Two seemingly unrelated stories in the New York Times yesterday serve as potent reminders of the deadly and disastrous consequences of US interventionism in the Middle East. The stories involve Iran and Libya.Referring to Donald Trump’s campaign vow to tear up the nuclear agreement entered into last year between the United States and Iran, Iran’s president, Hassan Rouhani, told an audience at Tehran University, “America cannot influence our determination, this nation’s resistance and its...
Featured Articles
Requiem for the Obama Administration, Trump Edition
by Peter van Buren | Dec 7, 2016 | Featured Articles
The problems many are now predicting under the Trump administration did not start on November 8. The near-unrestrained executive power claimed by the Obama administration will be transferred to the president-elect. Here’s what that means. Torture Obama did not prosecute, fire, or discipline anyone for torturing people on behalf of the people of the United States. He did not hold any truth commissions, and ensured almost all of the government documents on the torture program remain classified....
US Strikes on Syrian Troops: Report Data Contradicts ‘Mistake’ Claims
by Gareth Porter | Dec 7, 2016 | Featured Articles
The summary report on an investigation into US and allied air strikes on Syrian government troops has revealed irregularities in decision-making consistent with a deliberate targeting of Syrian forces. The report, released by US Central Command on 29 November, shows that senior US Air Force officers at the Combined Air Operations Center (CAOC) at al-Udeid Airbase in Qatar, who were responsible for the decision to carry out the September airstrike at Deir Ezzor: misled the Russians about where...
PropOrNot Doesn’t Identify Russian Propaganda
by Michael S. Rozeff | Dec 6, 2016 | Featured Articles
PropOrNot is the outfit that produced “The List” of 200 “Russian propaganda outlets.” The strange thing is that their published materials do not identify and prove a single vital case of Russian propaganda that actually had a vital effect on a matter of vital foreign policy or on a matter of momentous domestic concern. What do I mean by a vital case with a vital effect on a vital matter? An example is the momentous propaganda campaign running many months and conducted by the Bush...

Trump’s Promised ‘New Foreign Policy’ Must Abandon Regime Change for Iran
by Ron Paul | Dec 5, 2016 | Featured Articles
President-elect Donald Trump told a Cincinnati audience this week that he intends to make some big changes in US foreign policy. During his “thank you” tour in the midwest, Trump had this to say: We will pursue a new foreign policy that finally learns from the mistakes of the past. We will stop looking to topple regimes and overthrow governments. …In our dealings with other countries we will seek shared interests wherever possible...” If this is really to be President Trump’s foreign policy,...
The ‘Draft Women’ Legislation Roller Coaster Ride
by Adam Dick | Dec 4, 2016 | Congress Alert
During consideration of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) in the spring, the proposal that women be required to sign up with Selective Service just as are men started on a roller coaster ride in the United States Congress. That ride had a couple more turns this week. On Tuesday, a United States Senate and House of Representatives conference committee, which was creating a compromise version of the NDAA because the two bodies had passed differing bills, released a final bill that...
Will Obama be Named Russian Agent for Saying US Elections Reflect Will of American Voters?
by Daniel McAdams | Dec 2, 2016 | Featured Articles
The US House passed the Intelligence Authorization Bill for 2017 earlier this week, with a provision requiring the White House to establish a special task force to counter what it deemed to be Russian "active measures" to undermine the US political system. Though there has yet to be a single piece of evidence offered that Russia has actually interfered in the elections, US propaganda put out by special interests and amplified by the mainstream media has convinced many Americans that something...
Presidential War is Unconstitutional
by Ivan Eland | Dec 2, 2016 | Featured Articles
The Obama administration has decided to stretch the 15-year old congressional authorization for war against the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks, or those harboring them, to include an illegal war against a group in Somalia—al-Shabab—that wasn’t even in existence at the time of the attacks in 2001.In fact, as with many of its Islamist terrorist opponents worldwide—including the original al Qaeda, the perpetrator of 9/11 that arose from US arming of Mujahideen guerrillas against the Soviet...
Mr Trump, Don’t Tear Down This Deal
by Eric Margolis | Dec 2, 2016 | Featured Articles
President-elect Donald Trump vows to either tear up or rewrite the recent international nuclear deal with Iran, calling it "disastrous," and "the worst deal ever negotiated by Washington."Iran, which has closed important nuclear facilities, shut down half its centrifuges, and neutralized its stores of nuclear material under the international agreement, must be wondering if it’s nuclear deal was not really, really disastrous.In his rush to condemn the Iran deal, Donald Trump seems to be...
Senate Extends Idiotic Iran Sanctions by 99-0 Vote!
by Daniel McAdams | Dec 1, 2016 | Congress Alert
Forget that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPA) agreed between Iran and the so-called P5+1 consisting of the United States, Russia, China, France, Britain, and the European Union has by all accounts been one of the few real foreign policy successes in the eight years of an otherwise war-dominated Obama Administration. Forget that the promise of normalizing trade relations with Iran would produce untold wealth -- and jobs -- for both the US and Iran. Forget that the Europeans are...
OSU’s Foreign Policy Blowback
by Jacob G. Hornberger | Dec 1, 2016 | Featured Articles
Those who keep hoping that gun control will protect them from terrorist retaliation for U.S. interventionism in the Middle East had their hopes dashed last week at Ohio State University. That’s because the lack of a gun didn’t stop Abdul Razak Ali Artan, a Somali-born Ohio State student, from intentionally driving a car into pedestrians and then slashing people with a butcher knife.This is what all too many Americans just don’t yet get — that local, state, and federal government officials...
Ron Paul: ‘Fake News Comes From our Own Government’
by Daniel McAdams | Nov 30, 2016 | Featured Articles
The mainstream media and politicians peddling the line that there is a network of "fake news" sites spreading Russian disinformation and propaganda is just scapegoating to divert attention from the far worse job they have done objectively reporting the truth, Ron Paul told RT yesterday. He added: The fake news comes from our own government, when they tell us about why we have to go to war. ...And that was probably the big issue of the campaign, and that's why Trump did so well. [Americans...
The Only Way Trump Could Actually ‘Drain the Swamp’
by Andrew Bacevich | Nov 30, 2016 | Featured Articles
President-elect Donald Trump’s message for the nation’s senior military leadership is ambiguously unambiguous. Here is he on 60 Minutes just days after winning the election. Trump: “We have some great generals. We have great generals.” Lesley Stahl: “You said you knew more than the generals about ISIS.” Trump: “Well, I’ll be honest with you, I probably do because look at the job they’ve done. OK, look at the job they’ve done. They haven’t done the job.” In reality, Trump, the former...
The Uselessness of NATO: Do We Really Need to Defend Montenegro?
by Justin Raimondo | Nov 30, 2016 | Featured Articles
Photo credit: Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project.The latest entrant into the NATO alliance, Montenegro, underscores both the absurdity of this archaic cold war relic and the dangers it poses to the United States.Yes, Montenegro is a real country, kind of: with a little over 600,000 citizens, and around 5,000 square miles, it has an army of under 2,000 soldiers and sailors. During the medieval era it was divided into warring clans who were unified only by their fierce opposition...
Iranophobes on Parade: Will Iran be the Target of the Trump Regime?
by Philip Giraldi | Nov 29, 2016 | Featured Articles
One of the most discouraging aspects of the filling out of the Donald Trump cabinet is the array of Iran haters that seem to be lining up in the foreign policy and national security areas. Trump has been personally advocating sensible policies relating to Russia and Syria but he appears to have gone off the rails regarding Iran, which just might be attributed to those who are giving him advice. A reversion to the relationship that prevailed prior to last year’s signing of the Joint...
The War Against Castro Comes to an End
by Jacob G. Hornberger | Nov 29, 2016 | Featured Articles
With the passing of former Cuban president Fidel Castro over the weekend, the decades-long U.S. war waged against him finally comes to an end, even if the decades-long embargo against the Cuban people continues.Castro was one of the most tyrannical dictators in the world. After taking power in 1959, he refused to permit democratic elections, suppressed dissent, censored the news, and controlled travel. And, of course, Castro was a communist or socialist. As president, he imposed a socialist...
Justice At Last? US House To Allow Jan. 6 Defendants Access To Security Footage
The Republican-led US House of Representatives has agreed to allow the January 6th "insurrection" defendants to have access to the thousands of hours of security footage taken...
Justice At Last? US House To Allow Jan. 6 Defendants Access To Security Footage
Mar 1, 2023
The Republican-led US House of Representatives has agreed to allow the January 6th "insurrection" defendants to have access to the thousands of hours of security footage taken...
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