It’s damn near impossible to keep up with all the warmongering of the western empire these days. In response to the frightening steps that NATO has been taking to allow western-supplied weapons to be used by Ukraine to strike Russian territory, Vladimir Putin warned last week that these escalations can lead to “serious consequences”. “This constant escalation can lead to serious consequences,” Putin said. “If these serious consequences occur in...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
“Good Morning Students” … “Good Morning AI Overlord”
In recent years, schools across America, with the help of private companies, have been significantly ramping up surveillance on students, largely in the name of keeping the...
Kennedy Presidential Campaign Announces Dennis Kucinich is Campaign Manager
On Thursday, the presidential campaign of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announced that Dennis Kucinich had been selected to be campaign manager. Kucinich, a former Democratic member of...
Ending Marijuana Restrictions for Athletes
In December of 2019, I wrote about Major League Baseball (MLB), along with the Major League Baseball Players Association, announcing that marijuana use by professional baseball...
Julian Assange and President Biden’s Reelection
Former British diplomat Craig Murray has chronicled well much of the effort of the US and British governments against Julian Assange of WikiLeaks. In a Tuesday post at his...
Kennedy Declares His Presidential Campaign and Presidency Mission: ‘To End the Corrupt Merger of Sate and Corporate Power’
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s presidential campaign announcement speech on Wednesday included much that advocates of limiting the power of the United Sates government can cheer,...
Restoring Some Vaccination Choice in Mississippi
Like every American state government, the Mississippi government pressures parents to ensure their children take a slew of vaccination shots as a condition for the children to...
Ron Paul’s TimCast Interview: The John F. Kennedy Assassination and Beyond
Ron Paul has stirred up some attention with his two-hours Tuesday interview at the TimCast show, including for his assessment that the United States government, and the Central...
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Registers Support in Poll a Week before Presidential Campaign Announcement Speech
It can be an arduous task to defeat the incumbent president in an American presidential primary. Yet, that is the task Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has taken upon himself. Kennedy is...
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