Featured Articles

Is the Violent Dismemberment of Russia Official US Policy?

Is the Violent Dismemberment of Russia Official US Policy?

If there’s one thing everyone in today’s Washington can agree on, it’s that whenever an official or someone being paid by the government says something truly outrageous or dangerous, there should be consequences, if only a fleeting moment of media fury. With one notable exception: Arguing that the US should be quietly working to promote the violent disintegration and carving up of the largest country on Earth. Because so much of the discussion around US-Russian affairs is marked by hysteria...

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Neocons & Dems Stance on Syria ‘Disgusting’

Will the neocons chalk up another victory after a suicide attack in Syria has left four Americans dead? Sen. Lindsey Graham blames Trump for the deaths for daring to talk about withdrawing troops. RPI's Daniel McAdams says if anyone is guilty it's Graham over Trump, as Trump would have had the troops home last year. Watch McAdams on RT:

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Democrat-Controlled House Breaks With Senate: Votes to Prohibit Ending Sanctions on Russian Aluminum Company

Democrat-Controlled House Breaks With Senate: Votes to Prohibit Ending Sanctions on Russian Aluminum Company

The Democrat-controlled US House has broken with the Senate and voted in favor of House Joint Resolution 30, disapproving President Trump’s proposal to lift sanctions on three Russian-owned companies.The original sanctions targeted Russian businessman Oleg Deripaska, who held a controlling stake in the three companies, United Co. Rusal, En+ Group Plc, and EuroSibEnergo JSC. Democrats in both chambers sought to force the president to maintain sanctions on the three companies despite Deripaska’s...

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Pompeo Turns Reality Upside Down

Pompeo Turns Reality Upside Down

The speech made by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at the American University in Cairo on January 10th deserves more attention than it has received from the US media. In it, Pompeo reveals his own peculiar vision of what is taking place in the Middle East, to include the impact of his own personal religiosity, and his belief that Washington’s proper role in the region is to act as “a force for good.” The extent to which the Secretary of State was speaking for himself was not completely clear,...

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The National Security Agency Is A Criminal Organization

The National Security Agency Is A Criminal Organization

Years before Edward Snowden provided documented proof that the National Security Agency was really a national insecurity agency as it was violating law and the US Constitution and spying indiscriminately on American citizens, William Binney, who designed and developed the NSA spy program revealed the illegal and unconstitutional spying. Binney turned whistleblower, because NSA was using the program to spy on Americans. As Binney was well known to the US Congress, he did not think he needed any...

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US Ground Forces are Leaving the Middle East – Like it or Not

US Ground Forces are Leaving the Middle East – Like it or Not

US ground forces appear to be leaving Syria in spite of the efforts of those who are obsessed with the region and who seek to remain no matter the cost. Inexplicably, some who wish us to remain have responsibilities in the Trump Administration. Our wars in the Middle East were lost the moment they began. These wars have proven costly in lives, wounded, populations displaced and destroyed, America’s alliances and standing in the world and trillions of dollars wasted. The greatest costs,...

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Bolton’s Radical Reshaping Plan for Mideast Included ‘Mind Boggling’ Strikes on Iran, Syria, and Iraq

Bolton’s Radical Reshaping Plan for Mideast Included ‘Mind Boggling’ Strikes on Iran, Syria, and Iraq

In 2017, less than a year before he became national security advisor, John Bolton promised a gathering of the Mujahedeen Khalq (MEK) that: The declared policy of the United States should be the overthrow of the mullahs’ regime in Tehran. … The behavior and the objectives of the regime are not going to change and, therefore, the only solution is to change the regime itself. … And that’s why, before 2019, we here will celebrate in Tehran! While some may have thought Bolton’s statements of regime...

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The Syria Outcome Will Haunt Those Who Started This War

The Syria Outcome Will Haunt Those Who Started This War

The Middle East is metamorphosing. New fault-lines are emerging, yet Trump’s foreign policy “hawks” still try to stage “old movies” in a new “theatre.” The “old movie” is for the US to “stand up” Sunni, Arab states, and lead them towards confronting “bad actor” Iran. “Team Bolton” is reverting back to the old 1996 Clean Break script – as if nothing has changed. State Department officials have been briefing that Secretary Pompeo’s address in Cairo on Thursday was “ slated to tell his audience...

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Democrats Prepare Hearings on ‘Rightwing Extremism’

Democrats Prepare Hearings on ‘Rightwing Extremism’

Prior to the 2018 midterm election, I speculated a Democrat-controlled House would result in hearings targeting “hate groups,” that is to say anybody on the “right” who challenges official narratives, otherwise known as “conspiracy theories.”“Rep. Bennie Thompson, an African American lawmaker from Mississippi, is in charge of the House Homeland Security Committee,” reports McClatchy. “Thompson intends to hold hearings to spotlight what experts say is a growth of deadly right wing extremism in...

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Top 10 Reasons Not to Love NATO

Top 10 Reasons Not to Love NATO

The New York Times loves NATO, but should you? Judging by comments in social media and the real world, millions of people in the United States have gone from having little or no opinion on NATO, or from opposing NATO as the world’s biggest military force responsible for disastrous wars in places like Afghanistan (for Democrats) or Libya (for Republicans), to believing NATO to be a tremendous force for good in the world. I believe this notion to be propped up by a series of misconceptions that...

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Please, TSA Workers, Don’t Come Back

Please, TSA Workers, Don’t Come Back

Understandably, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) employees are no more enthusiastic about working when their paychecks are delayed than is anybody else on the planet. That's why they've been calling-in sick in increased numbers—some to seek temporary work elsewhere in order to pay their bills—as the more-theater-than-reality "government shutdown" drags on. But, isn't this an opportunity for us all? Given that the world is a better place when TSA employees and other government...

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The New York Times Smears the President

The New York Times Smears the President

The Donald has been on a red hot twitter rampage, and he's completely justified. Actually, we didn't think the Russian Collusion Hoax could get any stupider until we saw the New York Times' Friday evening bushwhack. The trio of authors, apparently self-tortured victims of the Trump Derangement Syndrome, actually had the gall to print a story in the once and former Gray Lady of journalistic rectitude which was nothing more than an ugly smear on the sitting President of the United States—one...

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Bolton Had Pentagon Draw Up “Far-Reaching Military Options To Strike Iran”

Bolton Had Pentagon Draw Up “Far-Reaching Military Options To Strike Iran”

The Wall Street Journal published an Iran bombshell Sunday morning, confirming the White House had the Pentagon prepare "military options" to strike the country last year. The sudden request, seen as an unprecedented Iraq-style "shock and awe" attack on Iran, caught the Pentagon off guard, to the point that "State Dept. and Pentagon officials were rattled by the request" which officials further told the WSJ was "mind-boggling" and "cavalier" in terms of how brazen it was. The request for...

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Campaign Finance Reform Helps Special Interests

Campaign Finance Reform Helps Special Interests

One of the new Democratic House majority’s top priorities is so-called campaign finance reform legislation. Contrary to the claims of its supporters, campaign finance reform legislation does not limit the influence of powerful special interests. Instead, it violates the First Amendment and burdens those seeking real change in government. The First Amendment of the Constitution forbids Congress from interfering in any way with any citizen’s ability to influence government policies. Spending...

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Back to the USSR: How to Read Western News

Back to the USSR: How to Read Western News

The heroes of Dickens' Pickwick Papers visit the fictional borough of Eatanswill to observe an election between the candidates of the Blue Party and the Buff Party. The town is passionately divided, on all possible issues, between the two parties. Each party has its own newspaper: the Eatanswill Gazette is Blue and entirely devoted to praising the noble Blues and excoriating the perfidious and wicked Buffs; the Eatanswill Independent is equally passionate on the opposite side of every...

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Trump’s Hail Mary Becomes Bolton’s Nightmare

Trump’s Hail Mary Becomes Bolton’s Nightmare

National Security Advisor John Bolton is making the rounds in the Middle East to try and salvage what’s left of the long-standing plan to balkanize Syria and overthrow President Bashar al-Assad in the wake of President Trump’s announced troop withdrawal. What began as a political Hail Mary for Trump has morphed into a foreign policy quagmire for Bolton and the bloody-minded neoconservatives he is the tip of the spear for. Bolton first met fellow war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu to announce...

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Peace & Prosperity Blog

Is Syria Burning?

Is Syria Burning?

Remember the hopeful and optimistic "Arab Spring" narrative that the mainstream media introduced when Syria was hit by unrest in the spring of 2011? We were told by media outlet...

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