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Iran, Again…Will Israel Start a New War?

Iran, Again…Will Israel Start a New War?

When politicians are feeling the heat, they start a war and their popularity goes up even if the war is unnecessary or completely ridiculous. Donald Trump, the presidential candidate who promised that he would not take the nation into another Middle Eastern war, did so when he launched a fifty-nine cruise missile barrage against a Syrian Air Base even before he knew for sure what had happened on the ground. It was totally stupid but proved to be popular, even among talking heads and...

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Will Congress and Trump Declare War on WikiLeaks?

Will Congress and Trump Declare War on WikiLeaks?

The Senate Intelligence Committee recently passed its Intelligence Authorization Act for 2018 that contains a chilling attack on the First Amendment. Section 623 of the act expresses the “sense of Congress” that WikiLeaks resembles a “non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors and should be treated as such.” This language is designed to delegitimize WikiLeaks, encourage the federal government to spy on individuals working with WikiLeaks, and block access to WikiLeaks’...

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Wikileaks’ Julian Assange to Join RPI Conference!

Wikileaks’ Julian Assange to Join RPI Conference!

The Ron Paul Institute's second annual Washington, D.C. conference got a shot in the arm over the weekend, as Wikileaks founder and chief editor Julian Assange agreed to open up the Whistleblowers Roundtable with a talk on the recent US Senate and Director of Central Intelligence attacks on Wikileaks as a "non-state hostile intelligence agency." Assange's appearance at the conference could not be more timely, as it looks like US intelligence is about to take more "active measures" against...

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One Way to End Drug War Violence

One Way to End Drug War Violence

Two police officers in Kissimmee, Florida, were recently shot and killed while investigating illegal drug activity in a dangerous part of town. According to the New York Times, government officials praised the officers for their service and asked Floridians to pray for other law-enforcement personnel. President Trump weighed in with a tweet in which he offered his thoughts and prayers for the Kissimmee police and their families.There is one big thing about that picture, however: It is the drug...

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I Predict a ‘RIOT’ as Dissent in American Media Becomes Illegitimate

I Predict a ‘RIOT’ as Dissent in American Media Becomes Illegitimate

Since the German Marshall Fund of the United States unveiled its “Alliance For Securing Democracy (AFSD)," I’ve resisted commenting, simply because the lobby group’s “Hamilton 68 dashboard” is too preposterous to merit serious analysis.It has rightly been ridiculed by journalists and activists who never tire of knocking the Kremlin.The portal purports to use “600 Twitter accounts linked to Russian influence efforts online” to prove how Moscow is trying to sow seeds of doubt in the Western...

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Trump and Korea. I’m Also Scared

Trump and Korea. I’m Also Scared

President Trump’s ability to trigger a nuclear war is "pretty damn scary" said former US intelligence director James Clapper this week. Remember when Trump vowed to "bomb the shit" out of his enemies?I don’t have much respect for Clapper, who brazenly lied to Congress and is a ringleader of the deep government’s efforts to overthrow Trump. But this time, Clapper is 100 percent right. He’s scared and I am too.This week, Trump proclaimed he would continue the pointless, stalemated US colonial...

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Trump’s New Strategy for Afghanistan Is Neither New, nor a Strategy, nor Trump’s

Trump’s New Strategy for Afghanistan Is Neither New, nor a Strategy, nor Trump’s

For some time it has been clear that the White House of President Donald Trump was convulsed with a struggle among various court factions vying for the Emperor’s ear. Crudely oversimplified, these are variously described as:1. The military "Junta" (Generals McMaster, National Security Council; Mattis, Pentagon; and Kelly, White House Chief of Staff;2. The Goldman-Sachs "Globalists" (preeminently First Daughter Ivanka and First Son-in-Law Jared Kushner);3. The "Populist-Nationalists" ("the two...

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Unlike Trump, JFK Didn’t Bend the Knee

Unlike Trump, JFK Didn’t Bend the Knee

NOTE: I’ll be speaking at the Ron Paul Institute’s Peace and Prosperity 2017 Conference. Saturday, September 9, from 9:30 am to 3:00 p.m., Washington Dulles Airport Marriott. Last year’s conference was a sell-out and this year’s conference promises to be even better. Only $75. I hope you’ll join us for a timely and very important conference. Register here.Like President Trump, President Kennedy was subjected to the same type of pressure by the Pentagon and the CIA to engage in military action...

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US Liberals Cozy up to Antifa, America’s Anti-Free Speech ‘Taliban’

US Liberals Cozy up to Antifa, America’s Anti-Free Speech ‘Taliban’

The liberal media is pushing the idea that any violence committed on the part of Antifa, the so-called "anti-fascist" leftist group, is acceptable if it is directed at the political right. Such delusional thinking will only lead to civil war.Following the recent spate of violence that rocked Charlottesville after right-wing groups assembled to protest the removal of a Confederate statue, it became quickly apparent the US media had a dog in this fight. And a vicious dog at that.Liberals howled...

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The Mini-Skirt Deception: How McMaster Got His Afghan ‘Surge’

The Mini-Skirt Deception: How McMaster Got His Afghan ‘Surge’

According to reports, Gen. H. R. McMaster convinced President Trump to give up his longstanding opposition to the Afghan war by showing him this photograph, below, of Afghan women in what the media are describing as “miniskirts.” As the Washington Post put it: One of the ways McMaster tried to persuade Trump to recommit to the effort was by convincing him that Afghanistan was not a hopeless place. He presented Trump with a black-and-white snapshot from 1972 of Afghan women in miniskirts...

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The International Criminal Court is the Antithesis of Justice

The International Criminal Court is the Antithesis of Justice

If there was a prize for the world’s most ineffective institution, the International Criminal Court would win hands down.Consider this: The court has been in operation for fifteen years, has spent over a billion Euros, and has convicted just four war criminals. Yes, that's correct. In a decade and a half, an institution proclaiming itself the world’s first permanent war crimes court has jailed just four war criminals.In any other justice system that kind of abysmal conviction rate would get...

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New Senate Intelligence Authorization Bill Includes Language Threatening WikiLeaks

New Senate Intelligence Authorization Bill Includes Language Threatening WikiLeaks

The Senate Intelligence Authorization Act (SB 1761), introduced Friday by Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC) and already approved by the committee, concludes with a one sentence section — Section 623 — that appears to threaten WikiLeaks with potential harsh actions. The section categorizes the news organization, which helps expose information obtained from whistleblowers, as resembling "a non-state hostile intelligence service.""Senior leaders" of WikiLeaks, such as...

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Freedom for the Speech We Hate: The Legal Ins and Outs of the Right to Protest

Freedom for the Speech We Hate: The Legal Ins and Outs of the Right to Protest

“If there is any principle of the Constitution that more imperatively calls for attachment than any other, it is the principle of free thought — not free thought for those who agree with us but freedom for the thought that we hate.”— Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes There was a time in this country, back when the British were running things, that if you spoke your mind and it ticked off the wrong people, you’d soon find yourself in jail for offending the king.Reacting to this...

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One Step Closer to War: US, South Korea Hold New Military Drills

One Step Closer to War: US, South Korea Hold New Military Drills

The US and South Korean large-scale combined joint exercise Ulchi Freedom Guardian (UFG) begins on Aug. 21 to last till Aug. 31. There will be approximately 17,500 total US service members participating, with roughly 3,000 coming from off-peninsula - 500 more than last year. The numbers of all participants swell to a total of about 530,000 because South Korean servicemen (around 50,000), government officials and civilians also take part in the drills. The missions include: amphibious landings,...

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Will Congress and Trump Declare War on WikiLeaks?

Oppose Fascism of the Right and the Left

Following the recent clashes between the alt-right and the group antifa, some libertarians have debated which group they should support. The answer is simple: neither. The alt-right and its leftist opponents are two sides of the same authoritarian coin.The alt-right elevates racial identity over individual identity. The obsession with race leads them to support massive government interference in the economy in order to benefit members of the favored race. They also favor massive welfare and...

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Escape from Aleppo

Escape from Aleppo

AMMAN JORDAN – I haven’t seen many miracles in my decades of travel around the globe, particularly not in the strife-torn Mideast.But last week I participated in a real miracle in Jordan as the splendid Four Paws International group staged a daring rescue of 13 wild animals trapped in the wartime hellhole of Aleppo, Syria. It appeared to be a mission impossible.Syria has been torn apart for the past six years by a bloody civil war that has killed over 400,000 people and reduced many parts of...

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