RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

The US is Playing with Fire if It Walks Away from the Iran Nuclear Deal on May 12

The US is Playing with Fire if It Walks Away from the Iran Nuclear Deal on May 12

A foreign policy crisis is coming May 12. President Donald Trump’s likely decision on that day to not continue waiving sanctions on Iran under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action will significantly increase the chances of war.The 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action signed by China, Russia, and most of western Europe requires the American president to certify every three months Iran’s nuclear program is in compliance with the deal. In return, the next quarter’s economic sanctions are...

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Trump Cuts Off Funding For Syria’s ‘White Helmets’

Trump Cuts Off Funding For Syria’s ‘White Helmets’

The Trump State Department has frozen funding to the controversial Syrian aid group known as the White Hemlets, a non-governmental organization (NGO) which provided the sole evidence that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad reportedly used chemical weapons on his own people in an April 7 attack on the city of Douma, according to CBS News. Having not received U.S. funding in recent weeks, White Helmets are questioning what this means for the future. They have received no formal declaration from...

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Atlantic Council Explains Why We Need To Be Propagandized For Our Own Good

Atlantic Council Explains Why We Need To Be Propagandized For Our Own Good

I sometimes try to get establishment loyalists to explain to me exactly why we’re all meant to be terrified of this “Russian propaganda” thing they keep carrying on about. What is the threat, specifically? That it makes the public less willing to go to war with Russia and its allies? That it makes us less trusting of lying, torturing, coup-staging intelligence agencies? Does accidentally catching a glimpse of that green RT logo turn you to stone like Medusa, or melt your face like in Raiders...

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Congress Again Fails to Discover Collusion to Subvert the 2016 Election

Congress Again Fails to Discover Collusion to Subvert the 2016 Election

There have been a number of developments in the endless inquiry into possible collusion between the Russian government and Donald Trump to manipulate perceptions and voting relating to the two presidential candidates in the November 2016 election. In particular, it has been alleged that the Russians were, with the connivance of some in the Trump team, able to obtain information damaging to Hillary Clinton while also misusing social media to send a message critical of the Democratic Party...

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Iran Isn’t Violating the Nuclear Agreement — America Is

Iran Isn’t Violating the Nuclear Agreement — America Is

On Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave his most grandiose anti-Iranian performance to date, revealing what he believed was direct proof that Iran “lied” about its nuclear program. This isn’t the first time Netanyahu has overhyped the threat of Iran’s non-existent nuclear weapons program. He has been crying wolf over Iran since as far back as 1992.The aim of this performance is to cast doubt on the efficacy of the Iranian nuclear accord signed in 2015, officially known as the...

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No, Your Intelligence Is Actually Bad. Very Bad

No, Your Intelligence Is Actually Bad. Very Bad

About a year ago, one Evelyn Farkas boasted "we have good intelligence on Russia...". She was an important functionary on Russian matters in the Obama Administration and was, therefore, much involved in "intelligence on Russia". My immediate reaction when I read it was: No, you do not have good intelligence on Russia; if you did, you wouldn't be surprised all the time and your boss wouldn't be saying such silly things. In March 2015 I enumerated some of the delusions. Vide this famous...

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Explosions Rock Tripoli Election Commission: Who’s Trying to Prevent the Vote?

Explosions Rock Tripoli Election Commission: Who’s Trying to Prevent the Vote?

To underscore the dire situation in Libya and the extent to which extremists will go, on Wednesday at around noon two huge explosions occurred at the HNEC, the Higher National Election Commission's HQ, in Tripoli, killing over 15 people and wounding many more. The attack suggests that fanatics may be concerned over the rising popularity of Field Marshall Khalifa Haftar and fear that the controversial Haftar could win in the upcoming elections. They may be seeking to derail the vote. If so,...

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Comey v. Comey: How New Disclosures Could Put Just One Week Between Comey and Perjury

Comey v. Comey: How New Disclosures Could Put Just One Week Between Comey and Perjury

Former FBI Director James Comey continues to market his book – and himself – as a lesson in “ethical leadership.” However, the historical record is proving increasingly at odds with Comey’s account and image. After months of spins and swerves by defenders, a consensus is emerging that Comey is indeed a leaker. The most damaging evidence, however, comes not from Comey’s critics but Comey himself. Indeed, Comey v. Comey could be the most telling conflict in this still unfolding scandal. However,...

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Unmasking the ‘White Helmets’

Unmasking the ‘White Helmets’

British government official agencies are the patrons, managers and funders of the White Helmets, who have been the go-to source for the mainstream Western media reporting on the ongoing Syrian war. For good measure, the U.S. State Department's Agency for International Development (USAID) has kicked in $23 million to finance Mayday Rescue, the cutout between the White Helmets and the British Ministry of Defense, the Home Office, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and 10 Downing Street. This is...

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Bibi Netanyahu’s Iran Nuke Show

Bibi Netanyahu’s Iran Nuke Show

Israeli Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repackaged a cobbled together pack of old lies. He is trying to sell it to gullible Americans as new and startling revelations about an Iranian nuclear program that doesn’t exist. Bibi gave a video presentation at the Israeli defense ministry yesterday. He had some props and a big screen for slides. He warned about Iran’s “Amad Plan” to secretly and illegally manufacture nuclear bombs. It was a rather clumsy sleight of hand. A closer look reveals...

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James Comey’s Forgotten Rescue of Bush-Era Torture

James Comey’s Forgotten Rescue of Bush-Era Torture

“Here I stand, I can do no other,” James Comey told President George W. Bush in 2004 when Bush pressured Comey - who was then Deputy Attorney General - to approve an unlawful antiterrorist policy. Comey, who was FBI chief from 2013 to 2017, was quoting a line reputedly uttered by Martin Luther in 1521, when he told Holy Roman Emperor Charles V that he would not recant his sweeping criticisms of the Catholic Church. Comey’s quotation of himself quoting the father of the Reformation is par for...

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The Syrian Cisis Escalates

The Syrian Cisis Escalates

As I wrote two weeks ago, the Syrian crisis is only in its beginning stages. The assault on Syrian military positions Sunday night, apparently a US/Israeli operation, is evidence that the crisis continues to develop. There are four mutually reinforcing causes of the crisis:(1) Israel’s ability to use the US government to eliminate foes in the Middle East that are obstacles to Israel’s expansion. Israel has Syria and Iran targeted, because the two governments supply the Lebanese militia...

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The UK Government’s Skripal Conspiracy Theory

The UK Government’s Skripal Conspiracy Theory

(or "The Art of Holding a Mass of Contradictory Thoughts in Your Head") The Official Narrative on the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal is a collection of illogical claims and assertions that cannot be made to fit together, that make no rational sense, and which would require us to hold a mass of contradictory thoughts in our head if we were to accept it. It is in short a conspiracy theory, and a particularly bad one at that.As I have pointed out before, I am not attempting to counter this...

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Baby Alfie, the Latest Victim of Omnipotent Government

Baby Alfie, the Latest Victim of Omnipotent Government

Twenty-three-month-old Alfie Evans, passed away in a British hospital on Saturday. While the official cause of death was a degenerative brain disease, Alfie may have been murdered by the British health system and the British high court. Doctors at the hospital treating Alfie decided to remove his life support, against the wishes of Alfie’s parents. The high court not only upheld the doctors’ authority to override the parents’ wishes, it refused to allow the parents to take Alfie abroad for...

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‘No Attacks, No Victims’: Syria Chemical Attack Video Participants Speak At OPCW Briefing

‘No Attacks, No Victims’: Syria Chemical Attack Video Participants Speak At OPCW Briefing

Russian officials brought fifteen people to The Hague from the city of Douma, Syria, said to have been present during the alleged April 7 chemical attack - including 11-year-old Hassan Diab, who was seen in a widely-distributed video taken by the controversian NGO organization known as the "White Helmets," who filmed themselves giving Diab "emergency treatment" after the alleged incident. “We were at the basement and we heard people shouting that we needed to go to a hospital. We went through...

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How False Flag Operations Are Carried Out Today

How False Flag Operations Are Carried Out Today

False Flag is a concept that goes back centuries. It was considered to be a legitimate ploy by the Greeks and Romans, where a military force would pretend to be friendly to get close to an enemy before dropping the pretense and raising its banners to reveal its own affiliation just before launching an attack. In the sea battles of the eighteenth century among Spain, France and Britain hoisting an enemy flag instead of one’s own to confuse the opponent was considered to be a legitimate ruse de...

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