RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

Is This What’s in Those 28 Pages? And Does it Matter?

Is This What’s in Those 28 Pages? And Does it Matter?

Did the CIA meet with some of the 9/11 hijackers ahead of the attacks on New York? Did the Saudi government help finance those hijackers? Someone knows the answers, and soon, you might know as well. This Summer? James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, told the New York Times the so-called “28 pages,” a still-classified section from the official report of the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001, may be...

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The Pentagon Gong Show

The Pentagon Gong Show

It should be clear that the Global War on Terror (GWOT) launched by George W. Bush and perpetuated by Barack Obama is a bust. It is now the longest war in US history; it is now the second most expensive war in US history; and there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Yet despite the GWOT’s astronomical cost, forces deployed and combat tempos are minuscule when compared the those of the far lower cost Viet Nam War. Nevertheless, the top uniformed and civilian officials in the Pentagon are...

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Celebrate the Decline of Neocon Thought Control!

Celebrate the Decline of Neocon Thought Control!

At the beginning of the year, I outlined three trends we should cheer. And now, just three months later, one of them is proceeding so rapidly that the bad guys are in an outright panic. Thus: a recent column in Commentary, a neoconservative publication, warned that “anyone with the Internet can write a blog or tweet or Facebook post or can Skype or record a podcast. The castle no longer has walls. The gatekeepers are mostly useless.” That’s pretty much what I said, too, except my remarks...

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The Classified ’28 Pages’: A Diversion From Real US-Saudi Issues

The Classified ’28 Pages’: A Diversion From Real US-Saudi Issues

The controversy surrounding the infamous “28 pages” on the possible Saudi connection with the terrorists that were excised from the joint Congressional report on the 9/11 attacks is at fever pitch. But that controversy is a distraction from the real problems that Saudi Arabia’s policies pose to the United States and the entire Middle East region. The political pressure to release the 28 pages has been growing for the past couple of years, with resolutions in both houses of Congress urging the...

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The Hell on Earth Paved by Samantha Power’s Good Intentions

The Hell on Earth Paved by Samantha Power’s Good Intentions

In Batman Vs. Superman, the intrepid reporter Lois Lane (played by Amy Adams), tries to expose a dastardly villain and gets herself into a deadly predicament from which Superman must save her. This has been the Lois Lane formula since 1938. But in this case, the rescue has blowback. The villain in question was an African warlord/terrorist. And the intervention of Superman (and the CIA) somehow precipitates a massacre of local civilians. Lois’s efforts end up leading to the very kind of...

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Censored, Surveilled, Watch Listed and Jailed: The Absurdity of Being a Citizen in the American Police State

Censored, Surveilled, Watch Listed and Jailed: The Absurdity of Being a Citizen in the American Police State

In the American police state, the price to be paid for speaking truth to power (also increasingly viewed as an act of treason) is surveillance, censorship, jail and ultimately death. However, where many Americans go wrong is in assuming that you have to be doing something illegal or challenging the government’s authority in order to be flagged as a suspicious character, labeled an enemy of the state and locked up like a dangerous criminal. In fact, as I point out in my book Battlefield...

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Yes, Prince Faisal, We Need to ‘Recalibrate’ Our Relationship

Yes, Prince Faisal, We Need to ‘Recalibrate’ Our Relationship

For decades the US and Saudi Arabia have shared a peculiar relationship: the Saudis sell relatively cheap oil to the United States for which they accept our fiat currency. They then recycle those paper dollars into the US military-industrial complex through the purchase of billions of dollars worth of military equipment, and the US guarantees the security of the Saudi monarchy. By accepting only dollars for the sale of its oil, the Saudis help the dollar remain the world’s reserve currency....

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Defending Democracy to the Last Drop of Oil

Defending Democracy to the Last Drop of Oil

Poor President Barack Obama flew to Saudi Arabia this past week but its ruler, King Salman, was too busy to greet him at Riyadh’s airport. This snub was seen across the Arab world as a huge insult and violation of traditional desert hospitality. Obama should have refused to deplane and flown home. Alas, he did not. Obama went to kow-tow to the new Saudi monarch and his hot-headed son, Crown Prince Muhammed bin Nayef. They are furious that Obama has refused to attack Iran, Hezbollah in Lebanon,...

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US-Saudi Relations: Yesteryear Days are Gone Forever

US-Saudi Relations: Yesteryear Days are Gone Forever

President Barack Obama’s visit to Saudi Arabia on Wednesday has boomeranged. His good intentions were never in doubt – mend fences between the two countries. But what emerges is that it will need much more than one visit – maybe, even one full presidency cannot fulfill such a mission. According to Prince Turki al-Faisal, former Saudi intelligence chief, all the King’s horses and all the King’s men cannot put Humpty Dumpty together again. Turki told CNN’s Christian Amanpour that there is going...

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Neocons Panting for President ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis

Neocons Panting for President ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis

The neocons have been in a panic this election season. One by one, their preferred choice for the Republican presidential nomination has been soundly rejected by the uncooperative American voting public. Sen. Lindsey Graham made a run for the nomination saying, "If you’re tired of war, don’t vote for me," and nobody did. Perhaps the idea of perpetual war to the very last US dollar is beginning to wear thin among Republican voters. Though the two Republicans left standing, Sen. Ted Cruz and...

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Ron Paul Rewind: ‘You’re Painting an Overly Optimistic Picture of Afghanistan Success’ (2004)

It was yet another in a periodic series of House International Relations Committee hearings where the "experts" were trotted out to tell us how incredibly well the US intervention in Afghanistan was going and that if only Congress would keep the money train at full throttle, one hundred flowers would bloom where US bombs planted the seeds. This date was 2004, a hearing titled "US Security Police in Afghanistan on the Eve of National Elections," featuring Lieutenant General Walter L. Sharp,...

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Congressman Says His Local Politicians Would be in Jail if They Did What US House Members Do

Congressman Says His Local Politicians Would be in Jail if They Did What US House Members Do

Last week Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) demanded on the House floor a roll-call vote on a billion-dollar foreign aid bill. Only due to this action are people able to see how House members voted on the legislation. Otherwise, the bill would have been passed by a voice vote of around twelve representatives who happened to be on the floor. Interviewed by host Brian Thomas at KRC-Radio in Cincinnati, Ohio the morning after the vote on what Massie calls in the interview “a one billion dollars slush...

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US Assaults British Sovereignty

US Assaults British Sovereignty

The Washington elite believe that the British people should serve Washington’s interest and not their own. To this end, President Obama has been sent to London to emphasize that the UK must remain in the EU. Does this make you wonder why it is important to Washington for the British people to surrender their national sovereignty to the European Union? If not, it should. It is easier and less expensive for Washington to control the EU government than to control 28 seperate governments. For...

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US Protects Saudis From Terror Suits, Yet Backs Suits Against Iran

US Protects Saudis From Terror Suits, Yet Backs Suits Against Iran

Intense debate and international diplomatic blackmail has dominated the discussion of the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, a bipartisan bill which would open up civil lawsuits against any foreign nations if they are found to be involved in the funding of a terrorist attack occurring on US soil.It’s not totally clear what the bill’s authors initially had in mind, but with the text explicitly started the liability under the act at 9/11/01, it is quite clear that the September 11...

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Saudis To Kerry: We Created ISIS…And CIA Knew

It was US intervention in the Middle East, say the Saudis, that led us to create first al-Qaeda and then ISIS. The US attack on Iraq tipped the balance in the region in favor of Iran and counter-measures needed to be taken. This is nothing new. The CIA helped create and back the Mujahideen in Afghanistan to counter the 1979 Soviet invasion. And the CIA knew about (at the least) Saudi plans to counter Iran's rise in the region and the uncertainty produced by US-instigated "Arab Spring"...

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Collateral Damage – Obama OKs More Civilian Drone Deaths

Civilians will continue to pay a heavy price in the ongoing US war on at least seven other countries. According to a recent article, the Pentagon has issued new rules permitting a strike on a target even if up to ten innocent civilians may also get killed. Additionally, the "signature strikes" (whereby any male of military age is considered a target regardless of his actions) that were supposed to be phased out, have continued unabated. Will all this killing of innocents overseas make us more,...

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