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‘Deal or War’: Is Doomed Dollar Really Behind Obama’s Iran Warning?

‘Deal or War’: Is Doomed Dollar Really Behind Obama’s Iran Warning?

US President Barack Obama has given an extraordinary ultimatum to the Republican-controlled Congress, arguing that they must not block the nuclear accord with Iran. It’s either “deal or war,” he says. In a televised nationwide address on August 5, Obama said: “Congressional rejection of this deal leaves any US administration that is absolutely committed to preventing Iran from getting a nuclear weapon with one option: another war in the Middle East. I say this not to be provocative. I am...

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Republicans Can’t Face the Truth About Iraq

Republicans Can’t Face the Truth About Iraq

Gov. Jeb Bush repeated one of the biggest falsehoods of our time during the recent presidential candidate debate: “we were misled (into the Iraq War) by faulty intelligence.” US intelligence was not “misled.” It was ordered by the real, de facto president, Dick Cheney, to provide excuses for a war of aggression against Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. PM Tony Blair, forced British intelligence services to “sex up” reports that Iraq had nuclear weapons; he purged the government and the venerable...

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Full-Scale War Looms in Donbass

Full-Scale War Looms in Donbass

US and British special forces are actively preparing Kiev’s military for escalated combat. UK Defense Secretary Michael Fallon said Britain will double the number of Ukrainian troops it’s training by yearend. He called conflict in Donbass “red hot” – heading toward getting hotter. Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) Contact Group envoy Vladislav Deinego said Kiev violated every Minsk ceasefire term since agreeing to observe them in February. Conflict never stopped. Dozens of shellings occur daily...

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Iran Nuclear Deal: Why Empire Blinked First

Iran Nuclear Deal: Why Empire Blinked First

We’ve now spent three weeks watching American politicians argue needlessly over the Iran nuclear deal. For or against, they all miss this one salient point: It is the US that needed to end this standoff with Iran – not the other way around. For years we have been hearing that US sanctions “were biting” and had “teeth.” Sanctions, it was said, would “change Iranian behaviors,” whether in regards to the Islamic Republic’s “support of terrorism,” its “calculations” over its nuclear program, or by...

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Predisposed to Peace: Ron Paul’s Faith in Basic Human Decency and the Power of Ideas

Predisposed to Peace: Ron Paul’s Faith in Basic Human Decency and the Power of Ideas

Ron Paul is a man of faith. His faith shines through every page of his new book, Swords into Plowshares: A Life in Wartime and a Future of Peace and Prosperity . The title itself, based on a Biblical verse, evinces his religious faith, which greatly strengthens his steadfast opposition to war. But what most pervades the book is Dr. Paul’s faith in humanity: his belief that mankind is naturally inclined to peace and averse to war. He devotes an entire chapter of his book to “Our Peaceful...

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Iraq and American Sniper

Iraq and American Sniper

Last January the movie American Sniper was breaking box-office records and generating a national debate over the nature of war and how the movie depicts war. The movie revolved around Chris Kyle, a real-life US soldier who had four tours in Iraq as a sniper and, in the process, set a record for the number of people killed by a US sniper. The Left criticized the movie for glorifying war and for celebrating Kyle’s heroics. Clint Eastwood, who directed the movie and who is a conservative,...

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Understanding Why the Clinton Emails Matter

Understanding Why the Clinton Emails Matter

In the world of handling America’s secrets, words – classified, secure, retroactive – have special meanings. I held a Top Secret clearance at the State Department for 24 years and was regularly trained in protecting information as part of that privilege. Here is what some of those words mean in the context of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails. The Inspectors General for the State Department and the intelligence community issued a statement saying Clinton’s personal email...

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The Aspen War Games—No Place For Old Peaceniks

The Aspen War Games—No Place For Old Peaceniks

ASPEN. This fair summer camp for the (very) fortunate got double-whammy’d by the War Party on Sunday. First there was a “debate” about whether ISIS should be “contained” or “defeated”. That was followed by a glowing progress report from General John Allen. He is President Obama’s Special Envoy for the Global Coalition of the Unwilling and Unable (to fight ISIS), and the gist of his speech was that 6,000 airstrikes since last August have been winning droves of hearts and minds in the Upper...

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Don’t Be Fooled by the Political Game: The Illusion of Freedom in America

Don’t Be Fooled by the Political Game: The Illusion of Freedom in America

“The shaping of the will of Congress and the choosing of the American president has become a privilege reserved to the country’s equestrian classes, a.k.a. the 20 percent of the population that holds 93 percent of the wealth, the happy few who run the corporations and the banks, own and operate the news and entertainment media, compose the laws and govern the universities, control the philanthropic foundations, the policy institutes, the casinos, and the sports arenas.”—Journalist Lewis Lapham...

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The Return of Ron Paul

The Return of Ron Paul

Ron Paul changed American politics in a way that no single individual can claim: it was Paul, a congressman from a rural district in Texas, who put libertarianism on the political map. It was the movement he inspired – a movement driven largely by young people – that has challenged the War Party like no other. Not even the antiwar movement of the 1960s has done so much to change the American consciousness when it comes to our interventionist foreign policy – and Paul’s new book, Swords Into...

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Islamic State is Winning, America Must Soon Use Its One Remaining Option

Islamic State is Winning, America Must Soon Use Its One Remaining Option

Three of the US national government’s self-imposed and surely lethal handicaps in dealing with the Islamist threat are (a) a fixation on looking at the problem in a state-by-state manner; that is, what do we do in Iraq? what do we do in Afghanistan? what do we do in Libya? etc.; (b) an enduring but long-disproved assumption that in its war with Islam the West has time its side; and (c) an addiction to an unwise, unnecessary, and bankrupting interventionism that is the main motivator of the...

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Real Education Reform Leaves the Government Behind

Real Education Reform Leaves the Government Behind

Among the items awaiting Congress when it returns from its August break is reconciling competing House and Senate bills reauthorizing No Child Left Behind. These bills passed early this spring. Each bill is being marketed as a huge step toward restoring state and local control over education. However, an examination of both bills shows that both provide local schools with only limited relief from a few federal mandates. The biggest problem with these so-called reform bills is that they do not...

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Why Do We Lament A-Bombs But Not Firebombs?

Why Do We Lament A-Bombs But Not Firebombs?

All war is a crime. There is no such thing as a “good war.” As the great Benjamin Franklin said, “there is no good war; and no bad peace.” We are now in the midst of the annual debate over the atomic bombing of Japan by the United States. Seventy years ago this week, the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, killing or injuring some 140,000 people. A few days later, a second atomic weapon was dropped on Nagasaki, causing 80,000 casualties. Most of the dead in both cities were civilians....

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My Dreams Seek Revenge: Revisiting Hiroshima One More Time

My Dreams Seek Revenge: Revisiting Hiroshima One More Time

I’ve visited Hiroshima many times. There is a Japanese jail not far from the Hiroshima Peace Park, and in my guise as a diplomat working in Japan, one of my jobs was to visit Americans in jail, typically young men and women who’d smoked a little weed in drug-conscious Japan. I’d check up on their welfare, pass messages to and from home for them, that kind of thing. There were always enough of these folks in Hiroshima for at least quarterly visits, and I always took the opportunity to visit the...

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Ron Paul Takes On The War Party

Ron Paul Takes On The War Party

“Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none.” —Thomas Jefferson Many years ago Ron Paul published a collection of his speeches to Congress regarding foreign policy in a book titled A Foreign Policy Of Freedom. That book illustrated Paul’s unique consistency as a Congressman to stand strong against the military industrial complex during his many years as a representative. Time and time again when the hawks would sweep in banging the drums of war, Ron...

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Power in the Service of Power

Power in the Service of Power

It’s been a bad month for the angst-ridden US ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power. Last week, she was “outraged” by Russia’s veto at the UN Security Council of an international criminal court into the downing of Malaysian airliner MH17 over eastern Ukraine. Three weeks prior, Power was again “outraged” by Russia’s veto of a draft resolution to declare the mass killing at Srebrenica during the Bosnian War in 1995 a “genocide.” On Srebrenica, Power said: Russia’s veto is heartbreaking for those...

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