There was some good and bad news last week. The good news was that William Browder, a London-based investor and dedicated foe of Russian President Vladimir V. Putin was arrested by the Spanish police on Wednesday. The bad news is that even though Russia has on six occasions requested Browder’s arrest through Interpol for tax fraud, the Spanish national police determined that Browder had been detained in error because the international warrant was no longer valid and released him.Interpol, an...
Featured Articles
Justice Dept Told Trump Syria Attacks Were ‘Legal’
by Jason Ditz | Jun 2, 2018 | Featured Articles
In April, the US fired a large number of missiles at multiple sites across Syria, supposedly in response to an alleged chemical weapons attack. The Justice Department told president Trump before the attacks that this would be perfectly legal.New documents released on the matter told Trump that he didn’t need Congressional authorizationto attack Syria in April because attacking them was “in the national interest,” and Syria was so unlikely to retaliate that it wasn’t technically a war.A lot of...
A Nation That Doesn’t Know War: America Celebrates Memorial Day
by Philip Giraldi | Jun 1, 2018 | Featured Articles
Wednesday, May 30th, was Memorial Day in the United States. The commemoration began in 1868 shortly after the American Civil War, when townsmen in several communities came together to decorate the graves of the fallen on the last Monday in May. The practice began in the northern states but soon spread to the south and the annual remembrance ceremony soon took on the name Decoration Day. As wars proliferated in the twentieth century the commemoration eventually lost its association with the...
Propaganda Killing Kills Propaganda – First The Skripals, Now Arkady Babchenko Come Back From The Dead
by Moon of Alabama | May 30, 2018 | Featured Articles
An "enemy of Putin" is attacked. Authorities immediately raise accusations against Russia and the Kremlin. Public condemnation follows. There are calls to sanction Russia.But the information is murky. The details don't make sense. Critical questions follow. After the while the "dead" come back from death.The above was the script followed in the Skripal affair. The "deadly nerve agent - of a kind developed by Russia-" did not kill at all. Now a similar case happened. Arkady Babchenko: Ukraine...
Ron Paul: On War, Gold, and My Years in Congress
by Jeff Deist | May 30, 2018 | Featured Articles
Photo: Gage SkidmoreJEFF DEIST: What makes you optimistic, what makes you pessimistic about what you see in the US?RON PAUL: Well, if I look at the big picture including a long span of time, I would say conditions aren’t that bad, even though I often talk about all the bad things I anticipate and how it could get worse in terms of the economy and foreign policy.When you think about it, I was born in 1935, in the middle of the Depression. I remember my early life. I remember when I was 3 years...
After pointlessly groping countless Americans, the TSA is keeping a secret watchlist of those who fight back
by James Bovard | May 29, 2018 | Featured Articles
"I need a witness!" exclaimed the security screener at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. Because I had forgotten to remove my belt before going through a scanner, he explained, I must undergo an "enhanced patdown." I told him that if he jammed his hand into my groin, I'd file a formal complaint. So he summoned his supervisor to keep an eye on the proceedings.I thought of this exchange last week when the New York Times revealed that the Transportation Security Administration has...
MEK’s Money Sure Can’t Buy Love (But it can buy a lot of politicians)
by Philip Giraldi | May 29, 2018 | Featured Articles
Iran’s radical Marxist cult Mohajedeen e Khalq, better known by its acronym MEK, is somewhat reminiscent of the Israel Lobby’s American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in that it operates somewhat in the shadows and is nevertheless able to punch well beyond its weight by manipulating politicians and understanding how American government functions on its dark side. MEK promotes itself by openly supporting a very popular hardline policy of “democratic opposition” advocating “regime...
Memorial Day is Based on a Lie
by Jacob G. Hornberger | May 28, 2018 | Featured Articles
Today, Memorial Day, Americans across the land will hear the same message: that US soldiers who have died in America’s foreign wars and foreign interventions have done so in the defense of our rights and freedoms. It is a message that will be heard in sporting events, memorial services, airports, churches, and everywhere else that Memorial Day is being commemorated.There is one big thing wrong, however. It’s a lie. None of those soldiers died protecting our rights and freedoms. That’s because...

America’s Incredible Shrinking Influence
by Ron Paul | May 28, 2018 | Featured Articles
Just two weeks after President Trump pulled the US from the Iran nuclear agreement, his Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, issued 12 demands to Iran that could never be satisfied. Pompeo knew his demands would be impossible to meet. They were designed that way. Just like Austria-Hungary’s ultimatum to Serbia in July, 1914, that led to the beginning of World War I. And just like the impossible demands made of Milosevic in 1999 and of Saddam Hussein in 1991 and 2003, and so many other times when...
Syria – US Moves To Protect Al-Qaeda And ISIS in Daraa
by Moon of Alabama | May 26, 2018 | Featured Articles
The Syrian government and its Russian ally plan to clean up the southwest region of Syria around the city of Daraa. The move should open the M5 highway, Syria's lifeline, between Damascus and Jordan and secure the border with Jordan as well as the demarcation line with the Israel occupied Golan Heights.The operation was supposed to start in a day or two, but the US has now threatened to intervene. As the southwest Daraa governorate is infested with a large Islamic State (ISIS) group as well as...
South Korean President Moons Bolton
by Ray McGovern | May 26, 2018 | Featured Articles
Thanks no doubt to his bellicose national security adviser John Bolton, President Donald Trump has now lost control of the movement toward peace between the two Koreas. Trump has put himself in a corner; he must now either reject — or, better, fire — Bolton, or face the prospect of wide war in the Far East, including the Chinese, with whom a mutual defense treaty with North Korea is still on the books.The visuals of the surprise meeting late yesterday (local time) between the top leaders of...
Real Patriotism on Memorial Day Means Losing Fewer Soldiers in Meaningless Wars
by Ivan Eland | May 26, 2018 | Featured Articles
Most people, when thinking of Memorial Day—if they don’t confuse it with Veterans Day—think of the start of the summer season or great sales at the stores and online. Yet the holiday is supposed to honor those who died in America’s wars. Even some of the limited remembrance on TV and in the news is more superficial than deeply reflective.Perhaps the greatest tribute to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice might be to reduce the number of those who die in future wars. Unfortunately,...
Your Tax Dollars Bankroll Afghan Child Molesters
by James Bovard | May 25, 2018 | Featured Articles
Donald Trump was hailed by the media last August when he announced he was sending more US troops to fight in Afghanistan. A Washington Post editorial praised his “principled realism” and saluted “a rare but welcome story of self-correction” (since Trump had portrayed Afghanistan as a lost cause when he was a presidential candidate). A New York Daily News op-ed praised the president because “Trump said ‘win’ and ‘victory’ more times in 15 minutes than President Barack Obama did in eight years.”...
For US Congress, Running a Torture Prison Is a Good Career Move
by Philip Giraldi | May 25, 2018 | Featured Articles
Gina Haspel has now been confirmed as the new Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) by a Senate vote of 54 to 45. She had previously been approved by the Senate Intelligence Committee by 10 votes to 5, with six Democrats joining all but three of the committee’s Republicans. Haspel seems fully qualified in terms of her experience to do the job, though it is admittedly difficult to make that judgement because her full professional biography has not been revealed by CIA. Claims by...
Brilliant Strategy Of Offering North Korea ‘The Libya Model’ Somehow Falls Through
by Caitlin Johnstone | May 25, 2018 | Featured Articles
Three days before President Trump announced him as the new National Security Advisor, deranged mutant death walrus John Bolton appeared on Radio Free Asia and said of negotiations with North Korea, "I think we should insist that if this meeting is going to take place, it will be similar to discussions we had with Libya 13 or 14 years ago."Bolton has been loudly and publicly advocating "the Libya model" with the DPRK ever since."I think we're looking at the Libya model of 2003, 2004," Bolton...
A Time to Remember: Some Memorial Weekend Reading
by Justin Raimondo | May 24, 2018 | Featured Articles
We’re headed into the Memorial Day weekend, and what better time to remember those stories that held your attention, briefly, weeks or even months and years ago ? Well, here’s some follow-up:Perfidious Albion, Revisited – Remember when Judge Andrew Napolitano, the Fox News commentator, was suspended from Fox because he highlighted the British connection to the plot to oust Donald Trump? In light of the Christopher Steele dossier, and the even more recent revelation of the Stefan Halper/Sir...
'George Who??' 'Woke' NYC Set To 'Cancel' George Washington Statues!
Santayana is credited with saying "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." New York City is considering sending a good chunk of US history down the "memory...
'George Who??' 'Woke' NYC Set To 'Cancel' George Washington Statues!
Sep 20, 2023
Santayana is credited with saying "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." New York City is considering sending a good chunk of US history down the "memory...
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