Throughout the Cold War, the US national-security state told the American people that it was necessary for America to go over to the dark side in order to combat the threat of communism and the Soviet Union. By that, they meant adopting policies and practices employed by the communists. It was a mindset akin to fighting fire with fire. That’s how America ended up with a formal program of assassination, whereby US agents wielded the power to assassinate people around the world who were...
Featured Articles
The Blessing of Cash
by Joseph Salerno | Aug 23, 2016 | Featured Articles
Starting today, the Royal Bank of Scotland will become the first bank in the U.K. to impose a negative interest rate on depositors. The negative rate will apply only to corporate customers, including mutual fund managers and pension funds, holding deposits of certain foreign currencies including euros. This means that RBS—in which the U.K. government still maintains a majority ownership stake since its 2008 bailout—will actually charge these customers to “borrow” their deposits. A few weeks...
The Neoconservatives, the War on Iraq, and the National Interest of Israel
by Stephen J. Sniegoski | Aug 23, 2016 | Featured Articles
The neoconservatives were the driving force in the George W. Bush administration’s war on Iraq and, in so doing, went a long way toward forming US policy in the Middle East that has continued under Obama. Neoconservatism emerged at the tail end of the 1960s as some individuals, predominantly pro-Zionist Jewish intellectuals, became disenchanted with the more radical turn of mainstream liberalism, which among other things, they believed, had become threatening to Jewish interests, including...
Children of the American Police State: Just Another Brick in the Wall
by John W. Whitehead | Aug 22, 2016 | Featured Articles
We don’t need no education We don’t need no thought control No dark sarcasm in the classroom Teachers leave them kids alone… All in all it’s just another brick in the wall All in all you’re just another brick in the wall. —Pink Floyd, “Another Brick in the Wall” The nation’s young people have been given front-row seats for an unfolding police drama that is rated R for profanity, violence and adult content. In Arizona, a 7-year-old girl watched panic-stricken as a state trooper pointed his gun...
Follow the Money Trail for Source of ‘Russian Threat’ Paranoia
by Neil Clark | Aug 22, 2016 | Featured Articles
You’d have to have been locked in a wardrobe if you live in the West not to have heard ominous phrases like “The Russian threat”, “Russian aggression in Europe” and “Russia set to invade Poland/Estonia/ Ukraine/Finland.” Certain people are trying to scare us witless about Russia and the “threat” the country apparently poses. The hysteria reminds one to the build up to the Iraq war, when we were warned every day about the “threat” of Saddam’s deadly WMDs, which - surprise, surprise - turned out...

What Should We Do About Crimea?
by Ron Paul | Aug 21, 2016 | Featured Articles
Is Crimea about to explode? The mainstream media reports that Russia has amassed troops on the border with Ukraine and may be spoiling for a fight. The Russians claim to have stopped a Ukrainian sabotage team that snuck into Crimea to attack key infrastructure. The Russian military is holding exercises in Crimea and Russian President Vladimir Putin made a visit to the peninsula at the end of the week.The Ukrainians have complained to their western supporters that a full-scale Russian invasion...
Leaked Memo Proves Soros Ruled Ukraine In 2014: Minutes From ‘Breakfast With US Ambassador Pyatt’
by Alex Christoforou | Aug 20, 2016 | Featured Articles
We noted in a previous post how important Ukraine was to George Soros, with documents from DC Leaks that show Soros, and his Open Society NGO, scouring the Greek media and political landscape to push the benefits of his Ukraine coup upon a Russian leaning Greek society. Now more documents, in the massive 2,500 leaked tranche, show the immense power and control Soros had over Ukraine immediately following the illegal Maidan government overthrow. Soros and his NGO executives held detailed and...
US Defense Contractors Tell Investors Russian Threat Is Great for Business
by Lee Fang | Aug 20, 2016 | Featured Articles
The escalating anti-Russian rhetoric in the US presidential campaign comes in the midst of a major push by military contractors to position Moscow as a potent enemy that must be countered with a drastic increase in military spending by NATO countries. Weapon makers have told investors that they are relying on tensions with Russia to fuel new business in the wake of Russian’s annexation of Crimea and modest increases in its military budget. In particular, the arms industry — both directly and...
Leaked Memo Shows George Soros Worked to Push Greece to Support Ukraine Coup, Paint Russia as Enemy
by Alex Christoforou | Aug 19, 2016 | Featured Articles
Last week we reported on the DC Leaks hack of what was over 2,500 documents detailing how George Soros and his NGOs influence world leaders, drive foreign policy, and help to create unrest in sovereign nations, that many times leads to chaos and civil war. One country of particular focus for George Soros and his NGOs is Ukraine. It is now accepted fact that Soros was deeply involved in the Maiden protests in 2014 and the violent coup, that saw a democratically elected government overthrown in...
NED, the Legal Window of the CIA
by Thierry Meyssan | Aug 18, 2016 | Featured Articles
In 2006, Kremlin denounced the proliferation of foreign associations in Russia, some of which would have participated in a secret plan, orchestrated by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), to destabilise the country. To prevent a “colour revolution”, Vladislav Surkov drew up strict regulation over these non-governmental organizations (NGOs). In the West, this administrative framework was described as a “fresh assault on freedom of association by Putin the “Dictator” and his adviser.”...
Will Hungary Be Next to Exit the EU?
by F. William Engdahl | Aug 18, 2016 | Featured Articles
Will Hungary be the next nation to exit the dysfunctional European Union? The question isn’t at all as far-fetched as it might seem. On October 2, voters in Hungary will participate in a nationwide referendum to vote whether they agree to the forced settlement of migrants in Hungary by the EU or not. It’s a major issue in Hungary, a land of proud and staunchly independent-minded people who have endured 150 years of Ottoman rule; wars with Habsburg Austria until the Austro-Hungarian Compromise...
Jennifer Rubin: Hillary Must Stop Peace With Iran at All Costs!
by Daniel McAdams | Aug 18, 2016 | Neocon Watch
After anxiously and incessantly angling for a hardcore neoconservative to take the Republican presidential nomination, the Washington Post's online blogger Jennifer Rubin has made the long journey home. Rebuffed by Republican voters who selected Donald Trump as their candidate, Rubin's gunpowder breath is now desperately seeking Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton's ear.Her message? This damned Iran deal is improving US/Iran relations and that is completely intolerable. "Hillary: Please bomb...
Turkey Harmonises With Russia, Iran on Syria
by Melkulangara Bhadrakumar | Aug 17, 2016 | Featured Articles
The reported remarks Monday by Turkish Prime Minister Binaldi Yildirim regarding a 3-step road map for ending the Syrian conflict would be the latest indication that Ankara is tiptoeing toward restoring Turkish-Syrian relations at the diplomatic and political level. Yildirim’s road map envisages future Syria to be a unitary state that has an inclusive political system with constitutional safeguards that prevent domination by any sectarian, ethnic or regional groups. Its constructive ambiguity...
Ninth Circuit Bars Federal Medical Marijuana Prosecutions; Full Protection Requires Congress Action
by Adam Dick | Aug 17, 2016 | Featured Articles
People living in some western portions of America with liberalized medical marijuana laws have some extra protection from the United States government prosecuting them for violations of US marijuana laws thanks to a decision issued Tuesday by the Ninth US Circuit Court of Appeals. However, only congressional action can promptly ensure such protection is provided to people countrywide. The appeals court’s United States v. McIntosh ruling decides ten consolidated appeals and petitions for writs...
US Weapons Fuel Saudi Slaughter In Yemen
by Daniel McAdams | Aug 17, 2016 | Featured Articles
The Saudis have purchased more than $100 billion in weapons from the US during the Obama presidency. Much of it has been used to attack next-door Yemen in attempt to restore a deposed president. Over the past several days the Saudis have bombed a school, a hospital, and a potato chip factory. Scores of civilians have been killed. Washington has yet to condemn the slaughter carried out by the Saudis with US weapons. Now the Saudis want another billion dollars worth of weapons from the US to...
Trouble Follows When the US Labels You a ‘Thug’
by Peter van Buren | Aug 16, 2016 | Featured Articles
There is a nasty pattern in American political speech, going back into the 1980s at least: when a senior US official labels you a thug, often times wars follow. Thug is the safest word of American Exceptionalism. So it is with some concern that lots of folks are pushing each other away from the mic to call Putin a thug (fun fact: Putin has been in effective charge of Russia for 15 years. As recently as the Hillary Clinton Secretary of State era, the US sought a “reset” of relations with him.)...
Unintended Consequences: Russia Sanctions Propel India To Global Energy Powerhouse
India has refused to jump in with the US/NATO war on Russia, which is partly being fought with energy sanctions. As a result, India has emerged as a major player on the global...
Unintended Consequences: Russia Sanctions Propel India To Global Energy Powerhouse
Feb 13, 2023
India has refused to jump in with the US/NATO war on Russia, which is partly being fought with energy sanctions. As a result, India has emerged as a major player on the global...
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