Yet another shooting. Yet another smear of ugliness, hatred and violence. Yet another ratcheting up of the calls for the government to clamp down on the citizenry by imposing more costly security measures without any real benefit, more militarized police, more surveillance, more gun control measures, more metal detectors and whole-body imaging devices, more roaming squads of militarized police empowered to do more stop-and-frisk searches, more fusion centers to centralize and disseminate...
Featured Articles
Bumbling Biden's Disastrous Middle East Trip
On the eve of what was to be a highly-scripted visit by President Biden to Israel and Jordan, an apparent bombing of a hospital in Gaza tore the plan to shreds as anger at Israel...
Bumbling Biden's Disastrous Middle East Trip
On the eve of what was to be a highly-scripted visit by President Biden to Israel and Jordan, an apparent bombing of a hospital in Gaza tore the plan to shreds as anger at Israel...
Peace & Prosperity Blog
RPI’s McAdams Talks McCain and Neocons With Scott Horton
Daniel McAdams, Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute For Peace and Prosperity, discusses John McCain’s eagerness to go to war with Russia; how “pro democracy” NGOs...
US Intervention and Middle East ‘Peace’
US intervention in the Middle East, whether overt or covert, was supposed to bring peace and stability -- even democracy and human rights -- to the region. Ten years after the US...
Leveretts: ‘The Bankruptcy of Washington’s Approach to Nuclear Diplomacy’
In yet another timely and important article at this critical time in US/Iran relations, Ron Paul Institute Academic Board Members Flynt and Hillary Mann Leverett shed some...
RPI’s Daniel McAdams on Global Dispatch Radio interview yesterday
RPI's Daniel McAdams appeared on Global Dispatch Radio interview yesterday. Topics discussed included the Middle East, Iran, the neocons, new Benghazi revelations, the Ron Paul...
Major Terrorism Alert: Are They Crying ‘Wolf’?
What should we make of the latest worldwide US government terrorism threat warning? Amidst the dramatic -- and well-covered in the mainstream media -- shuttering of several US...
Under New Spy Pressure, Administration Issues Al-Qaeda Threat Warning
Remember the color-coded threat level alerts that President Bush's' Homeland Security Secretary would always kick up a few colors when the domestic political heat increased on...
New RPI Feature: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
We are pleased to announce a brand new feature here at the Ron Paul Institute. As part of "Congress Alert," our continuing effort to pick apart -- beyond the usual superficial...
Washington ‘Geniuses’ and Their Support for Syrian Rebels
An Associated Press article last month titled “US surveillance, arming of Syrian rebels under debate as House takes up defense bill” enlightened us that: The House also will...
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