessary to carry out its objectives, including things that would get any other government or person branded a criminal....

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History In the Balance: Why Greece Must Repudiate Its ‘Banker Bailout’ Debts And Exit The Euro

History In the Balance: Why Greece Must Repudiate Its ‘Banker Bailout’ Debts And Exit The Euro

Now and again history reaches an inflection point. Statesman and mere politicians, as the case may be, find themselves confronted with fraught circumstances and stark choices. February 2015 is one such moment. For its part, Greece stands at a fork in the road. Syriza can move aggressively to recover Greece’s democratic sovereignty or it can desperately cling to the faltering currency and financial machinery of the Euro zone. But it can’t do both. So by the time the current onerous bailout...

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Mini-Maidan Picks Up Steam in Budapest

Mini-Maidan Picks Up Steam in Budapest

Hungarians are supposed to be good at math. After all, the father of the hydrogen bomb, the inventor of the Rubik's Cube, and a whole lot of really brilliant mathematicians are all Hungarian. Indeed mathematics and the arts derived from it are seemingly endemic to the Hungarian DNA -- have a look at all the Hungarian chess masters.However when it comes to the science of regime change, mathematics can most often be an impediment rather than an advantage. For example, a rally which took place...

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The Failed ‘Yemen Model’

The Failed ‘Yemen Model’

Last September President Obama cited his drone program in Yemen as a successful model of US anti-terrorism strategy. He said that he would employ the Yemen model in his effort to “degrade and ultimately destroy” ISIS in Iraq and Syria. But just a week ago, the government in Yemen fell to a Shiite militia movement thought to be friendly to Iran. The US embassy in Yemen’s capitol was forced to evacuate personnel and shut down operations. If Yemen is any kind of model, it is a model of how badly...

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Netanyahu’s Speech and the Politics of Iran Policy

Netanyahu’s Speech and the Politics of Iran Policy

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu’s acceptance of an invitation to speak to the US Congress on 3 March, two weeks before the Israeli election and without any consultation with the White House, is aimed at advancing both Netanyahu’s re-election and the proposed new set of sanctions against Iran in the US Congress. For many months, pro-Israeli legislators and lobbyists have been threatening to re-impose existing sanctions on Iran and add new ones while negotiations are still going on....

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March to Folly in Ukraine

The United States has just made an exceptionally dangerous, even reckless decision over Ukraine. Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet leader who ended the Cold War, warns it may lead to a nuclear confrontation with Russia. Rule number one of geopolitics: nuclear-armed powers must never, ever fight. Yet Washington just announced that by spring, it will deploy unspecified numbers of military “trainers” to Ukraine to help build Kiev’s ramshackle national guard. Also being sent are significant numbers of...

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Surrendering Liberty: America’s Fatal Freedom Apathy

Surrendering Liberty: America’s Fatal Freedom Apathy

According to our civic folklore, Americans are more devoted to freedom than any other nationality on earth. But it is increasingly appears that this dogma is a relic of bygone times. A Gallup poll last July asked a thousand Americans: “Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with your freedom to choose what to do with your life?” Only twenty-one percent of respondents said they were dissatisfied. Admittedly, the percentage of Americans who say they don’t have sufficient freedom has doubled since the...

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Max Boot Wants to Kick Russia

Max Boot Wants to Kick Russia

Neocon scribbler Max Boot makes his living expressing indignation. How dare the Obama administration not adopt a more confrontational stance toward Iran! How dare the US president not commit more US resources toward fighting Boko Haram! How dare the weak-willed administration oppose additional sanctions on Iran! No US action in Somalia and Yemen? Wimpy! And Asia! Iraq! Syria! Libya! KONY!!! Feckless! Gutless! Short-sighted! Cowardly!That's his schtick. Even when the current problems have been...

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‘Two Percent Inflation’ and The Fed’s Current Mandate

‘Two Percent Inflation’ and The Fed’s Current Mandate

Over the last 100 years the Fed has had many mandates and policy changes in its pursuit of becoming the chief central economic planner for the United States. Not only has it pursued this utopian dream of planning the US economy and financing every boondoggle conceivable in the welfare/warfare state, it has become the manipulator of the premier world reserve currency. As Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke explained to me, the once profoundly successful world currency – gold – was no longer money. This...

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New Russia ‘Spy’ Scandal: US Foreign Policy Goes Retro

New Russia ‘Spy’ Scandal: US Foreign Policy Goes Retro

Progressives have saddled themselves with a theory of history that sees the "march of progress" as an ever upwardly-bound journey to political perfection: thus the appellation "progressive," as in "things are getting progressively better." Yet history – real history, that is – lacks any such teleological plan or direction. It is characterized, instead, by ups and downs, golden ages and dark ages: the golden age of Greece and Rome was followed by centuries of ignorance and retrogression that we...

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After The ‘Syriza Shock’ – Now Comes The Hard Choice Of Escape Or Merely Re-setting The Terms of Greece’s EU Servitude

After The ‘Syriza Shock’ – Now Comes The Hard Choice Of Escape Or Merely Re-setting The Terms of Greece’s EU Servitude

We can heartily praise Alexis Tsirpras for calling bull on the destructive puzzle palace economics thrust on his country by the hypocrites and liars who rule from Brussels. And his finance minister designate, economist Yanis Varoufakis, is surely on the right track when he targets the rent-seeking bankers, big businesses and media operators who have plundered the Greek state for decades. Indeed, his pledge that “we are going to destroy the Greek oligarchy system” should resonate throughout the...

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Rep. Walter Jones: US Should End Afghanistan War For Real

Rep. Walter Jones: US Should End Afghanistan War For Real

Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC) delivered a powerful speech Wednesday on the floor of the United States House of Representatives advocating ending the US government’s ongoing war in Afghanistan. In the speech Jones challenges President Barack Obama’s claim that the Afghanistan War has ended. Jones supports the challenge by noting that thousands of US troops remain in Afghanistan, US taxpayers’ dollars continue to be spent in Afghanistan for military intervention, and the US and Afghanistan...

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The Failed ‘Yemen Model’

Education is Too Important Not to Leave to the Marketplace

This week, events around the country will highlight the importance of parental control of education as part of National School Choice Week. This year’s events should attract more attention than prior years because of the growing rebellion against centralized education sparked by the federal Common Core curriculum. The movement against Common Core has the potential to change American education. However, anti-Common Core activists must not be misled by politicians promoting “reforms” of the...

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Adios Cuba!

Adios Cuba!

It’s taken over half a century for the US to finally figure out how to neutralize pesky Communist Cuba. Invasions, air raids, crushing sanctions, attempts to murder the Castro leadership by exploding cigars and poisons, diplomatic isolation, poisoning crops – all failed. Now, the lame duck Obama administration has finally figured out how to put an end to Cuba’s Communist system: human wave attacks by hordes of American tourists in loud golf wear yelling “USA, USA!” and waving Visa cards. The...

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Beware a New Cold War

Beware a New Cold War

The notion of a New Cold War with Russia first arrived in 2008 with the publication of Edward Lucas' book The New Cold War: The Future of Russia and the Threat to the West. It received some attention at the time, but the cold war construct in its title gained little traction until the 2014. Since the Ukraine has been in crisis the phrase "a New Cold War" has become fairly commonplace in the media. Part of the reason for this is that the emotional memory of the Cold War is still strong and...

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