The United States over the weekend denied travel to a former British ambassador, Craig Murray, who was also a British diplomat for some 30 years, and is the author of several books. Murray has stood twice for election to the House of Commons. He was “honored” by being thrown out of Uzbekistan by its repressive government after risking his life to expose appalling human rights abuses there. He is not a terrorist and is not a social media jihadi. He has no criminal record, no connection to drug...
Featured Articles
For What Do We Stand?
by Butler Shaffer | Sep 6, 2016 | Featured Articles
The humanoid collective is in an unforgiving snit over the refusal of NFL quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, to stand for the playing of the national anthem. For a society that was once grounded in a greater tolerance for individual values and preferences, this reaction is another symptom of a system that no longer serves – much less tolerates – the diverse nature of human life. Why would an intelligent person in any country want to stand for and sing a “national anthem?” How would such an act...
John Kerry is Wrong – Media Shouldn’t Stop Covering Terrorism, But They Should Start Explaining it
by Danielle Ryan | Sep 5, 2016 | Featured Articles
The media would do us all a service if they didn’t cover terrorism so much, because then people “wouldn’t know what’s going on.” That little bit of wisdom comes courtesy of US Secretary of State John Kerry. Kerry’s offhand remark was made during a visit to Bangladesh last week, prompting immediate criticism and even subsequent clarification from State Department spokesperson John Kirby. The secretary of state’s suggestion that simply ignoring terrorism might help it go away and that an...

How to Solve the Illegal Immigration Problem
by Ron Paul | Sep 5, 2016 | Featured Articles
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s recent speech on immigration really missed the point. I understand Trump’s frustration over the US government’s inability to control the US borders and keep out those who would come to this country illegally. Trump was right that the media ignore legitimate questions we have on our immigration policy and he is right that special interests have a great interest in maintaining the status quo. However when it comes to really solving the immigration...
Is the United States Trying to Incite Unrest in Venezuela?
by Robert Wenzel | Sep 3, 2016 | Featured Articles
The country of Venezuela is on the edge of collapse. This is partly the result of a weak oil price that has shrunk an important revenue lifeline for the Venezuelan government.The government has responded by printing massive amounts of new Venezuelan currency to keep the government running. This, in turn, has resulted in hyper-inflation far in excess of 500% annually.The authoritarian government has attempted to "fight" the inflation, not by stopping the money printing and shrinking the...
US V US in Syria
by Eric Margolis | Sep 2, 2016 | Featured Articles
What a mess! In the crazy Syrian war, US-backed and armed groups are fighting other US-backed rebel groups. How can this be?It is so because the Obama White House had stirred up the war in Syria but then lost control of the process. When the US has a strong president, he can usually keep the military and intelligence agencies on a tight leash.But the Obama administration has had a weak secretary of defense and a bunch of lady strategists who are the worst military commanders since Louis XV,...
Acceptable Losses: Aiding and Abetting the Saudi Slaughter in Yemen
by Andrew Cockburn | Sep 2, 2016 | Featured Articles
Just a few short years ago, Yemen was judged to be among the poorest countries in the world, ranking 154th out of the 187 nations on the U.N.’s Human Development Index. One in every five Yemenis went hungry. Almost one in three was unemployed. Every year, 40,000 children died before their fifth birthday, and experts predicted the country would soon run out of water. Such was the dire condition of the country before Saudi Arabia unleashed a bombing campaign in March 2015, which has destroyed...
The Campaign to Blame Putin for Everything
by Justin Raimondo | Sep 1, 2016 | Featured Articles
Hardly a day goes by without some “news” about the Russian “threat,” and in the past twenty-four hours the hate-on-Russia campaign seems to have picked up speed. After learning from Hillary Clinton that Vladimir Putin is not only responsible for the Trump campaign, but also for the “global nationalist movement” that yanked the British out of the European Union, mainstream media are telling us that Russian interlopers are supposedly invading our electoral process by hacking into voter...
The Real US Syria Scandal: Supporting Sectarian War
by Gareth Porter | Aug 30, 2016 | Featured Articles
The main criticism of US policy in Syria has long been that President Barack Obama should have used US military force or more aggressive arms aid to strengthen the armed opposition to Assad. The easy answer is that the whole idea that there was a viable non-extremist force to be strengthened is a myth – albeit one that certain political figures in London and Washington refuse to give up. But the question that should have been debated is why the Obama administration acquiesced to its allies...
The Election Has Been Hacked: The Dismal Reality of Having No Real Electoral Choices
by John W. Whitehead | Aug 29, 2016 | Featured Articles
The FBI is worried: foreign hackers have broken into two state election databases. The Department of Homeland Security is worried: the nation’s voting system needs greater protection against cyberattacks. I, on the other hand, am not overly worried: after all, the voting booths have already been hacked by a political elite comprised of Republicans and Democrats who are determined to retain power at all costs. The outcome is a foregone conclusion: the police state will win and “we the people”...
Tell Us Why We’re At War, Candidates
by Peter van Buren | Aug 29, 2016 | Featured Articles
When I was a kid, successive presidents told us we had to fight in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, because if we didn’t fight them over there, we’d have to fight them on the beaches of California. We believed. It was a lie. I was a teenager during the Cold War, several presidents told us we needed to create massive stockpiles of nuclear weapons, garrison the world, maybe invade Cuba, fight covert wars and use the CIA to overthrow democratically elected governments and replace them with dictators,...
US in Denial Over Sponsoring Terrorism is Why Syrian War Rages On
by Finian Cunningham | Aug 28, 2016 | Featured Articles
Marathon 10-hour talks this weekend between the US and Russia in Geneva failed to produce a comprehensive plan to end the brutal Syrian war. Cutting through diplomatic jargon, the fundamental problem is that the US remains in denial about its criminal role in fueling the war. It is this role by the US and various foreign allies in supporting illegally armed groups that ensures the continuance of the conflict, which has been running for nearly six years with hundreds of thousands killed....

The Right Lessons from Obamacare’s Meltdown
by Ron Paul | Aug 28, 2016 | Featured Articles
The decision of several major insurance companies to cut their losses and withdraw from the Obamacare exchanges, combined with the failure of 70 percent of Obamacare's health insurance “co-ops, ” will leave one in six Obamacare enrollees with only one health insurance option. If Obamacare continues on its current track, most of America may resemble Pinal County, Arizona, where no one can obtain private health insurance. Those lucky enough to obtain insurance will face ever-increasing premiums...
The Man Who Captured Abu Zubaydah Says It’s Time to End His Ordeal and Send Him Home
by John Kiriakou | Aug 27, 2016 | Featured Articles
Accused terrorist Abu Zubaydah has not had his day in court yet. But earlier this week he had his day before a military Periodic Review Board, which apparently has the power to determine whether or not he should be released from the prison at Guantanamo Bay. Zubaydah wasn’t allowed to speak. Instead, a soldier read the prisoner’s prepared statement. Zubaydah said he posed no threat to the United States or to anyone else and should be released. He said he had been subjected to torture by the...
Do You Want a Peaceful and Prosperous Society or Not?
by Jacob G. Hornberger | Aug 26, 2016 | Featured Articles
Every Sunday at my church, we are exhorted to pray, among other things, for peace in the world and for the men and women who serve our nation — i.e., the military and the CIA . Naturally, the priests who craft the prayer, along with most of the congregation, fail to see the irony of those two prayers. That is, they fail to see that it is the Pentagon and the CIA whose activities around the world, especially in the Middle East and Afghanistan, are a major reason that Americans live without...
The Alternate Reality of Anders Fogh Rasmussen
by Danielle Ryan | Aug 25, 2016 | Featured Articles
Reading through a recent interview with former NATO secretary general Anders Fogh Rasmussen, it becomes clear that his world is one in which US foreign policy has only ever made us all safer and the biggest risk we now face is diminished US power. The entire premise of his argument throughout the interview is that if the US steps back from playing global policeman, the “bad guys” will win. Simple as that. Tempting Putin The interview, which focuses on Donald Trump, opens with a question about...
Snowden: UFO Balloons 'Engineered Panic' To Distract From Nord Stream Revelations
Former NSA whistleblower has gone on record accusing the US government of engineering the "balloon wars" scare to detract attention away from Seymour Hersh's explosive...
Snowden: UFO Balloons 'Engineered Panic' To Distract From Nord Stream Revelations
Feb 14, 2023
Former NSA whistleblower has gone on record accusing the US government of engineering the "balloon wars" scare to detract attention away from Seymour Hersh's explosive...
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