RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

America Is on the Brink of a Nervous Breakdown

America Is on the Brink of a Nervous Breakdown

Yet another shooting. Yet another smear of ugliness, hatred and violence. Yet another ratcheting up of the calls for the government to clamp down on the citizenry by imposing more costly security measures without any real benefit, more militarized police, more surveillance, more gun control measures, more metal detectors and whole-body imaging devices, more roaming squads of militarized police empowered to do more stop-and-frisk searches, more fusion centers to centralize and disseminate...

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Khashoggi, Skripal, and the End of Morality in International Relations

Khashoggi, Skripal, and the End of Morality in International Relations

Politics attracts psychopaths like honey attracts bears. Questions of morality are irrelevant for today’s politicians, along with questions of principle, honor and integrity -- things frequently written about by the great thinkers of the 20th Century, particularly Huxley and Orwell who are more and more referenced particularly in social media these days and rightly so. On a point of detail, but one of importance and relevance to mention, is the response to Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s...

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Trump Is Right, the Fed Is Crazy

Trump Is Right, the Fed Is Crazy

President Trump recently called the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes crazy. Leaving aside President Trump’s specific complaint, which is likely motivated by the belief that low rates will help him win reelection, he is right that “crazy” is a good way to describe the Federal Reserve. When not forced to use a government-created currency, individuals have historically chosen to use a precious metal such as gold or silver as money. The reasons include that precious metals are durable and...

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Murder in Pittsburgh and the Targeting of Alternative Social Media

Murder in Pittsburgh and the Targeting of Alternative Social Media

Robert Bowers, the suspected shooter at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, is being used to denounce social media not on the corporate reservation.Bowers had an account on Gab, the free speech social media alternative to Twitter and Facebook, where he posted antisemitic content, and this is now being used to portray the site as a haven for antisemites.Gab posted the following on Twitter: If you are a terrorist the absolute worst place for you to be online is https://t.co/J3Rfto6fi3. We will work...

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Twitter was too busy banning ‘Russians’ to notice #MAGAbomber’s threats

Twitter was too busy banning ‘Russians’ to notice #MAGAbomber’s threats

The history of criminal behavior and online threats by Cesar Sayoc, the Florida man charged with sending suspicious packages to prominent Democrats, somehow went ignored by both government and social media police. Sayoc, 56, was arrested on Friday, and stands accused of sending pipe bombs - 14, as of the last count - to former presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, actor Robert De Niro, billionaire Democrat donors George Soros and Tom Steyer, and several Democrat lawmakers. Federal...

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Two Stories from the Propaganda War

Two Stories from the Propaganda War

Two recent stories about Russians have demonstrated how the news is selected and manipulated in the United States. The first is about Maria Butina, who apparently sought to overthrow American democracy, such as it is, by obtaining a life membership in the National Rifle Association. Maria, a graduate student at American University, is now in detention in a federal prison, having been charged with collusion and failure to register as an agent of the Russian Federation. She has been in prison...

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Digital Book Burners

Digital Book Burners

Jamie Fly, a former high-ranking Bush era neocon, believes you shouldn’t have the right to post on social media. “Fly went on to complain that ‘all you need is an email’ to set up a Facebook or Twitter account, lamenting the sites’ accessibility to members of the general public. He predicted a long struggle on a global scale to fix the situation, and pointed out that to do so would require constant vigilance,” write Jeb Sprague and Max Blumenthal. This attitude shouldn’t come as a surprise....

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Western Media Launch Attack on Critics of Controversial White Helmets Group

Western Media Launch Attack on Critics of Controversial White Helmets Group

A White Helmets uniform found during a search of al Qaeda-lined rebel headquarters in Eastern Ghouta, Syria. Morad Saeed | SputnikThe October 16 issue of NY Review of Books has an article by Janine di Giovani titled “Why Assad and Russia Target the White Helmets”. The article exemplifies how western media promotes the White Helmets uncritically and attacks those who challenge the myth. A Crude & Disingenuous Attack Giovani’s article attacks several journalists by name. She singles out...

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Evaluating US Foreign Policy in Critical Times – RPI’s Daniel McAdams on Israeli News Live

What's the real story of the US in the Middle East? Is the current US/Israel relationship healthy for both parties? Are the "White Helmets" the selfless heroes they are made out to be in the Western media..or are they just an arm of al-Qaeda? Can President Trump find a way to jettison his neocons and forge a foreign policy more like he promised as a candidate? Ron Paul Institute executive director Daniel McAdams joins Steven and Jana Ben-Nun of Israeli News Live for a detailed look at the...

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Rep. John Duncan on Becoming an Antiwar Republican

Rep. John J. Duncan, Jr. (R-TN), who will retire in January after 30 years in the United States House of Representatives, is the subject of a new biographical feature article at the Knoxville News Sentinel. Included with the article is video of an interview with Duncan in which he describes how he developed “into sort of an antiwar Republican” in the process of examining US military actions in Iraq and experiencing pressure from successive presidential administrations to support that...

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DOJ Fails to Pursue Allegations of Saudi Lobbying Misconduct

DOJ Fails to Pursue Allegations of Saudi Lobbying Misconduct

In March 2017, a group of 9/11 families presented the Department of Justice with 17 pages of detailed allegations that Qorvis Communications had, on behalf of Saudi Arabia, conducted a lobbying campaign against the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) characterized by extensive violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). In the worst instance, veterans who were flown to Washington to lobby against the measure say Qorvis withheld the fact that it was bringing them to...

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The White Helmets Ride Again

The White Helmets Ride Again

I am often asked to explain why countries like Iran appear to be so aggressive, involving themselves in foreign wars and seeking to create alliances that they know will provoke the worst and most paranoid responses from some of their neighbors. My response is invariably that perceptions of threat depend very much on which side of the fence you are standing on. Saudi Arabia and Israel might well perceive Iranian actions as aggressive given the fact that all three countries are competing for...

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Death Is in Charge of the Clattering Train of US Security Policy

Death Is in Charge of the Clattering Train of US Security Policy

Does the US Deep State really want to provoke a thermonuclear world war with Russia, China and Iran at the same time? The recklessness and confusion of US policies provoking major crises on every side certainly suggests so. Yet the truth may be even more terrifying. The dangers of nuclear war and global conflict should literally be regarded as suicidal and insane. Yet the policies being repeatedly urged on President Donald Trump by Democrats and Republicans in both chambers of Congress, the...

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Michael Moore’s Dumbed-Down America

Michael Moore’s Dumbed-Down America

Michael Moore had epiphany while on the road to Rome. The filmmaker lambasted corporate media for placing more emphasis on frivolous entertainment than hard-hitting objective news. “If you allow rich corporations to buy up and control most of the media, and then put things on the media that are intended to appeal to the stupidity that’s in all of us, you will have a dumb-downed nation,” he said. Notice the use of the transitive verb “allow” in the above statement. If Moore sat atop the...

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An Embarrassing End May Soon Be Near For Russia-Gaters

An Embarrassing End May Soon Be Near For Russia-Gaters

In a new article titled “Mueller report PSA: Prepare for disappointment“, Politico cites information provided by defense attorneys and “more than 15 former government officials with investigation experience spanning Watergate to the 2016 election case” to warn everyone who’s been lighting candles at their Saint Mueller altars that their hopes of Trump being removed from office are about to be dashed to the floor. “While [Mueller is] under no deadline to complete his work, several sources...

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Trump Is Right, the Fed Is Crazy

The Saudis Keep Changing Their Story on the Murder of Khashoggi. What Should We Do?

The Saudi version of the disappearance and murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi seems to change every day or so. The latest is the Saudi government claim that the opposition journalist was killed in a “botched interrogation” at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. Or was it a fist-fight? What is laughable is that the Saudi king has placed Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, a prime suspect, in charge of the investigation of Khashoggi’s murder!Though the official story keeps changing, what is...

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Bumbling Biden's Disastrous Middle East Trip

On the eve of what was to be a highly-scripted visit by President Biden to Israel and Jordan, an apparent bombing of a hospital in Gaza tore the plan to shreds as anger at Israel...

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