RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

Sue Saudis for 9/11…and the US For All its Wars

Sue Saudis for 9/11…and the US For All its Wars

President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry say that allowing family members of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia for its complicity in that crime would set a terrible precedent that would open the United States up to lawsuits from abroad. Wonderful! Let the lawsuits rain down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream! Suing Saudis over 9/11 will only set a precedent if it succeeds, which is to say if there is evidence of Saudi complicity. We know that there is, according...

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Nation-Building: Global Hegemony Without Local Knowledge

Nation-Building: Global Hegemony Without Local Knowledge

In 1974, when Friedrich Hayek won the Nobel Prize in Economics, he used his acceptance speech to deliver a warning to the world. Do not again fall for “the pretense of knowledge,” he counseled. Hayek was singling out economic policymakers who presume to possess the knowledge needed to confidently predict and design market outcomes, much as engineers precisely predict and design mechanical outcomes. Yet, as Hayek surely recognized, such epistemic arrogance is rampant throughout all social...

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Guess Why Sen. Lindsey Graham is Blocking The 9/11 Bill

Guess Why Sen. Lindsey Graham is Blocking The 9/11 Bill

The day began with a Zero Hedge piece reporting that President Obama would veto the bill currently in the Senate to hold the Saudi government legally responsible if proven it had a hand in planning and/or supporting the attacks of 9/11. According to the Administration, signing such a bill to lift Saudi Arabia's sovereign immunity would place the US "at risk" if other countries passed similar laws against us. Also in he Zero Hedge piece was news that one Senator had placed a "hold" on the bill,...

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Enemies Everywhere – The US War On The World

The USS Donald Cook, equipped with the Aegis combat system, recently found the Russian air force unwelcoming as the US conducted military maneuvers just 50 miles from Russian soil. The Russian flyover was greeted in Washington with howls of "aggression!" But why was a US Naval vessel whose purpose is to target enemy missiles -- nuclear and conventional -- conducting exercises so close to Russia? Is that not also provocative? And what about the US Navy in the South China Sea? And near North...

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Washington’s War Against the World

Washington’s War Against the World

Secretary of War Ash Carter is concerned about America’s posture. No, it’s not about sitting with your back straight up and your knees placed primly together. It all has to do with how many enemies there are out there threatening the United States and what we have to do, globally speaking, to make them cry uncle. Ash outlined his views at a “posture hearing” before the Senate Armed Services Committee on March 17th, part of a process intended to give still more money to the Pentagon, $582.7...

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What Did Fed Chairman Yellen Tell Obama?

What Did Fed Chairman Yellen Tell Obama?

This week, President Obama and Vice President Biden held a hastily arranged secret meeting with Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen. According to the one paragraph statement released by the White House following the meeting, Yellen, Obama, and Biden simply “exchanged notes” about the economy and the progress of financial reform. Because the meeting was held behind closed doors, the American people have no way of knowing what else the three might have discussed.Yellen’s secret meeting at the...

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The Terrorist iPhone Snow Job

The Terrorist iPhone Snow Job

It all started so “harmless.” The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) wanted to access the information of a person being investigated for mass murder so, the FBI said, it could try to prevent more terrorist attacks. A couple months later this has morphed into a situation where the FBI is offering to help police departments across America access secured information of any electronic device connected to criminal investigations and where members of the United States Senate are moving forward...

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After Vote to Remove Brazil’s President, Key Opposition Figure Holds Meetings in Washington

After Vote to Remove Brazil’s President, Key Opposition Figure Holds Meetings in Washington

Brazil’s lower house of Congress on Sunday voted to impeach the country’s President, Dilma Rousseff, sending the removal process to the Senate. In an act of unintended though rich symbolism, the House member who pushed impeachment over the 342-vote threshold was Dep. Bruno Araújo, himself implicated by a document indicating he may have received illegal funds from the construction giant at the heart of the nation’s corruption scandal. Even more significantly, Araújo belongs to the center-right...

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The Phony War in Syria

The Phony War in Syria

The great, long-awaited counterattack against ISIS has finally begun. The offensive that spans Syria and western Iraq is targeting the ISIS-held cities of Raqqa and Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city.For a variety of reasons, the much ballyhooed “final offensive” against ISIS is moving with all the speed of a medieval army of drunken foot soldiers and all the audacity of a lady’s garden party.As a former soldier and war correspondent, I find the spectacle both pathetic and weird. Back in my...

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Deadly Myths: Iraq ‘Surge’ General Calls for ‘Surge 2.0’

Deadly Myths: Iraq ‘Surge’ General Calls for ‘Surge 2.0’

The history of post Cold War US involvement in Iraq is the story of the enduring power of myths to drive a false foreign policy narrative and achieve the goals of a singularly-focused pressure group (the interventionist neocons). From the 1990 myth that Saddam Hussein had on his own and in opposition to stated US wishes made a land grab in Kuwait, the myth that Iraqi troops were poised to invade Saudi Arabia, the 2003 myth that Saddam had, "in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons," to the myth...

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Ron Paul’s ‘What If’ Speech – Like You’ve Never Seen it Before

Many people remember Ron Paul's powerful 2011 House Floor speech, "What If?" In less than four minutes, Rep. Paul completely obliterated the entire neocon foreign policy of interventionism. He turned their claims around on them, he used their lies against them. It was a tremendous, memorable speech. But thanks to a very talented YouTube videographer, that amazing speech got even better. See for yourself:

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Does Over-Classification Matter With the Hillary Emails?

Does Over-Classification Matter With the Hillary Emails?

Rules are for fools, and in this case the fools in question are you, me, and what’s left of the American democratic system. Obama, in an interview, basically made it clear nobody is going to indict Hillary Clinton for exposing classified material via her unclassified email server, even if it requires made-up rules to let her get away with it. The president’s comments in an interview last Sunday that “there’s classified and then there’s classified” made clear he imagines national security law...

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President Killary: Would The World Survive Another President Clinton?

President Killary: Would The World Survive Another President Clinton?

Hillary Clinton is proving to be the “teflon candidate.” In her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, she has escaped damage from major scandals, any one of which would destroy a politician. Hillary has accepted massive bribes in the form of speaking fees from financial organizations and corporations. She is under investigation for misuse of classified data, an offense for which a number of whistleblowers are in prison. Hillary has survived the bombing of Libya, her creation of...

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Plan B – US Arms Syria Rebels…AGAIN!

Washington (under pressure from "allies" Turkey and Saudi Arabia) has taken advantage of the ceasefire in Syria to ship massive amounts of weapons to the "moderates." Even the mainstream media has reported that 50 percent of what is shipped to the "moderate" Free Syrian Army finds its way into the hands of al-Qaeda's Nusra Front, a US-designated terrorist organization. Plus, State Department Spokesman Mark Toner has admitted that the "moderate" rebels are "co-mingled" with al-Qaeda in Syria....

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John Kerry, and the Legacy of Hiroshima

John Kerry, and the Legacy of Hiroshima

US Secretary of State John Kerry and fellow envoys from the G7 visited Hiroshima’s Peace Memorial Park on the margins of their summit meeting this week. Kerry was the highest ranking American government official to visit the Peace Park, the memorial dedicated to the victims of the world’s first nuclear attack on August 6, 1945. US officials are considering a visit to Hiroshima by Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama during his trip to Japan for the G7 in late May. Obama, in 2011, expressed...

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This Week in Congress: Foreign Aid and Tyranny

This Week in Congress: Foreign Aid and Tyranny

This week the House returns from "spring break." Today and Wednesday the House will consider "suspensions." One of the suspension bills of particular interest is HR 4509. This legislation requires states or "high-risk urban areas" receiving Homeland Security funds to establish a state planning committee or an urban area working group, in order to develop and revise homeland security plans and work on threat and hazard identification. Readers will be interested to know that the committees must...

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