RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

American Theocracy: Politics Has Become Our National Religion

American Theocracy: Politics Has Become Our National Religion

“You shall have no other gods before me.”—The Ten Commandments “Christians, get out and vote, just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won’t have to vote anymore.”—Donald Trump Politics has become our national religion. While those on the Left have feared a religious coup by evangelical Christians on the Right, the danger has come from an altogether different direction: our constitutional republic has given way...

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Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the Problem of Torture

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the Problem of Torture

In the months following the attacks of 9/11, the government laid the blame for orchestrating them on Osama bin Ladin. Then, after it murdered bin Ladin, the government decided that the true mastermind was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. By the time of bin Ladin’s death, Mohammed had already been tortured by CIA agents for three years at various black sites and charged with conspiracy to commit mass murder, to be tried before an American military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Mohammed and four...

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The GARMs Race: The House Moves Forward With its Investigation of Blacklisting Company

The GARMs Race: The House Moves Forward With its Investigation of Blacklisting Company

We have been discussing media rating systems being used to target advertisers and revenue sources for certain cites and companies. NewsGuard and the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) have been criticized as the most sophisticated components of a modern blacklisting system targeting conservative or dissenting voices. I recently had a series of exchanges with NewsGuard after a critical column.  Now, the House Judiciary Committee under Chairman Rep....

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The 1948 Irgun Re-born?

The 1948 Irgun Re-born?

The signposts are there for all to read: The West – in deliberately overlooking such explicit markers – cannot then complain, or escape, the ensuing consequences. No, the “tin ear” is not some new western derangement – a unique mass collapse of sanity – that we are living through. It is something worse: a return to a dogmatic, authoritarian version of truth which dissident physicist Eric Weinstein complains has (in the West) also destroyed true science – ignoring and silencing its...

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How America Gave Up Press Freedom and Nobody Noticed

How America Gave Up Press Freedom and Nobody Noticed

Did you notice that we've lost the press freedom that is essential in our democracy? If you're like many people, probably not. Do you believe that a free press is a Constitutional guarantee? Most people likely think it is indeed guaranteed. Actually, it is not. Here's the real story as I see it: "Freedom of the press is an implicit and essential right of the people. It is not just freedom of speech for journalists. If a democracy is going to work, citizens have got to make informed political...

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America Reaches a Sad Milestone

America Reaches a Sad Milestone

Last week the national debt reached 35 trillion dollars, a mere seven months after the debt reached 34 trillion dollars. To put this in perspective, the national debt first reached one trillion dollars in October of 1981, almost 200 years after the Constitution’s ratification! The fact that the government was adding one trillion dollars in debt in little over half a year was not deemed worthy of comment by President Biden, Vice President Harris, and most other US politicians. This is not...

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Iran to hit Israel hard with smart power

Iran to hit Israel hard with smart power

Amidst the cascading tensions in the Middle East following the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh by Israel and vows of  ‘revenge’ in Tehran, the new government under President Massoud Pezeshkian, sworn in on Tuesday, made its first move on Thursday. Former Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif was appointed as the ‘Strategic Deputy’ of the Iranian president entrusting him with the responsibility of the Center for Strategic Studies (CSS).  The CSS is...

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‘The Movement is Winning.’: Polling Shows Drop in Support for Free Speech

‘The Movement is Winning.’: Polling Shows Drop in Support for Free Speech

In my new book, The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage,” I write about a global anti-free speech movement that is now sweeping over the United States. While not the first, it is in my view the most dangerous movement in our history due to an unprecedented alliance of government, corporate, academic, and media forces. That fear was amplified this week with polling showing that years of attacking free speech as harmful has begun to change the views of citizens. As discussed...

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The Real Problem with Biden’s Age

The Real Problem with Biden’s Age

I was only a little surprised by Biden’s debate performance, and on first glance thought it just mediocre, certainly not cause for a crisis. But that’s because I consume too much alternate media, and had seen the endless string of viral clips of Biden falling down the main stairs of Air Force One (and being reassigned to the shorter crew stairs in response.) I’ve seen the memes and loops of his many gaffes, and the awkwardly long pauses where Joe just drifted off when he is no longer next to...

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When Presidents Kill

When Presidents Kill

Sometime before he withdrew from the presidential race, President Joe Biden secretly reaffirmed his own self-willed and self-created authority to kill persons in other countries, so long as the CIA and its military counterparts have “near certainty” that the target of the homicide is a member of a terrorist organization. That standard was concocted by the George W. Bush administration in 2002. There is no “near certainty” standard in the law, as the phrase is oxymoronic and defies a rational...

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Israel Sure Looks Like It Wants To Prevent Peace And Start A New War

Israel Sure Looks Like It Wants To Prevent Peace And Start A New War

Israel has been on another assassination spree, killing Hamas political leader Ismael Haniyeh on Wednesday with an airstrike while he was in Tehran for the swearing in of the new Iranian president. Israel also claims to have killed Hezbollah commander Fuad Shukr in an airstrike on Beirut on Tuesday evening. Iran and Lebanon will now have to decide how to respond to these incendiary aggressions. Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has promised “harsh...

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The Right to Not Be Lied To: Making the Case for Truth in Politics

The Right to Not Be Lied To: Making the Case for Truth in Politics

Q: “How can you tell if a politician is lying?”A: “When his lips are moving.” The First Amendment assures us of a right to free speech. It does not, unfortunately, explicitly assure us of a right to not be lied to by our government and its various officials. Any hope of holding government officials accountable for their lies rests with the political process, in the voting booths and through the impeachment process, which themselves have become so ineffective as to offer little real hope of...

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Is There a Risk that Kamala Harris Might ‘Go Soft’ on Foreign Policy?

Is There a Risk that Kamala Harris Might ‘Go Soft’ on Foreign Policy?

Extraordinary Times: Biden renounces his election bid via in the slimmest of Sunday afternoon postings; retreats into a silence which finally is broken by a “long farewell” pronounced from the Oval Office. Biden’s staff didn’t hear of his renunciation until a minute before his letter was posted. Then the internet was struck down by CrowdStrike, and the head of the US Secret Service gives an account of the Trump assassination attempt that leaves both sides of the aisle in...

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America Reaches a Sad Milestone

Supreme Court Takes Two Steps Forward, One Step Back.

We can all probably agree that this has been one of the strangest Julys in memory. From the attempt on Trump’s Life to the Republican National Convention to the bizarre “coup” against Biden in the Democratic Party. With all this, it’s easy to forget some truly momentous events that happened this month. For example, the Supreme Court recently handed down three decisions of particular interest to defenders of individual liberty and limited, constitutional government. In two of these cases, the...

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The Real Boss of Congress Comes to Town

The Real Boss of Congress Comes to Town

New York – According to Britain’s esteemed medical journal, The Lancet, 186,000 Palestinian adults and children have so far been killed or died of disease in Gaza. Nearly 600 Palestinians have been killed on the Israeli-occupied West Bank. 10,000 Palestinians languish in Israeli prisons. The official Arab death toll to date is 39,670, including more than 15,000 children. Close to 80,000 Palestinians have been wounded. Israel says 1,139 Israelis were killed. Half of Gaza’s homes have been...

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Biden’s parting deluge of deceit deserves damning

Biden’s parting deluge of deceit deserves damning

 In a mere 11 minutes on Wednesday night, President Biden settled any doubts about whether he was fit for another four years of the presidency. Uncle Joe wrestled with the teleprompter like a slacker high school boy blindsided by trigonometry questions on the math SAT test. By the end of the Bidens brief spiel, most judges declared that the teleprompter had won by technical knockout. A few weeks ago, Biden declared that it would take “the Lord Almighty” to get him to end his re-election...

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How Can Trump End The Russia/Ukraine War?

How Can Trump End The Russia/Ukraine War?

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