RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

Keeping Government Bureaucrats Off the Backs of the Citizenry: The Supreme Court Responds

Keeping Government Bureaucrats Off the Backs of the Citizenry: The Supreme Court Responds

“No man in the wrong can stand up against a fellow that’s in the right and keeps on a-comin’.”—Texas Rangers In one swoop, on June 22, 2015, a divided US Supreme Court handed down three consecutive rulings affirming the right of raisin farmers, hotel owners and prison inmates. However, this push back against government abuse, government snooping and government theft only came about because some determined citizens stood up and took a stand against tyranny. The three cases respectively deal...

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Echoes of Vietnam, or Between Iraq and a Hard Place

Echoes of Vietnam, or Between Iraq and a Hard Place

Words seem to mean different things in the Middle East. “Training” is a new term for escalation, and “Iraq” seems more and more like the Arabic word for Vietnam. But the terms “slippery slope” and “quagmire” still mean what they have always meant. In 2011, making good on a campaign promise that helped land him in the White House, President Barack Obama closed out America’s eight-year war in Iraq. Disengaged, redeployed, packed up, departed. Then America went back. In August 2014, Obama turned...

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Will Seizure of Russian Assets Hasten Dollar Decline?

Will Seizure of Russian Assets Hasten Dollar Decline?

While much of the world focused last week on whether or not the Federal Reserve was going to raise interest rates, or whether the Greek debt crisis would bring Europe to a crisis, the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague awarded a $50 billion judgment to shareholders of the former oil company Yukos in their case against the Russian government. The governments of Belgium and France moved immediately to freeze Russian state assets in their countries, naturally provoking the anger of the...

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If Greece Defaults, Will the Fed Bailout Europe?

If Greece Defaults, Will the Fed Bailout Europe?

The Greek crisis is dominating headlines this week, and promises to be the most important economic and financial topic of conversation through the weekend and into Monday. Neither the Greek government nor the European Central Bank (ECB) seem to be prepared to give an inch, and there’s every indication that things could come to head next week. If Greece does default, and if there is a resulting crisis in European markets, will the Federal Reserve get involved? To quote Sarah Palin, “You...

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Why The US Military Opposed New Combat Roles in Iraq

Why The US Military Opposed New Combat Roles in Iraq

The story published in the Washington Post on 13 June shows how the US military service chiefs - who make decisions on war policy in light of their own institutional interests - prefer an inconclusive war with ISIS and existing constraints on US involvement, to one with even the most US limited combat role. The resistance of top US military officials to deepening US military involvement in the war against ISIS came in the wake of a major policy debate within the Obama administration following...

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Road Pirates: Assemble! ‘Desert Snow’ is Coming to Idaho

Road Pirates: Assemble! ‘Desert Snow’ is Coming to Idaho

It isn’t often that honest people receive detailed intelligence about a planned gathering of violent men who steal for a living and kill with impunity. An event of that kind will occur from August 10-12th here in Idaho. In fact, I can provide the specific address of the armed robbers’ summit — 700 South Stratford Drive in Meridian. The location is conspicuously marked and easy to find: It is the Idaho Peace Officers Standards and Training (POST) Academy, which will host a two-day session of...

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Policing and Defending Then and Now

Policing and Defending Then and Now

Inevitably the debate over issues that relate to both national security and domestic law enforcement often become mired down in wrangling over legal or constitutional niceties, which the public has difficulty in following as it fixates instead on the latest twist in the Bruce Jenner saga. That means that the punditry and media concentrate on easily digestible issues like potential bureaucratic fixes, budgeting, equipment and training, which presumably are both simpler to understand and also...

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Samantha Power: Liberal War Hawk

Samantha Power: Liberal War Hawk

Propaganda and genocide almost always go hand in hand, with the would-be aggressor stirring up resentment often by assuming the pose of a victim simply acting in self-defense and then righteously inflicting violence on the targeted group. US Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power understands this dynamic having written about the 1994 genocide in Rwanda where talk radio played a key role in getting Hutus to kill Tutsis. Yet, Power is now leading propaganda campaigns laying the...

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Dangers of a Declining Global Power

Dangers of a Declining Global Power

Much has been written about the dangers and challenges posed by China as a rising global power. Indeed, historians speak of generic tensions between rising powers and status quo powers that have often led to war. But instability takes at least two players to create it: the rising power and the resistance of the once-reigning power. Today the US is that once-reigning power, now in a state of relative international decline. If the US itself, and the international order including rising powers,...

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Recent Syrian Rebel Gains Result From US Support Of Extremists

Recent Syrian Rebel Gains Result From US Support Of Extremists

The rebel opposition in Syria has in recent months made a series of gains against the Syrian army, most notably in Idlib, Palmyra, and Ramadi in Iraq. However, given that from the very beginning the opposition had taken “a clear sectarian direction” and has been dominated by “ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra … in addition to other extreme jihadi groups,” itself consisting of “no moderate middle,” and the fact that “in reality there is no dividing wall between them [extremists] and America’s supposedly...

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Will Seizure of Russian Assets Hasten Dollar Decline?

Death Penalty: The Ultimate Corrupt, Big Government Program

Nebraska’s legislature recently made headlines when it ended the state’s death penalty. Many found it odd that a conservatives-dominated legislature would support ending capital punishment, since conservative politicians have traditionally supported the death penalty. However, an increasing number of conservatives are realizing that the death penalty is inconsistent with both fiscal and social conservatism. These conservatives are joining with libertarians and liberals in a growing anti-death...

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Soros – An American Oligarch‘s Dirty Tale of Corruption

Soros – An American Oligarch‘s Dirty Tale of Corruption

Rarely does the world get a true look inside the corrupt world of Western oligarchs and the brazen manipulations they use to enhance their fortunes at the expense of the public good. The following comes from correspondence of the Hungarian-born billionaire, now naturalized American speculator, George Soros. The hacker group CyberBerkut has published online letters allegedly written by Soros that reveal him not only as puppet master of the US-backed Ukraine regime. They also reveal his...

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The Prosecution of Dennis Hastert and the Government’s War on Cash

The Prosecution of Dennis Hastert and the Government’s War on Cash

Back on March 31, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) announced what many media reports heralded as a big rollback in the use of structuring allegations to justify seizing assets from individuals. Yet, here we are less than three months later with the DOJ prosecuting former US House of Representatives Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) for two crimes — structuring and lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) about why he employed structuring.Despite the DOJ’s March 31 talking points used...

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US Planning to Send 450 More Military Personnel to Iraq

US Planning to Send 450 More Military Personnel to Iraq

When at first you don’t succeed, fail, fail again. And with that, we woke up Wednesday to see the Obama administration ready to announce a change of course in Iraq, one that is very much a back to the future kind of event. Following about a year of not defeating, degrading or destroying Islamic State (IS; in fact, they are doing quite well, thank you), the administration let slip it’s planning to send hundreds or more new US military personnel to set up a new training base in Anbar Province,...

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Saudi Arabia’s Yemen Offensive, Iran’s ‘Proxy’ Strategy, and the Middle East’s New ‘Cold War’

Saudi Arabia’s Yemen Offensive, Iran’s ‘Proxy’ Strategy, and the Middle East’s New ‘Cold War’

Riyadh’s war in Yemen marks a dramatic escalation in its efforts to roll back Iran’s rising influence in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia portrays its Yemen campaign simply as a battle of “good” Arabs and Sunnis supporting Yemen’s legitimate government against “evil” Iranians trying to overthrow it via local Shi’a “proxies”—reiterating a generalized Saudi (and Israeli) narrative about Iran’s use of proxy allies to consolidate regional “hegemony.” More considered analysis shows that Iran’s “proxy”...

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Yoo Kidding Me?

Yoo Kidding Me?

John Yoo, the torture-justifying lawyer of the Bush II regime, criticizes Obama’s bloody, murderous, warmongering foreign policy as replicating a Ron Paul presidency! John, let me give you a quick rundown of what a Ron Paul foreign policy would actually look like, based on the Golden Rule and the teaching that it is the peacemakers who shall be called the sons of God, not the neocons. 1) Cut the military budget by, say, 90% to start; 2) Bring all the troops home; 3) Defend the people of the...

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