The FBI suffered another debacle on Friday when an Orlando jury returned a not guilty verdict for the widow of Omar Mateen, who killed 49 people and wounded 53 in his attack on Orlando’s Pulse nightclub in June 2016. The biggest terrorism case of the year collapsed largely thanks to FBI misconduct and deceit.Noor Salman was charged with material support of a foreign terrorist organization and lying to the FBI about knowing about her husband’s pending attack on the nightclub. The FBI vigorously...
Featured Articles
The Three Most Important Aspects of the Skripal Case so Far … and Where They Might be Pointing
by Rob Slane | Apr 4, 2018 | Featured Articles
I have now asked a total of 50 questions around the Skripal case, which you can find here and here. Having gone back through these questions, as far as I can see only three have been answered by the release of public information or events that have transpired. These are:Are they (Sergei and Yulia Skripal) still alive?If so, what is their current condition and what symptoms are they displaying?Can the government confirm that its scientists at Porton Down have established that the substance that...
FARA: Freedom of the Press, But On the Government’s Terms
by Peter van Buren | Apr 3, 2018 | Featured Articles
A bipartisan group of lawmakers called for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to investigate if Al Jazeera, the news outlet connected to the Qatari government, should register with the Justice Department as an agent under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA.)This has broad implications for our First Amendment, our access to dissenting opinions, and in how the rest of the world views us.The lawmakers claim Al Jazeera “directly undermines American interests” and broadcasts “anti-American,...
Memo to Lindsey Graham on Syria
by Michael S. Rozeff | Apr 2, 2018 | Neocon Watch
Senator Graham: Your recent views on Syria, expressed here, are mistaken and confused. If we withdrew our troops anytime soon ISIS would come back… This prediction is mistaken. If ISIS reconstitutes, the Syrian coalition (Syria, Syrian Kurds, Hezbollah, Iran and Russia) will defeat it again. Remember, “ISIS has suffered consecutive defeats at the hands of separate but simultaneous offensives in Iraq and Syria by the Russian-backed Syrian forces and allied militias as well as US-backed Iraqi...
Interventionistas Outraged Over Trump’s Syria Withdrawal: ‘We Took The Oil. We’ve Got To Keep The Oil’
by Tyler Durden | Apr 2, 2018 | Featured Articles
Regime change advocates, neocon beltway hawks, and all the usual armchair warrior zero-skin-in-the-game think tank interventionistas are in continued meltdown mode after Trump confirmed plans to withdraw American forces - some 2000+ troops and personnel - from Syria. On Friday the president told senior White House aides that US forces will be exiting Syria after public comments made earlier.In statements carried by Reuters, Trump said, “Let the other people take care of it now. Very soon, very...
Sarkozy’s Hand in the French Cookie Jar?
by Eric Margolis | Apr 2, 2018 | Featured Articles
There was something refreshing about watching former French president Nicholas Sarkozy being interrogated in a French jail. Particularly since he may soon be accused of conspiracy in the murder of my old friend, Col. Muammar Khadaffi of Libya.Sarkozy and his former chief of staff, Claude Guéant, are being investigated for secretly accepting at least fifty million Euros from Khadaffi for his 2007 electoral campaign. Such a payment violated France’s maximum permissible limit for political...

Economic Storm Clouds Gather, but Ending the Fed Provides Hope
by Ron Paul | Apr 2, 2018 | Featured Articles
The Federal Reserve recently increased interest rates to 1.75 percent. This is the highest interest rates have been since 2008, but it still leaves rates at historic lows. While the Fed says economic growth justifies future rate increases, an honest examination of the economy suggests that future rate increases are unlikely.The Fed’s claim that the economy is strong is based on misleading government statistics. For example, the official unemployment rate understates true unemployment by not...
Russia ‘Novichok’ Hysteria Proves Politicians and Media Haven’t Learned The Lessons of Iraq
by Patrick Henningsen | Mar 31, 2018 | Featured Articles
If there’s one thing to be gleaned from the current atmosphere of anti Russian hysteria in the West, it’s that the US-led sustained propaganda campaign is starting to pay dividends. It’s not only the hopeless political classes and media miscreants who believe that Russia is hacking, meddling, and poisoning our progressive democratic utopia – with many pinning their political careers to this by now that’s it’s too late for them to turn back. As it was with Iraq in 2003, these dubious public...
Privacy Denied: Students May Bring Only Clear Backpacks to School
by Adam Dick | Mar 31, 2018 | Featured Articles
KERA radio in Dallas, Texas aired a news report this week relating that the Ennis school district in North Texas, starting in the fall semester, will allow students at district schools from prekindergarten through high school to bring only “clear, PVC backpacks to school.” The school district also is implementing right away mandatory backpack searches on middle and high school students. Plus, police dogs will be on campuses more often.Making a typical excuse for the new anti-privacy school...
Last Act Of ‘Novichok’ Drama Revealed – ‘The Skripals’ Resurrection’
by Moon of Alabama | Mar 30, 2018 | Featured Articles
It seems that the 'Novichok' fairy-tale the British government plays to us provides for a happy ending - the astonishing and mysterious resurrection of the victims of a "military grade" "five to eight times more deadly than VX gas" "nerve agent" "of a type developed by" Hollywood.Happy Easter!Yulia Skripal no longer in critical condition, say Salisbury doctors The condition of Yulia Skripal, who was poisoned with a nerve agent in Salisbury along with her father, is improving rapidly, doctors...
Strange Things Happen to European Countries Resisting George Soros’ Assault
by Alex Gorka | Mar 29, 2018 | Featured Articles
Strange things happen in East and Central Europe that get little mention from media outlets. Two heads of state, the prime ministers of Slovenia and Slovakia, resigned almost simultaneously. Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico was a victim of the scandal over the murder of Jan Kuciak, a journalist who was investigating government corruption. The PM had to step down amid mass street protests.Mr. Fico was known for his support of a stronger Visegrad Group. He opposed Brussels on many issues. It’s...
A Bad Foundation will Lead to More Spending and More Militarism
by Michael Boldin | Mar 29, 2018 | Featured Articles
A $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill. More military spending than any time in history. How did things get to this point?Even some of the most loyal supporters of President Trump have expressed both frustration and dismay that he signed an omnibus spending bill larger than all but one signed by former President Obama.Angry opposition has come from the likes of Laura Ingraham, Amy Kremer, and Ann Coulter. But not everyone is upset.Matt House, communications director for Sen. Chuck Schumer, said...
Russia’s Mistake in Skripal Case is Hoping to Deal With Honest Players – Analyst
by Sputnik News | Mar 28, 2018 | Featured Articles
Nearly two dozen countries have joined the UK in expelling Russian diplomats over the poisoning of ex--spy Sergei Skripal in southern England. Speaking to Sputnik, Daniel McAdams, executive director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity, shared his thoughts on the broader implications of the case, and what Russia's approach should be.Sputnik: What are your thoughts on what’s going on with this expulsion of the Russian diplomats?Daniel McAdams: I think it's something that's very...
20 More Questions That Journalists Should be Asking About the Skripal Case
by Rob Slane | Mar 28, 2018 | Featured Articles
To my knowledge, none of the questions I wrote in my previous piece – 30 questions That Journalists Should be Asking About the Skripal Case – has been answered satisfactorily, at least not in the public domain. Yet despite the fact that these legitimate questions have not yet been answered, and many important facts surrounding the case are still unknown, the case has given rise to a serious international crisis, with the extraordinary expulsion of Russian diplomats across many EU countries and...
Trump’s War Cabinet And The Fiscal Doom Loop
by David Stockman | Mar 28, 2018 | Featured Articles
Last week the Donald's incipient trade war got Wall Street's nerves jangling, but that wasn't the half of what's coming. To wit, Trump has now essentially formed a War Cabinet and signed a Horribus spending bill that is a warrant for fiscal meltdown. Indeed, the two essentially comprise a self-fueling doom loop which means Washington’s descent into fiscal catastrophe is well-nigh unstoppable; it’s all over except for the screaming in the bond pits. That is, Trump's new War Cabinet of John...
UK Government Falling Apart, Changes Subject by Kicking Russia
by Richard Galustian | Mar 27, 2018 | Featured Articles
The British government has never been more unpopular amongst the British people. It’s being crushed by problems entirely of its own making and undone by its own neglect and incompetence over a disastrously handled Brexit, crippling austerity measures, a general public still reeling from the horror of the Grenfell fire, and an ever-failing National Health Service, which, given that it is the fourth largest employer in Europe, is a deeply worrying and resonant issue.In light of this, the...
Russia Coup…Or Weapon Of Mass Distraction?
If the weekend's attempted Wagner private military company march to Moscow was an actual coup attempt, it will go down as one of history's biggest farces. While NATO was on pins...
Russia Coup…Or Weapon Of Mass Distraction?
Jun 26, 2023
If the weekend's attempted Wagner private military company march to Moscow was an actual coup attempt, it will go down as one of history's biggest farces. While NATO was on pins...
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