Speaking Wednesday on the US House of Representatives floor, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) explained how the House leadership, through the House Rules Committee, on Tuesday night violated both the US Constitution and the War Powers Act in taking action to prevent a debate and vote on whether the US military should continue to be involved in the ongoing war on Yemen. This “illegal and unconstitutional action,” Massie describes, includes in the farm bill rule to be considered in the House a...
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Ukraine Hits Crimea (With US Targeting And British Missiles)
Yesterday, Ukraine hit targets in Crimea, damaging or destroying one kilo-class Russian sub and one landing ship. The missiles used were StormShadows from the UK and the...
Ukraine Hits Crimea (With US Targeting And British Missiles)
Yesterday, Ukraine hit targets in Crimea, damaging or destroying one kilo-class Russian sub and one landing ship. The missiles used were StormShadows from the UK and the...
Peace & Prosperity Blog
Afghan Attack: Who’s to Blame, Marines or the Policy?
The Washington Post yesterday carried the extraordinary story of two Marine generals fired after a 2012 Afghan insurgent attack on Camp Leatherneck/Camp Bastion in Afghanistan's...
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Daniel McAdams
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UN Agreement Reached on Syria; Obama Warhawks Defeated on Every Count
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Brazil President Dilma Rousseff Condemns US Mass Spying before UN General Assembly
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LPAC, Kenya, Obama at the UN — McAdams Talks Taylor
Once again, RPI's Daniel McAdams is with VoiceAmerica Radio's Jay Taylor. They discuss the recent LPAC conference and Ron Paul's speech, events in Kenya, Syria, and Obama's UN...
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